Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1494 Four Women

" could it be you?" Zhang Shun looked at the four women who were a little familiar and a little strange in front of him with a confused look on his face. He suddenly had one head and two heads.

Fortunately, he praised Li Jiyu for being sensible last night, but he turned out to be... really sensible!

It turned out that these four women were none other than the four with the most outstanding looks among the women Zhang Shun had seen at Cining Palace yesterday afternoon.

Fortunately, he was still imagining the faces of these people last night, but in the end, the real ones were pressed under him.

It's serious, things are serious.

Although in ancient times, the harem of the last emperor was basically the trophy of the victor by default.

From the Northern Song Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty, and then to the Yuan Dynasty, there are no exceptions.

However, Zhang Shun, as an excellent politician, knew that the reputation of the rebel army among the gentry was not necessarily any better than that of the Donglu in the north.

If he had treated the former royal family members well at this time, it would have somewhat changed the barbaric and brutal impression of the rebels among the gentry.

This is also the reason why Zhang Shunqian urged Li Jiyu to treat this group of people well.

However, Zhang Shun never expected that Li Jiyu would take his advice as a hint.

Good guy, Zhang Shun, who had not had a relationship with a woman for a long time, just said that this was the maid arranged for him by Li Jiyu, how could he be polite?

How could we not mention it that night? Until dawn the next day, Zhang Shun was still thinking about having another "full" meal and got up early again.

As a result, when he lifted the quilt and took a look with the faint light, the first scene appeared.

Good guy, now I can't even clear my name. The name of "Shun Chief" is lustful and "Shun Thief" is cruel and will be spread all over the world.

Seeing that the four people had their hands and feet tied and their mouths sealed. If Zhang Shun hadn't been deeply impressed by the appearance of these women, he would have almost not recognized them.

The four women lay there with dull eyes. Even when they saw Zhang Shun lift the cover, they showed no reaction. They looked as if they were despairing and determined to die.

Look at those beautiful eyes that were red and swollen. It was obvious that they had been crying all night, and now there were no tears to shed.

Zhang Shun was distressed and frightened.

What hurts him is that such beautiful women should not suffer such humiliation.

What frightened him was that everything they suffered was caused by him.

How to do how to do?

Eat and sleep, a man must admit when he makes a mistake.

But what is their crime?

Shouldn't I just watch them take advantage of their mistakes and punish them themselves?

If they really died because of this, Zhang Shun would never be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life.

His first reaction was to threaten them with their families like a villain.

You have died a hundred times, aren't you afraid that this king will take out your anger on your parents and children?

However, this thought only flashed in his mind and was extinguished by him.

On the one hand, he is not such a person, and on the other hand, he cannot say such things.

However, he has always been quick-witted, and once his brain started to work, he thought of a solution that was not a solution.

Zhang Shun reached out to pick up the gag strip and said with a smile: "You are very good, I am very happy. I don't know which one is the top one. If you look back, you will be rewarded!"





As soon as Zhang Shung took the cloth away, he heard four people's eyes almost bursting into flames as they cursed him angrily.

Obviously, the word "top card" hurt their proud hearts.

Okay, okay, okay, just curse!

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this, and suddenly felt that he had succeeded by three points.

Anger means that they still have emotions, and only with emotions can they ignite the hope of starting a new life.

"Ah? It's you!" Zhang Shun looked like he had just recognized him and said with a smile, "I almost didn't recognize him without any clothes..."

It's okay that Zhang Shun didn't say this, but when he said this, it was like a powder keg was lit.

"Big liar, I'll fight you!" One of the women, with a bit of heroic face, had the most explosive temper. She couldn't bear it first and struggled to fight Zhang Shun.

As soon as the others saw her moving her hands, they immediately joined in.

It turned out that at this time, under Zhang Shun's "reminding", the four girls recalled that this guy assured them in a human-like manner that "no one dares to touch them", and then took them and held an "uncovered meeting" ”, and wiped out the scandal of them all.

Fortunately, they thought he was a good person at the time, but he turned out to be a beast with a human face and a beastly heart!

