Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1495 Lack of Money

"Morning, Your Highness!" As soon as Zhang Shun left the Yangxin Hall, the guards guarding the door of the Yangxin Hall greeted him one after another.

Even though Li Jiyu took the lead in attacking the capital and then the Forbidden City, it was actually impossible for Zhang Shun to completely trust him.

Although the two personal guard leaders Wukong and Ji Longfeng and some of his personal guards were sent by him to assist Zhang Sanbai and Zhang Fengyi, he suddenly still had two hundred proven personal guards around him.

These personal guards have already become familiar with Zhang Shun, and sometimes they will make a small joke with him.

"What's the morning?" Zhang Shun looked at the rising sun and couldn't help but smile.

"Some people go out at three o'clock in the morning, but in fact they have gotten up early; some people go out before dawn, but in fact they have just woken up. The sooner or later they get up is not the key, the key is what they do in the meantime!" The guard imitated Zhang Shun's old tone and said with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Zhang Shun was not angry when he heard this, but laughed heartily.

The man couldn't say no. Although this place was actually quite far away from the dormitory, and they probably wouldn't hear a few sounds, he still couldn't help but feel proud, as if he was a villain.

Not long after, Zhang Shun left the Yangxin Palace and came to the Qianqing Palace, where he saw Gao Qiqian and several eunuchs waiting there.

"Your Highness, please have a meal!" When Gao Qiqian saw Zhang Shun, he quickly bowed respectfully.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun saw two more eunuchs carrying two large food boxes, containing several meat and vegetable dishes.

"Oh, don't be busy, don't be busy, state affairs are important!" Zhang Shun thought that there were four people in the "family" and quickly stopped the two eunuchs.

In fact, he had been busy for so long from last night to this morning and was already hungry, but he still held it back.

"Uh..." Gao Qiqian didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, so he had to order the two eunuchs to put down the food boxes for now.

"That... that, after verification by my servants all night long, it was found that there are only 70,000 gold in the internal treasure treasury. I searched all the gold and silver objects in the palace, as well as the concubines' jewelry, and made up for 200,000 to 300,000 pieces."

"There are rare antique paintings, jewelry and other items, royal faces and ears, which are difficult to count."

"What about the treasury?" Zhang Shun was a little confused.

He thought that Chongzhen was a bit poor, but he didn't expect to be so poor.

Two to three hundred thousand taels doesn't sound like a lot for a person or a family.

But for a country, let alone two to three million taels, even two to three million taels cannot quench its thirst.

"Treasury?" Gao Qiqian was stunned after hearing Zhang Shun's words, and couldn't help but explain.

"In the Ming Dynasty, the state had many warehouses, generally including ten warehouses in the inner government and five warehouses in the outer government."

"Those with ten treasuries include A, B, C, D, E, Chengyun, Guanghui, Guangying, Guangji, and stolen goods."

"The inner carrying warehouse, the so-called internal money, stores satin, gold, silver, gems, jade, horns, and feathers. The gold, flowers and silver are the largest, and it is rare to earn a million taels a year."

"The Guangji storehouse stores sulfur and saltpeter. The A storehouse stores cloth and pigments. The B storehouse stores fat jackets, combat shoes, and sergeant fur hats. The C storehouse stores cotton and silk. The D storehouse stores copper, iron, and animal skins. , Sumu. The Wu-character storehouse stores armor and swords. The stolen goods and punishment storehouse stores confiscated official property. The Guanghui storehouse stores money and banknotes. The Guangying storehouse stores silk, gauze, damask, brocade, and silk. The six storehouses all belong to the Ministry of Household Affairs. .”

"But the Yi-zi treasury belongs to the Ministry of War, and the Wu-zi treasury, Guangji, and Guangying treasury belong to the Ministry of Industry. There is also the Tiantai treasury, also known as the Si key treasury, which stores the keys of each yamen and also stores money. The supply treasury stores japonica rice, cooked rice, etc. Rice and offerings. The above are collectively called the inner treasury."

"The five treasuries are the Hubu Taicangku, the Gongbu Jieshen treasury, the Taipusi Changying treasury, the Guanglu Temple silver treasury and the Nanjing Hubu silver treasury."

"Among them, the main ones are Taicang, the Ministry of Revenue, which is divided into two categories: grain warehouses and bank warehouses. The grain warehouses are generally located in Jingshi and Tongzhou, specializing in collecting grain from canals. In summer and autumn, grain can be converted into silver, salt can be converted into silver, commercial taxes, horse grass All the broken silver and other items will be put into the warehouse."

"The expenses include the annual regulations of the Nine Borders, salaries, military pay, rewards, etc., and they often cannot make ends meet."

"The Ministry of Industry is dedicated to storing silver, copper, iron, lead and other materials, with an annual collection of 800,000 taels of miscellaneous materials. However, since Wanli, it has cost 5.957 million yuan to build the three main halls. Today, it is also Xinxin But there is no saving at all!”

"As for Taipu Temple, it specializes in horse administration. Since the mutual market, I have earned the difference in silver prices and once accumulated tens of millions of silver."

"Unfortunately, in the early years of Chongzhen, the three departments of Nuclear Army and Household Workers borrowed a total of more than 13 million for horses. Nowadays, there are frequent wars, and there is a shortage of both horses and silver, but An has a surplus."

"As for Guanglu Temple, it is in charge of court sacrifices, banquets and palace meals. There is a lot of money coming out, but little money coming in. It relies on the treasury all the year round for support."

Although Zhang Shun was already ravenous and thirsty, seeing Gao Qiqian talking about business, he had to brace himself and listen carefully.

After only listening for a moment, Zhang understood it by the way.

Regardless of Gao Qiqian's eloquent words, his core idea is just two words: no money!

As the saying goes: A penny can defeat a hero.

Zhang Shun needs more than "a penny". I'm afraid he won't be able to raise tens of millions of silver this time, and he won't be able to survive at all.

"Let's do this. You first help me check the storage and documents in each warehouse to find out how much has been spent, how much is left, and how much should be spent." Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask.

"Officials from various ministries and departments, some and some without, regardless of whether they are corrupt, virtuous or ignorant, have all called out to work. Let's put up the airs of the court first."

"As for money matters, I will think of a solution later!"

Men can't say no, even though they are already very poor, even if they cut Zhang Shun into pieces and sell them, they still wouldn't be able to make so much money.

However, he swears by it as if the money is just a piece of cake for him and can be obtained at his fingertips.

"Slave, take orders!" Seeing that Zhang Shun was worried, Gao Qiqian immediately put his heart in his stomach.

As for whether Zhang Shun can raise so much money, it doesn't matter to Gao Qiqian.

Seeing Zhang Shun pick up a box of food in one hand, he turned to leave.

He couldn't help but open his mouth, and suddenly he knelt on the ground with a "pop" sound and said: "I'm so bold, I want you to beg for your grace first!"

"Huh? Let's talk about it?" Zhang Shun was about to leave in a hurry, but he had to stop at this time.

"Although I am a disabled person, I still know how to repay kindness." Gao Qiqian muttered.

"The previous emperor is dead, but we are left with orphans, widows and slaves. I beg your Highness to take care of them at the right time."

Oh, don’t you see that this slave of yours still listens to kindness and justice?

Zhang Shun looked at Gao Qiqian in surprise, nodded and said: "That's right, that's right, the jewelry collected from the concubine. Let's return it!"

Can I not take care of them?

How can you ask me to take care of you even if you take care of me on the bed?

Anyway, the money is already your own money, so why not return it and look better.

How could Gao Qiqian have expected that in just one short night, the new master and the old master's family had become one family, and they were completely integrated.

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