Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1505 Check, check hard for me

"Your Highness, you are so benevolent and righteous!" Even Zhang Yan, who was always known as a virtuous queen, complained about Zhang Shun's benevolence and righteousness. Naturally, it was too benevolent and righteous.


It turns out that since Zhang Shun took control of the Forbidden City, apart from focusing on military affairs, he almost didn't care about anything else.

All the remnants from the front, including nobles, civil servants, and eunuchs, all got high positions if they voted for him.

Among them, Kong Zhenyun, a former Ming Dynasty scholar of Dongge University, was the 62nd grandson of Confucius. He was old-fashioned, foolish and loyal, and originally refused to work in the new dynasty.

Zhang Shun then "visited the thatched cottage three times" and was able to persuade him to change his mind. As a result, on the first day he took office, he wrote a book "Persuading King Shun to Cautize Sex".

The opening chapter says: Confucius said: When you are young, your blood and Qi are not yet settled, and the warning lies in the color.

Then he said, "His Royal Highness, King Shun, achieved his ambition as a young man and was married to the late emperor's concubine. He spent money day and night. Although he gained happiness for one day, he lost the heart of the world in vain."

There are also phrases like "the queen is in the garden gracefully" and "the imperial concubine is lying on the dragon bed".

These fierce words not only scolded Zhang Shun, but also Zhang Zhoutian and Zhu's fourth daughter. How could this not make them angry?

If he had been in another place, they would have torn his mouth to pieces and broken his nose.

As a result, Zhang Shun was calm and happy about this. While hugging Queen Zhou happily, he replied breathlessly: "Although this matter... although it was made out of nothing, at least he is upright... I am an upright minister who dares to speak out, no need to He rebuked."

"Yan'er, please reply on my behalf: I only have an old wife in my family, so how can I have a queen and a concubine? Please don't make excuses and insult the family of my late master!"

Anyway, you can't barge in to check the ward like Zhang Fengyi, so I won't do it if I don't.

Zhang Yan curled her lips and thought to herself: This is nothing out of the blue. If not, you might end up giving birth to a child. You are still telling lies with your eyes open. You are a strange person!

In fact, although Zhang Yan and Queen Zhang’s words are not correct, they are not far off.

Since Zhang Shun took over the Forbidden City, he has been working hard every day. In addition to satisfying his own lust, he also has extremely sinister intentions.

If things go wrong, he can use his last resort to let the "remaining son" appear, marry the Queen Mother himself, and become the "Emperor Father and Regent"!

However, no one dared to say anything about this.

Not only is this matter too immoral, but it also involves Queen Zhou herself.

Queen Zhou, a woman who looks thin and pretty, is actually extremely scheming.

Not to mention anything else, just by looking at her ability to hold down the decathlon Concubine Tian, ​​you can tell how capable she is.

This matter is extremely risky and can only be done as a last resort.

At this time, Tian Xiuying also reported: "Feng Ying, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, requested His Highness to allow the Zheng Man case to be retried. I don't know how His Highness plans to reply!"

"The Zheng Man case?" Zhang Shun was confused.

Tian Xiuying quickly read Feng Ying's book and briefly explained the so-called "Zheng Man Case".

It turns out that there was a man named Zheng Man, who was a Jinshi in the second year of Tianqi's reign and was selected as a scholar of the Hanlin Academy. He offended many people because of his outspokenness and sincerity.

As a result, during the Chongzhen period, his uncle Wu Zongda, a scholar of Dongge University, accused him of being "unfilial to his mother" and "treacherous sister".

As a result, the matter caused a big fuss, directly involving Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, Wu Zongda, a bachelor, Liu Zongzhou, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Huang Daoyiyi, a bachelor of the Imperial Academy.

As a result, Feng Ying, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, sentenced him to "Zheng Man faked Ji Xian's illusions to bewitch his father, Zheng Zhenxian, to shave his head for no reason, and then faked Ji Xian's comments to force his father to use his mother's staff."

For this reason, Feng Ying was dissatisfied by Chongzhen and the cabinet. If the rebel army had not invaded the city, I am afraid that he would have been dismissed from office soon, and the prisoner Zheng Man would also have been executed by a thousand cuts.

"Does this also need to be overturned?" Zhang Shun shook his head and ordered, "Let Xue Guoguan make a copy of the case and submit it for future reference, and then ask Feng Ying to draft a new judgment and submit it."

"Your Highness, this. This is obviously unreasonable." Tian Xiuying also said that Zhang Shun didn't understand the key and couldn't help but remind him quickly.