The four girls were so angry that they rolled up to him and started to fight.

It's just that these four women are tied up, how can they get an advantage?

In this way, Zhang Shun not only took advantage of the opportunity for the four girls to eat a lot of tofu, but also aroused their anger.

As a result, the four of them turned from a fight into a real "fight".

I don’t know how long it took, but everyone finally regained their senses. The five people looked at each other, but they couldn’t come back to their senses for a long time. did this matter develop to this point?

In fact, among these five people, one is a young man in the prime of life, and the other four are young women. How can they not go off when they are in skin-to-skin contact?

By some mistake, their angrily violent action just now turned out to be "irrefutable evidence" of seducing Zhang Shun. Now they were really embarrassed to die.

"That... that..." The five of them were embarrassed for a long time, and then Zhang Shun muttered.

"Get out of here, get out of here!" The four of them were ashamed and annoyed, and the oldest woman with outstanding appearance couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"Oh, okay!" Zhang Shun didn't dare to stay any longer, so he quickly grabbed his clothes and ran out in a mess.

"Uh-huh, I don't have the face to see anyone now!" Seeing Zhang Shun disappear in a flash, the four of them couldn't help crying and hugging each other.

Everyone cried for a long time, and one of the women with a jade complexion suddenly remembered something. She couldn't help but stop crying and asked: "By the way, Concubine Tian, ​​he didn't even come up to do anything just now, why did you bother to provoke him?"

"Empress, what do you mean by this?" "Tian Fei" turned pale when she heard this, and couldn't help asking angrily.

It turns out that this "Tian Concubine" is Tian Guifei of Chongzhen. She was born delicate and multi-talented. She was good at playing chess, calligraphy, painting, horseback riding and gardening.

At that time, she relied on her strong martial arts skills and wanted to make Zhang Shun angry.

As a result, my anger failed to come out, and instead I was humiliated by him.

Thinking of this, Concubine Tian was already in agony and wanted to find a corner to hit her to death.

Seeing that the two of them were getting more and more into trouble, one of the oldest and most beautiful women suddenly became very angry and yelled, "How long has it been? Do you two still have the intention to scheming here?"

The "Queen" became even more furious when she heard this, and couldn't help but sneered: "Who am I? It turns out to be Queen Yi'an."

"You opposed the southward migration so hard, now you get what you wanted!"

It turns out that this "Queen" is none other than Empress Zhou, whose complexion is like jade, and she almost fascinated Zhang Shun.

This week the queen is dignified and generous, virtuous and rarely mean.

However, there happened to be two people in this palace who were not compatible with her.

One is Zhang Yan, the queen of Tianqi, who was later canonized as Queen Yi'an by Chongzhen; and the other is Concubine Tian Guifei, who is versatile and praised by everyone.

It's a coincidence that one is just like her, both have outstanding looks and are known for their virtuousness, while the other is the opposite of her, less good-looking but versatile.

In the past, these two people had different noses and faces to her.

Today, she took the opportunity and let out a fierce breath.

Good guy, Queen Yi'an was so angry that her face turned red and white.

In fact, Queen Na Yi'an was opposed to moving south, so she naturally had her own considerations.

One is that all the royal tombs, including those of her husband Tianqi, are in the capital. Once they go there, they may be destroyed.

There is another one who also speaks on behalf of some of Tianqi’s old ministers and nobles.

These people have built many fields, houses and courtyards in the capital. Once they move south, they will all disappear. How can they not object?

It's just that she had all the predictions, but she didn't expect that the "obedient thief" would come in so quickly.

What seemed like a thoughtful choice at first, now seemed like "delivered to your doorstep", and Queen Yi'an was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"You... please stop arguing. Now... now we are grasshoppers on the same rope. We should think of a solution quickly!" At this moment, a woman with an appearance comparable to Tian Fei couldn't help but remind her. .

"What else can we do?" After hearing this, everyone looked at their bound hands and feet and couldn't help but feel frustrated.

It’s a holiday, let the protagonist have a good meal

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