Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1500: Offering prisoners at the Meridian Gate

"Wow, this is the false prince of the Tatars. Doesn't he look like he has three heads and six arms?" The people in the capital have been really stabbed in the butt with a knife in the past few days, which has opened their eyes.

First, the "shun thieves" came in, and the Ming Dynasty changed hands in the three hundred years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty by Taizu.

Then came the Liaodong border troubles that had raged for more than fifty years since the "Thirteen Armors" were launched in the 11th year of Wanli. The hundreds of thousands of troops were wiped out in one fell swoop and their vitality was severely damaged.

In fact, Hauge was certainly not the prince of Mrs. Hong. He did not have a clear prince until his death.

However, the rebels could not stand it because they deliberately promoted it so that ordinary people could understand it.

At this time, King Shun Zhang Shun was like a red sun rising slowly, shining on the ancient earth.

Now, even Huang Tiaozi can vaguely feel that another peaceful and prosperous era is about to begin.

And in the middle of this commotion, he was sitting in the house with a sad face.

In the past few days, he visited all the noble houses, but he couldn't borrow a penny.

The reason is very simple. How can anyone care about a former state leader who has lost his position and wants power but not power, and money but not money?

But he couldn't say shamelessly: "Although my daughter Zhang Yan is already thirty years old, she is deeply loved by King Shun now. Who knows she won't be another ten thousand noble concubine in the future!"

Therefore, he could only sell some of his family property and barely scrape together two to thirty thousand taels of silver.

"Alas, this time I fell into the trap of 'King Shun'!" Zhang Guoji sighed and couldn't help but pat his thigh.

"Sir, Lord Dingguo sent someone to say that he is willing to accept two hundred thousand taels of silver!" At this moment, the housekeeper at home suddenly ran in to report.

"Ah? Please come soon, please come quickly!" Zhang Guoji was overjoyed when he heard this, but before he finished speaking, someone else shouted loudly.

"The British government sent someone here and is willing to lend one hundred thousand taels of silver!"

"Prince-in-law Ran sent someone to give him fifty thousand taels of silver!"

"Ten thousand consorts have sent people here, and they are willing to accept seventy thousand taels!"

At this moment, as the disciples shouted one after another, the nobles of the capital suddenly relaxed, and in a short time they had collected seven to eight hundred thousand taels, which immediately made the "King Zhang" Zhang Guoji overjoyed.

"Ah, how can you be so embarrassed? Please come in, please come in!" Zhang Guoji hurriedly came out to welcome him.

"No, no, we're still waiting to see the Meridian Gate to present prisoners, so we won't go in. We also ask Zhang Guozhang to turn around and say a nice word for us in front of His Highness King Shun!" All the confidants couldn't help but declined.

It turns out that in order to make the story sound nice, he told the nobles and civil servants in the capital that he had a way to "reach the sky", but he needed to borrow a million taels of silver to spend.

When this guy gained power, Zhang Yan and Queen Zhang had become a widow, so what could they do to help?

Therefore, the relatives of the emperor did not regard him as one of their own at all. Only some civil servants needed to use the identity of Queen Zhang to play a role, and they had some contact with him.

As if so many people suddenly came, Zhang Guoji couldn't help but be confused even as he was overjoyed.

"Prisoners at the Meridian Gate?" Zhang Guoji looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Hey, you don't know about such a big thing, don't you? Go quickly. The soldiers under King Shun have captured the Tatar pseudo-emperor alive. He is now parading through the streets. At noon, I am afraid that the prisoners will be sacrificed at the Meridian Gate and the punishment will be announced. !" Everyone couldn't help shouting.

ha? Good son-in-law, you really stand up for me!

Zhang Guoji was overjoyed when he heard this, and couldn't help but said quickly: "I have been busy raising money these two days, but unexpectedly today, I just packed up and left."

"Hey, what else are you packing? If you are interested, come with us as soon as possible. My duke (consort) happens to be there, so we can watch and watch together." A group of confidants of the duke (consort) who had been avoided in the past were very cordial at this time. Pulling Zhang Guoji's hand, the good ones are like brothers who have not yet entered the fifth server.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, let's go now, go now!" Zhang Guoji quickly changed his clothes and headed to the Meridian Gate, the main entrance of the Forbidden City, surrounded by people.

However, before everyone could rush to the Meridian Gate, they rushed to the main gate of the imperial city. They saw that there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the gate. Many officials, gentry, and ordinary people were crowded and crowded. The hall was full, and many people stood on tiptoe. He stood up on his toes and stretched his neck to look inside.

"How. How come there are so many people?" Zhang Guoji couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"His Royal Highness King Shun has given special permission today. All people in the capital can line up in an orderly manner to enter the ceremony!" A man who looked like a student explained.

"Ah, that's really gratifying!" Zhang Guoji quickly thanked him.

"Who says it's not the case? This Donglu has been causing trouble to our frontiers for more than fifty years, and has also disturbed the capital. Many people nearby have been harmed." The student couldn't help but be filled with indignation after hearing this.

"My uncle's family also suffered a disaster in his own year, which is really heartbreaking. I never thought that today's great revenge would be avenged, but it will come to light..."

"Prince of the State, don't delay here. Duke Cheng Guo has reserved a place for you. Let's go in quickly!" Just as Zhang Guoji was listening with interest, someone unexpectedly came and shouted.

