Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1504 Robbery and Killing

"Your Highness, Your Highness, you still remember the old minister!" When Zhang Shun's order was sent from the capital and rushed to Luoyang City, Prime Minister Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but burst into tears.

Since Zhang Shun claimed to be the King of Qin, he divided his rule into two prefectures, the East and the West.

The Xifu governs the three sides of Shaanxi, and is governed by Zhang Shun in the name of the Qin Palace.

Dongfu, on the other hand, established Prince Fu Zhu Changxun as Emperor Hongguang, with Prime Minister Zhang Shenyan in charge of government affairs.

Even though Zhang Shun's skill is more beautiful, there are actually some hidden worries.

If someone takes the opportunity to take control of Luoyang, or holds "Emperor Hongguang" hostage, then Zhang Shun, the King of Qin, will be in a passive position politically.

Therefore, Zhang Shun has kept Zhang Shenyan, Liu Yinggui and Liu Cheng, whom he trusts most, here just in case.

Now that Zhang Shun has occupied Beijing, he suddenly ordered them to protect the "Hongguang Emperor" going north. In addition to reusing them, the biggest purpose must be to change the dynasty.

Zhang Shenyan understands this matter, Liu Yinggui understands it, Liu Cheng also understands it, and "Emperor Hongguang" understands it even better!

"No, I don't want to go north, I abdicate... If I don't abdicate, isn't it okay if I abdicate to His Highness 'King Shun'?" When the three of them arrived at "Xingzai" to invite "Emperor Hongguang", Zhu Changxun couldn't help but hold on tightly. The armrest of the chair refuses to let go.

"Your Majesty, those who know the current affairs are heroes!" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but sneered, "Since you understand the truth, it's better to get on the road early and wait for changes later!"

"Traitor, you traitor!" The "Queen" saw Zhang Shenyan's words again and couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"We don't want to be the ones, but you insist on us being the ones. We are the ones to be the ones, but you don't want us to be the ones, so what's the point?"

"Only those who are obedient can live a long life. Those who are disobedient will learn from the mistakes of King Xiao Ming!" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but sneered.

"Ah? Then I am obedient, isn't it enough that I am obedient!" "Emperor Hongguang" is still somewhat sober.

After hearing Zhang Shenyan's words, he immediately understood Zhang Shenyan's hint.

Taking them north this time will definitely not be like how his ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang treated King Xiao Ming.

This shows that they are still useful, and they can survive if they are useful.

It was 1,600 miles from Beijing to Luoyang. Zhang Shun ordered his soldiers and horses to be sent to Luoyang in two days and two nights.

Naturally, Liu Cheng carefully selected eight hundred elite cavalry and headed towards Beijing at a speed of two hundred miles a day.

As soon as everyone arrived at the bank of the Yellow River, Liu Cheng quickly asked Zhang Shenyan privately: "Is it time for your Majesty to fall into the water?"

"Don't do unnecessary things!" Zhang Shenyan shook his head and said.

Not long after, everyone rushed to Shunde Mansion, where Hong Chengchou, the leader of the rebel South Route Army, had just defeated Yang Sichang, the former Minister of War of the Ming Dynasty, and the army was in chaos.

Liu Cheng quickly asked Zhang Shenyan for instructions: "At this time, the war is in turmoil. Unfortunately, Your Majesty was taken advantage of by thieves. It should be reasonable, right?"

"Don't do unnecessary things!" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but shook his head.

The journey was uneventful, and we finally passed through the two prefectures of Zhending and Baoding, and arrived at Zhuozhou.

Suddenly there was only a sound of cannon, and a group of men and horses suddenly came out.

Liu Cheng hit his horse and was about to leave, but Zhang Shenyan grabbed the reins and stopped him: "Absolutely not!"

But when Zhang Shenyan said these words, Liu Cheng was immediately annoyed.

He couldn't help but said angrily: "This won't work, and that won't work either. You protected this guy along the way. Could it be that you want to be Cao Cao?"

Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but laugh and cry when he heard this. It is said that "there is no better son than a father." Although he is not Zhang Shun's biological father, he is still a kind of father, and he understands this guy's thoughts fairly well.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "If His Highness has an order, I will follow it. If there is no order, let's not mention it!"

"You...why are you so stubborn!" Liu Cheng said, hating that iron could not turn into steel.

"Is it convenient for His Highness to order such a thing?"

"There are some things that I won't tell you if you don't tell me. Everyone knows what's going on!"

"You are so smart!" Zhang Shenyan said, hating the fact that iron cannot become steel.

"Even you know that 'everyone knows what's going on', couldn't His Highness have thought of this?"

"Your Majesty is going to die here, I'm afraid 'if yellow mud falls into your crotch, it's not just shit, it's just shit'!"

"Ah? Is this it?" Liu Cheng scratched his bald head and said a little confused.

At this moment, a group of people who rushed up saw the rebel army's heavy defense and suddenly shouted: "His Royal Highness King Shun has given a secret order to execute 'Emperor Hongguang' immediately and not allow him to enter the capital. There must be no mistake!"

"Ah? The secret order is here!" Liu Cheng couldn't help but looked at Zhang Shenyan excitedly and said.

"What do you believe in what others say?" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but smile bitterly, and couldn't help but tap Liu Yinggui with his chin.

"If His Highness really has a secret order, it should be in his hands!"

"Ah? Yinggui, do you have a secret order in your hand?" Liu Cheng couldn't help but turned to Liu Yinggui and asked.

Liu Yinggui had been guarding the palace for a long time and kept silent. He had almost forgotten that there was such a person.

However, he forgot, but Zhang Shenyan would not forget.

This is a person who took refuge with King Shun earlier than Song Xiance. How could His Highness leave him here?

"Yes!" Liu Yinggui nodded, then took out Zhang Shun's secret order and said, "Pass on His Highness's secret order. Anyone who dares to abandon His Majesty will be killed without mercy; anyone who does not protect His Majesty with all his heart will be killed without mercy; anyone who dares to harm Your Majesty will be killed without mercy." Anyone who has the slightest trace of it will be killed without mercy!"

Three consecutive "kills without mercy" were so murderous that Zhang Shenyan and Liu Cheng couldn't help but change their expressions in horror.

Why, why would he dare to say such a thing as a guard of the palace?

After thinking about his new position as commander of the Jin Yiwei, the two men suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Kill, kill these people who are falsely passing on King Shun's secret order!" Liu Cheng couldn't help but give the order, and immediately sent out more than 300 horses to rush towards those people.

"What a rebellious minister, you dare to disobey King Shun's military order!" Just as Liu Cheng's three hundred cavalry rushed over, the other party's troops also rushed over.

"Protect His Majesty, I'll go back and forth with them!" Liu Cheng hadn't charged into battle for a long time since he killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, and his hands were itchy for a while.

"Kill, kill!" Although Liu Cheng's martial arts skills are not as good as those of Chen Changzhen, Xiao Qinhu and others, he is still a brave general.

He twisted the spear in his hand and killed two people in a row. The other rebel soldiers were also so powerful that they scattered their opponents in a short time.

Liu Cheng quickly turned over and dismounted, tore off the cotton armor on a corpse and looked at it. He frowned and said to Zhang Shenyan and Liu Yinggui: "Something is not right. Although the opponent is menacing and the armor is quite shiny, But it’s useless, it’s all broken up with a single charge!”

"Collect some war horses, armor, weapons and flags as evidence, and let's rush to the capital as soon as possible!" Liu Yinggui, who was taciturn, suddenly said.

"Oh? Okay!" Liu Cheng and Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but glance at Liu Yinggui in surprise and nodded.

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