Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1501 Everyone has their own concerns

After everyone finally calmed down, Zhang Fengyi, who was kneeling with pain in her knees, couldn't help but said loudly: "In the third battle on the west road of Jing, King Shun commanded with ease. It is gratifying to kill his traitor, the false king. He killed his traitor Fan Wencheng, a great scholar, and captured him alive." His false prince, Hauge, will kill his false emperor, Mrs. Hong!"

"Wow!" Suddenly, the whole sky outside the Meridian Gate was filled with excitement, and the sound shook several miles away.

"Capture Hauge, kill Mrs. Hong, long live King Shun!"

"Capture Hauge, kill Mrs. Hong, long live King Shun!"

At this moment, the atmosphere on the court almost reached its peak.

However, Zhang Fengyi didn't want to play with them anymore, so she quickly put down the cloth, rubbed her sore knees, bowed four times to Zhang Shun, and then slowly withdrew.

When General Zhaode Zhang Fengyi retreated, Gao Qiqian shouted loudly: "Present prisoners!"

Immediately, the general escorted more than 2,000 people including Hauge and others, filed in, and escorted them to the prisoner offering area.

At this time, the other prisoners were already fighting and surrendering to the ground. Only Prince Houjinsu stood proudly and did not kneel.

"Kneel down!" The general who was escorting him saw how bold this guy was and couldn't help but kick his knees.

"I was born to be a king, and I conquered everything in the east and west. Now I fall into your hands. It is not a crime of war, but a destiny. How can I kneel to you!" Hauge couldn't help shouting in the direction of Zhang Shun. shouted.

"Destiny? This king is destiny!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered, "If he refuses to repent, he will be punished. The soldiers will break his legs!"

Zhang Shun gave the order, and two soldiers, each holding a stick, struck Zhang Shun's legs randomly, and finally knocked him to his knees.

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it!" Hauge couldn't help shouting, but no one cared about him.

At this moment, Li Zicheng, who had arrived in a hurry, couldn't help but kowtow and said: "Chen Zicheng, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Route Army of the Eastern Expedition, said: Zhang Sanbai, the left commander of the Central Route Army, captured the puppet prince Hauge and the East captives on the West Road of Jingjing. There are 2,231 puppet officials and soldiers, big and small, please pay your orders to take care of them!"

However, as soon as Li Zicheng finished speaking, before Zhang Shun could reply, someone suddenly shouted loudly: "A certain people in the capital are asking His Highness King Shun to kill the Tatars in order to eliminate the hatred in the hearts of the people in the world. Please order me!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the people outside the Meridian Gate became furious and wanted to come forward to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin!

After everyone shouted for a long time and gradually calmed down, Zhang Shun hesitated and said: "God listens to the people, and God's will depends on the public opinion. Since the public opinion is like this, take it, take it!"

As soon as Zhang Shun said this, Wukong and the others who had just returned to their positions quickly shouted: "Take it!"

After the guards finished shouting, the soldiers further away also shouted: "Take it!"

Afterwards, the management people on both sides of the avenue also shouted: "Take it!"

These two words were shouted from near to far, from top to bottom, until the whole audience shouted loudly, the sound was as loud as thunder, and it only scared Hauge and the others into fighting, and their excrement and urine flowed out!

Some soldiers had already dragged a group of people aside, and with a knife in their hand, a big head fell out.

The screams are endless here, and someone on the other side has already shouted: "Well done, well done, dog Tatars, you too will have this day!"

At this moment, Li Zicheng hurriedly asked for orders: "There are five leaders of the Donglu puppet kings: Lama Jinzhou, Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, Jierharang and Hauge, and the leader of the traitor Fan Wencheng, a pseudo-majority scholar." One, one for the head of the false emperor Hong Tai, I don’t know what to do with it?”

"Send this message to others as a warning!" Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and then ordered loudly.

Although the rebels have now entered Beijing, the two towns of Jiliao are still disobedient, and many other places in Gansu, Ningxia, Yulin, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Xuanfu, and Datong are also dissatisfied.

Only by frightening Houjin with his powerful military force, can we be worry-free!

"Okay, okay, okay, King Shun will conquer the world!" Just as Zhang Shun gave the order, the officials, gentry, and eunuchs sitting there couldn't help but nodded.

"Mr. Cheng Guoji, what do you think?" Just as everyone was talking about it, Zhang Guoji looked at Gong Cheng Guoji beside him and couldn't help but said.

"I don't think so. The rise and fall of a country has its own destiny, which cannot be predicted by human ministers!" Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Chengguo, couldn't help but said with a cold face.

A grassroots person is a grassroots person. Even if he wears official clothes, he still can't change his habits as a grassroots person!

Zhu Chunchen, Duke of Chengguo, shook his head. He didn't know for a moment whether his two hundred thousand yuan would be wasted.

It turns out that Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Chengguo, was a knight of Zhu Neng, the general during Zhu Di's calamity in the Ming Dynasty. This has been passed down to the 12th generation.

Although Duke Cheng was not the most respected and powerful among the five founding Dukes of the Ming Dynasty, he was the person Chongzhen trusted the most.

Not only did he be granted the title of Grand Tutor, he was also ordered to be the governor of Jingying.

However, although this guy's name is Chun Chen, he is not pure at all.

It turned out that after Zhang Shun entered Beijing, he began to plan to join the new dynasty to ensure wealth.

However, he was not worried about how the new dynasty would be, so he kept waiting and watching.

Previously, Taikang Bo Zhang Guoji came to visit and claimed that he could reach the sky. He had always been hesitant about this.

