Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1497 Wanting Money

"Come here, there is no one!" Zhang Shun secretly observed the surrounding situation at the back door of Yangxin Hall, and then waved in a low voice.

Immediately, a woman wearing a white shirt with a red belly lining also tiptoed out.

The visitor was none other than Empress Zhou, who was "hidden in the golden house" by Zhang Shun.

It was said that the five of them finally finished their breakfast. Zhang Shun saw that the girls were naked and indecent. Actually, he was afraid that he would die from exhaustion, so he offered to put clothes on for them.

So, under the guidance of the girls, he found their clothes for them.

Now that they were fully dressed, Zhang shamelessly asked them to repay him.

After what happened, the four girls were not so disgusted with him.

Don't say yes, don't say no, just silently acquiesce.

So Zhang took the lead to loosen the cloth tied to Queen Zhou and secretly took her out.

"Where are you going?" The thin Queen Zhou asked a little shyly as soon as she left the Yangxin Hall.

It turned out that Zhang Shun, intentionally or unintentionally, when he retrieved their clothes, only found their coats, but not their obscene clothes. Her outfit was missing only one piece of clothing.

Empress Zhou only felt that it was cold under her body, as if she had no clothes on, and she felt quite uneasy.

"Go to Qianqing Palace!" Zhang Shun approached and responded in a low voice, but unexpectedly smelled a refreshing fragrance.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and asked smoothly: "Huh? It smells so good. What kind of fragrance is this?"

"Yes... it's the scent of jasmine..." Queen Zhou muttered carefully.

The sweetness of roses, the fragrance of plum blossoms, the remoteness of orchids, and the elegance of magnolias, jasmine has it all.

It turned out that the Queen's family lived in Suzhou this week and she was not allowed to return to her hometown after entering the palace, so she planted more than 60 jasmine plants in Kunning Palace to comfort her homesickness.

When the jasmine flowers bloom, she likes to pick jasmine flowers, cluster them into balls, and decorate them on her temples.

He also collected purple jasmine seeds from the palace, peeled the shells, grinded them finely and steamed them until they were as pink as jade, named "pearl powder", and used as a spice, so they had a floral fragrance.

Of course, Zhang Shun could not understand the reason, but when he heard this word, a familiar sentence blurted out: "What a beautiful jasmine flower!"

As soon as Zhang Shun said these words, he immediately saw the jade-skinned Queen Zhou, and instantly turned red from her neck to her ears.

This woman is so cute, like a mimosa, she can't stand even the slightest tease.

"What a jasmine flower, what a jasmine flower. The flowers and grass in the garden are not as fragrant as hers. I have no intention of picking one, but I am afraid that it will not sprout next year..." As a result, when Zhang Shun was daydreaming for no reason, Queen Zhou suddenly hummed. Played a tune.

The familiar tune, the familiar rhythm, somehow sounded familiar to Zhang Shun.

" do you know this piece of music?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked, stunned.

"Uh..." Queen Zhou, who was singing in a low voice, was stunned when she heard Zhang Shun's words, and then whispered.

"Just now... I heard your tune, and suddenly... I suddenly remembered the "Flower Flower Tune" from my hometown..."

It turns out that when Queen Zhou was a child, she spent a wonderful time in Wuxian County, Suzhou, so she could hum a few tunes from her hometown even though she didn't know the rhythm.

As for Good Death, this "Flower Tune" is the predecessor of Zhang Shun's "Jasmine" in his previous life. The history overlaps here in a strange way.

"Singing so well!" Zhang Shun praised sincerely.

"Don't... don't make fun of me... I... I don't know the music at all..." It's funny, although Queen Zhou is known as a wise empress. Except for "knowing calligraphy and painting, and being familiar with medicinal properties", all the skill points are like They all focused on textiles, women's clothing and housework.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she still yearns for the skills of music, chess, calligraphy, painting, horseback riding and gardening that release women's nature, but she is bound by "women's ethics" and dare not go beyond the limits.