The testimony of Zheng Man's uncle Wu Zongda said that "Man was inferior to Wu Zongda", the testimony of Zhongshu Shiren Xu Xi said that he was "instigated by others", and even the testimony of his neighbor Yang said that "two families competed for the purchase" There is a grudge against the house."

Speaking of themselves, everyone is a gentleman, honest and upright.

When talking about other people, they are all treacherous and ruthless, confusing right and wrong.

Even the fool Chongzhen knows who is right and who is wrong. Do I seem to be easier to deceive than Chongzhen?

Zhang Shun thought for a while and then ordered: "Let's do this first. Hang up the bait so that the fish can take the bait. Let him review the case. When there are doubts, we can retry it!"

Are you kidding me, retrial? Re-examination!

Now Zhang Shun sat in Chongzhen's original position, and with empathy, he finally understood another important reason for the death of Ming Dynasty.

The courtiers formed cliques to attack each other, to the point where there was no cure.

Let’s not mention the doubtful points in this case, but looking at the time, it happened to be the time of the cabinet reshuffle in the eighth and ninth years of Chongzhen.

The original seven cabinet academicians, Wen Tiren, Wu Zongda, Wang Yingxiong, He Wuzu, Qian Shisheng, Wen Zhenmeng and Zhang Zhifa, soon became Wen Tiren, Zhang Zhifa, Lin Wen, Huang Shijun, Kong Zhenyun and He Fengsheng. Half of the blood was exchanged at once, which shows how intense it was.

If Zhang Shun's prediction is correct, this case will definitely end with a complete victory for the faction headed by Wen Tiren.

Of course, the facts are actually somewhat different from what Zhang Shun thought.

In this battle, Wen Tiren's faction lost two generals, Wu Zongda and Wang Yingxiong, while the other faction lost three people, Qian Shisheng, He Wuzou, and Wen Zhenmeng. It was a tragic victory.

If the rebels had not captured Beijing this time and Wen Tiren had "martyrdomed his country" in advance, historically the roly-poly Wen Tiren would have soon been deposed by his second assistant, Zhang Zhifa.

After the rebels entered the city, after Zhang Shun's hard work, he finally recalled Zhang Zhifa, Huang Shijun, Kong Zhenyun and He Fengsheng, plus Xue Guoguan who took the initiative to join the army, and formed a new cabinet.

As a result, the cabinet did not do business all day long and criticized each other.

Xue Guoguan and Huang Shijun accused Zhang Zhifa and He Fengsheng of harboring nobles of the previous dynasty, making the country a big coward; Zhang Zhifa and He Fengsheng accused Xue Guoguan and Huang Shijun of harboring corrupt officials, making the country a big traitor.

Kong Zhenyun was the only one who did not participate in it. Instead, he found fault with Zhang Shun all day long.

Under such nonsense, the efficiency of this cabinet in handling government affairs is extremely poor. It is even worse than Zhang Shun's "small cabinet" composed of Zhang Yan, Zhou Yufeng, Tian Xiuying and Zhu Huiti. It is really ridiculous.

Regardless of the fancy name of the Cabinet, it is actually a secretarial agency that handles government affairs.

Although these four women are not as well-educated as the important ministers in the cabinet, fortunately they are all smart and have more than ten years of experience in palace fighting. They are really good at handling their government affairs.

For a time, this group of people had a clear division of labor: Zhang Shun was in charge of personnel, four women were in charge of personnel, and five people in the cabinet were in charge of non-personnel affairs!

Just as everyone was doing their duties, there was suddenly a knock on the door, and then Tian Shuying's childish voice rang out: "Your Highness, Your Majesty has arrived in the suburbs and is about to enter the city."

"It is is said that he was assassinated by a group of unknown gangsters in Zhuozhou!"

It turned out that in order to get rid of her in the past few days, Zhang Shun and his four daughters lied that "military aircraft are a major matter that cannot be treated by outsiders", so they asked her to look after her in the main hall of Qianqing Palace, while the rest of them hid in Xinuang Pavilion to "handle government affairs."

This girl was indeed young and ignorant, and she happily acted as "gatekeeper" and "mouthpiece" for them.

However, as soon as she heard the news, she thought that this group of people must be sent by Zhang Shun. After all, "King Xiao Ming" had learned from past mistakes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Shun's furious voice came from inside: "Check, ask Xue Guoguan to check hard for me, don't let anyone go!"

"They all dare to be so bold when I am here to take charge; if I am not here, will they still want to overturn the world and become Zhu Yuanzhang!"

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