It wasn't until today that I saw that the rebel army was so powerful that no one could stop it, that I firmly decided to join the rebel army.

Therefore, he quickly sent an envoy to promise two hundred thousand taels of silver and invited him to sit beside him to watch the ceremony. This was an obvious signal.

In the end, I didn't expect that this guy was a fool and didn't even understand such a thing.

If it doesn't work, just kick this guy away and go it alone!

Zhu Chunchen, Duke of Chengguo, hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but make up his mind.

Even if King Shun is willing to accept this piece of national history, he is willing to take it in. If he does what he likes, he will definitely be able to gain great wealth in exchange for it!

Not to mention what Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Chengguo, was thinking about, Zhang Shun had been busy for a long time, and when he saw Prince Nasu Hauge dying, he announced the end of the ceremony and returned to the palace.

Unexpectedly, he had just returned to Qianqing Palace. Seeing no one around him, Zhang Yan, Zhou Yufeng, Tian Xiuying and Zhu Huiti took advantage of the opportunity to change his clothes and began to touch him.

"We'll have business later, don't mess around!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh or cry. He didn't expect that after some training by himself, these four beauties would actually take the initiative.

In fact, Zhang Shun had wronged them.

Although the five people were making a fuss like crazy, in fact, thinking about it privately, the four women still felt very ashamed.

However, as the saying goes: "Beautiful women love heroes." Originally, these four women were with Zhang Shun, not only out of necessity, but also because of their broken hearts.

However, after today's huge ceremony, seeing the people around them achieve such great achievements, one can imagine the shock in their hearts.

Originally, Zhang Shun wanted to take the opportunity to shock Xiaoxiao's generation, but in the end, Xiaoxiao's generation was so shocked that they didn't know it, but instead shocked the four women to their hearts' content.

If he is an ordinary person, that's it. By chance, he happens to be his man, so why not try it first?

"How about... how about we go to the imperial court?" After pondering for a long time, Tian Xiuying couldn't help but take the initiative to mention it.

"Your father Tian Guozhang will be coming soon, are you sure you want to do this?" Zhang Shun couldn't help crying or laughing.

Who was crying before, and who is so anxious now?

"Oh, forget it, I'll deal with you when I get back!" Tian Xiuying replied harshly.

It took a lot of courage for her to propose this matter, but now she doesn't dare to insist on it.

The four girls watched Zhang Shun leave with a little disappointment, and sat down with a bored sigh.

Opposites attract, same sex repel, and everyone has nothing to say.

After being silent for a long time, Queen Zhang and Zhang Yan suddenly hesitated and said, "I have something I don't know whether to say or not, but if I don't say it, I feel very scared."

"Say it!" the other three women said lazily.

"A few of us are following King Shun for no apparent reason. At best, we are called maids, and at worst, we are called prisoners. Can we continue like this for a long time?" Zhang Yan couldn't help but ask.

"Then what can I do? You are a slave, I am a fish!" Queen Zhou's mind was still clear.

"Now I'm not afraid of His Royal Highness King Shun. I'm just afraid that if his real wife comes, we may be kicked out!" Zhang Yanju said in an anxious tone.

"Then... what should we do? Let's conceive a child for him in advance?" Zhu Huiti hesitated and suggested.

"You all grew up in the palace, why are you so naive?" Zhang Yan couldn't help but sneered.

"If nothing else, I'm afraid that all of you sitting here have done such unethical things!"

The child she was pregnant with was aborted, so of course she felt the same way.

"I didn't!" Queen Zhou suspected that she was cheating on herself.

"It's no use to me either!" Concubine Tian, ​​whose only son also died in infancy, couldn't help but glance at Queen Zhou and said.

"Not even me!" As a princess, Zhu Huiti had no need to resort to such methods. She could kill him openly.

"Forget it, now is not the time to pursue this!" Zhang Yan shook her head and said.

"As girls, we all like collectives, such as poetry clubs, painting clubs, etc. I think we can set up a club called the 'Tongqiang Club'..."

"Pfft!" Concubine Tian spat out a mouthful of tea after hearing this, "What's the 'Tongqiang Club'? It's so ugly!"

Queen Zhou and Princess Zhu immediately blushed and started laughing when they heard this.

"If you can't say it, then you can think of a better solution?" Zhang Yan couldn't help but said angrily in embarrassment.

If she wasn't the oldest among the four, she wouldn't have said such nonsense for fear of losing her favor.

"Why don't we call it a sister club? From now on, everyone will share the same stick and share the responsibility!" Concubine Tian couldn't help covering her face and laughing.

"You are the only one with so many ideas!" Zhang Yan couldn't help but spat at her and said nothing.

"Besides, no more people can be added!" Queen Zhou hesitated for a moment, and then she couldn't help but take the initiative to speak.

Among the four of them, Queen Zhang gave birth to a child who was aborted; Concubine Tian Guifei gave birth to a child who died in infancy; Princess Zhu Huiti of Le'an has been married for a long time, but her belly has not moved yet. Obviously, she has an advantage as she already has a daughter and two sons. .

"No, my sister hasn't come yet!" Concubine Tian was unhappy when she heard this.

Although the four of them are all "wasted flowers", her sister is not. It's not certain who will be able to compete with the other by then!

"Who are we? We are just King Shun's playthings! Your sister still has a bright future, are you willing to let her fool around with us like this?" Queen Zhou couldn't help asking.

"Uh... let me think about it!" Concubine Tian hesitated and finally said helplessly.

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