Because of this, she was full of "envy, jealousy and hatred" towards Concubine Tian, ​​who happened to be good at these things.

"I'm not making fun of you, I'm also tone-deaf..." Compared to Queen Zhou's lack of confidence, Zhang Shun was much more confident.

"Then you still say it sounds nice..." Queen Zhou was stunned. How could there be such a person in the world? You don't understand anything and you still dare to speak so loudly.

"Even if I'm tone-deaf, why can't I still hear it?" Zhang Shun looked at the confused Queen Zhou and couldn't help but smile.

At that moment he could feel that she was homesick.

A woman whose eyes are as deep as the sea upon entering the palace has not been back to her hometown for who knows how many years. It is inevitable that she will feel a little homesick, just like herself.

At the same time, we have become human beings at the end of the world. Why do we have to know each other before?

"We're here!" Zhang Shun sighed and pushed away the side of Qianqing Palace.

"Come...what are you doing here?" Queen Zhou looked at the empty Qianqing Palace, a little scared.

"Get in!" Zhang Shun pointed to the imperial case in front of the dragon chair and ordered with some playfulness.

"Ah?" Queen Zhou was startled when she heard this, and at the same time she had some vague guesses in her heart.

"No... you can't..." She said with a suppressed blush on her pretty face.

"If you wait any longer, someone will come in a while!" Zhang Shun looked at her with a half-smile.

This woman is quite strong, but also a bit obsessed with face.

"Ah!" Queen Zhou was startled when she heard this. She quickly got under the imperial desk and raised her buttocks.

Zhang Shun sat up on the dragon chair, looked at Queen Zhou's butt, slapped her face in a funny way and said: "Lie down, don't do any tricks!"

In fact, when he first tricked her into going out, he really had such evil intentions.

However, when she sang the song "Flower Tune", his charming thoughts disappeared.

"Your Majesty, Zhou Kui, has met with you." Not long after Queen Zhou hid, her father's voice sounded outside.

Her heart trembled, and she suddenly understood what she had escaped just now.

"Zhou Kui, get up!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said politely when he saw his cheap father-in-law.

"Um. Well, although there is something that is not easy to say, I thought about it and it would be better to mention it to you."

"Your Majesty, please speak!" Zhou Kui's voice was obviously trembling.

"That's right, your daughter, Queen Zhou, is in my hands!" Zhang Shun said in shock, "I wonder how much money you are willing to pay to redeem her?"

"Ah?" Zhou Kui was obviously stunned. He hadn't thought that Zhang Shun would say such a thing, so he couldn't help but gestured with a number and said, "I'll take that one."

"Five hundred thousand taels?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed.

There was a long silence, and Zhang Shun's disappointed voice sounded again: "Fifty thousand?"

"Five thousand?"

"Five hundred taels!" Zhou Kui replied in pain.

Empress Zhou couldn't believe her ears. She originally heard Concubine Tian say that her family was rich, and she said that she could escape from the fire pit this time.

As a result, in the eyes of his father, he was only worth five hundred taels, not even worth a famous Jiangnan prostitute.

"Hehe, the little old man was originally a fortune teller. His family has no money. If his family has no money, how can I have any money for you?" Zhou Kui said awkwardly.

"How about, my little girl is still quite pretty, Your Majesty, just stay with me and do your best."

When Queen Zhou heard this, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. She couldn't help but think of the words she used to scold Zhang Shun: Shameless!

As a woman, there are only three people she can rely on in this era: her husband, her son and her father.

Now her husband is dead and her son is still young.

The only one she could rely on was her old father, but she didn't expect that the only father she could rely on was this kind of person.

If it weren't for her face, she couldn't help but jump out and question him: Doesn't my daughter count as a human being in your eyes?

"Is that so?" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun smiled and said, "You mean, you want to remarry your daughter to me?"

"No wonder you are a fortune teller, but you are very good at calculating things!"