Zhang Guoji quickly said goodbye to the man, and slowly squeezed in under the guidance of Duke Na Cheng.

After finally squeezing in, Zhang Guoji's vision suddenly opened up. He saw that both sides from the Meridian Gate to Chengtian Gate were almost full of people.

Only the middle part, blocked by soldiers, formed a spacious passage.

There was a group of people standing in the center of the passage. They were the prisoners of Houjin soldiers who were being escorted. A rough look at the direction showed that there were more than two thousand people.

It turned out that Zhang Shun, in order to frighten the unruly people in the city, deliberately asked Li Zicheng, Zhang Sanbai and others to send more people who had committed the most heinous crimes to clarify the punishment.

When Zhang Guoji met Duke Cheng Guoji, they sat down and talked about common things. All they heard was the sound of bells and the sound of golden drums.

Suddenly, King Shun Zhang was seen walking out, accompanied by four palace maids.

"Wow, this is His Royal Highness King Shun. He really has the qualifications to be an emperor!" The crowd couldn't help but burst into a roar.

As we said before, Zhang Shun is very good-looking and has quite a temperament.

Originally receiving propaganda from the Ming court, many people thought that he was either full of flesh and murderous intent, or that he had a sinister look and a traitorous look on his face.

Who would have thought that this guy was tall and burly, with an upright posture, and walked with a calm and steady pace, as straight as a man in heaven!

And the four maids beside him were as beautiful as heavenly beings, almost incomparable to human beings.

Ahem... Taikang Bo Zhang Guoji's throat suddenly felt a little itchy.

Originally, others didn't know it, so how could he himself not know it? Although one of the women changed her clothes and covered it up a little, others couldn't recognize her, so how could he himself not recognize her?

If this isn't her own daughter, the former empress Zhang Yan, who is she?

It turned out that this was not Zhang Shun's deliberate showoff. In fact, the rebels had just entered the city and all manpower was lacking.

However, the "Meridian Gate Presentation of Prisoners" that he carefully prepared was a ceremony of great political significance, so out of desperation, he had to let Zhang Zhoutian and Zhu Si wear makeup and act as personal palace maids.

These four women were usually naturally beautiful and did not wear any makeup or makeup. Therefore, after they carefully changed their makeup and clothes, even those who were not close to them would not be able to spot them.

Many people in this scene are eagerly waiting to see what will happen to the "pretend prince" of Jianlu. How can they be interested in watching these four women?

When Zhang Shun boarded the Meridian Gate and got down from his seat, the rituals and music stopped.

Gao Qiqian, who acted as the salute officer, couldn't help but shout loudly: "Come in!"

Upon hearing this, General Zhaode Zhang Fengyi quickly stood up holding the cloth and bowed four times to where Zhang Shun was at the Meridian Gate.

"Into Lubu!"

Zhang Fengyi quickly held the cloth, walked to the middle passage in front of the Meridian Gate, and placed the cloth on the table that had been prepared.


"In the seventh month of the Wei Dynasty, King Shun settled in Huangdi City and fought against the Tartars living in Chiyou Village." Zhang Fengyi knelt in front of the case and read loudly.

"In the first battle at Banquan, we beheaded the puppet king Meng Lama Jinzhou who was traitorous, the puppet king traitor Kong Youde, and the puppet king Geng Zhongming was surrendered!"

"Wow!" The crowd couldn't help but burst out with shouts, "It's unprecedented to defeat one king in one battle and kill two kings!"

"In the Second World War at Chiyou Village, the two sides lined up for more than ten miles, and the battle lasted a whole day without deciding the winner. King Shun ascended to the nine heavens to observe the reality." Zhang Fengyi was not moved at all and continued to read loudly.

"At that time, Zhaode General Zhang Fengyi led 7,000 white-armed soldiers to cross Yinglong and Hanbao Mountains, attacked them fiercely, and divided the Chinese army into two sections."

"The Jianlu rebels formed a chaotic group, and the rebel army took the opportunity to cover up and kill them. The Jianlu soldiers were defeated. They beheaded the puppet king Jierhalang, took away his puppet kings Yue Tuo and Duduo, and killed fifty thousand of his soldiers!"

"Wow!" Immediately a louder cry rang out from the field, "Hu no one, Han Daochang! Hu no one, Han Daochang!"

More attentive people have already shouted: "She is General Zhaode Zhang Fengyi, she is General Zhaode Zhang Fengyi, did you hear it? Did you hear it?"

The whole place was in chaos for a while, and the generals on both sides fired their whips desperately, but to no avail.

Zhang Shungao was sitting on the Meridian Gate. Seeing the enthusiastic and excited mood of the gentry and the common people, he couldn't help but order: "Get up and dive, let the generals who maintain order rest for a while. Later, when the people are tired, we can calm down again!"

To be honest, they were excited, but Zhang Shun himself was even more excited.

The battle that determined the outcome of the world still makes people's blood boil when I think about it.

Of course, just when Zhang Shun was extremely excited, the four girls Zhang Yan, Zhou Yufeng, Tian Xiuying and Zhu Huiti couldn't help but have their hearts pounding and couldn't help but secretly glance at him.

Heroes are only worthy of beauty!

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