No, what does it have to do with me being a fortune teller and whether I know how to use an abacus? Zhou Kui was a little confused.

"Well, since you want to remarry your daughter to me, then... first take out one million taels of silver as a dowry!" Zhang Shun's shameless voice rang out at the right time.

In terms of shamelessness, it has to be you, King Shun!

This sentence came to the minds of Queen Zhou and Zhou Kui and his daughter at the same time.

"Let's not talk about the fact that the little old man doesn't have a million. Even if he did, there's no reason to pay for his daughter and also the money?" Zhou Kui said with a look of astonishment.

"Zhang Guozhang, your calculation is wrong!" I heard Zhang Shun laugh and say, "Let's not mention that your daughter is a second-married woman and has brought two or three prostitutes. If you want to marry a good family, it will be difficult. ah!"

"Just say that you are a fortune teller, how did you get this wealth? Why don't you sell your daughter to marry her?"

"Let's not talk about marrying a daughter or not. Let's put your daughter aside for now."

"As the saying goes: There is an emperor and a minister, not to mention that the dynasty has changed now. For a remnant of the previous dynasty like you, killing the whole family and turning the female family members into official prostitutes is the most basic operation, right?"

"What's your money? That's my money. Even your daughter should be mine!"

"Now you are using my one million taels of silver to buy the lives of your family and the daughter that should belong to me. I also got a big backer for no reason. Where can you find such a business?"

"If I hadn't been the one to become emperor soon, would it be your turn to do this kind of business?"

"Uh-huh." Zhou Kui was stunned for a moment, and Queen Zhou was also stunned. Is there such a way to settle accounts in the world?

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Zhang Shun said earnestly: "Zhang Zhou, our family will soon be one family, and we won't talk about two families."

"You must know that money is nothing but external possessions. Being able to make money is not a skill. Being able to spend money is a skill."

"You can't save tens of millions of dollars by saving money. Only by seeing the right time and making a desperate move can you become rich."

"I had a... friend before, who was just a rich man. Because he believed in my words, he spent all his wealth to support the rebel army."

"Nowadays, we don't say that wealth can rival the country, but there is absolutely no problem in calling Li Bancheng or Li Ka-shing respectfully."

"What are you waiting for? For one million, you can't buy it and suffer losses, and you can't buy it and be fooled!"

"As long as you think about it carefully, now that the new dynasty has just been established, how many people are eager to see you, and how many people have nowhere to turn to. If you are the first to become a powerful figure in the new dynasty, how many people will have to cross the threshold of your home?"

"These people range from gentry to civil servants and generals. All of them are millionaires. Isn't it too much for you to receive dozens or even millions of taels by the way?"

"You have to know that in addition to your daughter, I also have Concubine Tian, ​​Concubine Yuan and a bunch of other old concubines in my hands."

"They are all like hungry wolves, their eyes are gleaming green, and they have long been eyeing this piece of fat."

"If you have a quick hand, you will have nothing!"

"If you don't eat it, they will eat it; if you don't eat it, they will eat it!"

Zhang Shun's words only made Zhou Kui's blood boil.

He couldn't help but said: "Okay, okay, I've made this deal, and I'll pay one million!"

"Ah, well, come on, let's prove it with nothing. If you sign it, you will be my father-in-law!" Zhang Shun smiled like a devil and asked the young eunuch to hand over the document.

Zhou Kui didn't even look at it. He just signed the calligraphy and the painting with three strokes, five divisions and two.

"Okay, it's done!" Seeing everyone going out, Zhang Shun patted Queen Zhou and said.

"Huh? Uh" Not long after, Queen Zhou came out from under the imperial desk, with a pretty face like a kaleidoscope, looking at Zhang Shun complicatedly.

She wanted to scold Zhang Shun for instigating the relationship between her father and daughter, but she couldn't help but want to ask if she could join in. For a moment, she didn't know what expression to make.

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