Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1506 Assassination Case

"Recruit or not? Recruit or not?" Xue Guoguan, the cabinet scholar, was in the middle. The eunuch Wang Zhixin and the royal guard Luo Yangxing were on the left and right, facing the execution of Ran Xingrang, the former prince-in-law.

"What on earth did you want me to recruit, you lackeys and hawks? What did I do wrong?" Ran Xingrang couldn't help but cursed angrily.

"Oh? Since Prince Consort Ran has a bad memory, do you want me to remind you?" Xue Guoguan sneered, "Two days ago, Zhuozhou!"

"Assassination case?" Prince Consort Ran couldn't help but be stunned.

"Look, don't you understand this quite well?" Xue Guoguan couldn't help but ordered.

"Should you do it yourself, or let them hit you?"

"No... I didn't do it. I was wronged, I was wronged!" Prince Consort Ran couldn't help but said with a look of horror.

"Unjustly accused? Why don't you shed tears without seeing the coffin? Continue the torture, use severe torture. His son was beaten to death, and my son is dead, and I, the whole family, I don't believe that there is no one who can be punished!" Xue Guoguan couldn't help but ordered coldly.

"No...I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want me to do!" Prince Consort Ran suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He never expected that this guy would be so vicious.

However, he still had a glimmer of hope.

This world belongs to the Zhu family after all. Now that His Majesty has been welcomed back by King Shun, he, the son-in-law of the Zhu family, can still be saved!

"Okay, since Prince Consort Ran is so happy, then just sign it!" Xue Guoguan chuckled and couldn't help but take out a confession.

When Ran Prince Consort looked down, his face turned as pale as a sheet of paper.

I saw the black and white words written on it: The prisoner Ran Xingrang, a native of Hong County under the direct control of Bennan, is the prince-in-law of Princess Shouning. Because he cherishes the deceased emperor of the previous dynasty and has a grudge against the current emperor, he participates in the conspiracy and intends to assassinate him. drive……

Of course, these words were expected by him, so they were nothing.

But the key point is that this handwriting is exactly the same as his. If he hadn't clearly remembered that he didn't write these confessions at all, he almost thought it was written by himself.

"You... you are just subduing yourself. Sooner or later you will die!" Prince Consort Ran could not help but scolded sadly and angrily.

"We don't know whether we are going to die or not. If you keep nagging, we will immediately make you unable to survive or die!" Xue Guoguan couldn't help but sneered.

"Look at Wang Zhixin, the eunuch of Dongchang, and look at this one, Luo Yangxing, the royal guard. They are all professionals."

"There are eighteen kinds of torture in prison. All of them will make you regret coming to the world. Sign it. If you sign it, you will have a good time!"

Ran Xingrang couldn't help but sigh up to the sky when he heard this. He held the brush with trembling fingers and signed a confession that would determine his life or death.

At this moment, he really felt the resentment and helplessness of those who had died in vain in his hands before.

"Mr. Ge, isn't this too cruel?" Wang Zhixin and Luo Yangxing couldn't help but said in unbearable tone when they saw Ran's consort quickly passed out after signing the signature.

"Cruel? If a person is not ruthless, he cannot stand firm!" Xue Guoguan couldn't help but sneered, "You all understand when you are a dog. Why can't you understand when it's my turn to be a dog?"

In fact, Xue Guoguan had no choice this time. Who allowed him to offend the three major forces of nobles, civil servants and eunuchs as soon as he opened his mouth?

Now if he wants to keep his life, property and wealth, he can only have a chance to survive by being a dog to King Shun and killing these three major forces.

After Wang Zhixin and Luo Yangxing heard this, they realized that this matter was probably the palace's idea, and they were the only ones who followed his lead.

When the three of them saw that the matter was over, they couldn't help but arrange for people to treat Prince Consort Ran to prevent him from dying, and then headed to another prison.

When the three people arrived, Zhu Chunchen, the Duke of Chengguo, was beaten to death.

"Let's all take a rest. Don't beat people to death. It's hard to explain to His Majesty!" Seeing this, Xue Guoguan couldn't help but ordered quickly.

"It's okay, I'm pretty sure!" Luo Yangxing hurriedly stepped forward to explain, and then hurriedly ordered, "Doctor, doctor, come here and treat him quickly. Don't really die!"

After struggling for a long time, Chengguo Duke Zhu Chunchen finally woke up. When he saw Xue Guoguan, Wang Zhixin and Luo Yangxing, he couldn't help but cursed: "Dog thief, you and I are incompatible!"

It turned out that this time Jin Yiwei used a method of "playing the pipa" on him.

The so-called playing pipa is naturally not to let him listen to music and cultivate his sentiments.

Instead, he held the prisoner down, and then used a knife to play his ribs like a pipa string, making him unable to survive or die.

Generally, people who are subjected to this kind of punishment often have all their internal organs injured and their flesh and blood are mutilated.

Zhu Chunchen, who had suffered such a loss in his life, suddenly looked crazy.

"Okay, Duke Cheng, stop acting!" Unexpectedly, Xue Guoguan shook his head and pointed at a pile of weapons, armor and a war horse in front of him.

"Look at these things, they all come from Jingying. The late emperor ordered you to be in charge of Jingying, how dare you say you don't know?"

"In addition to these confessions, on the 27th, 315 spears, 237 sets of bows, 1,372 sets of armor, and 2,000 war horses were transferred from the capital camp. All these, Even if you can do it, you will kill everyone!"

"No, that's not the case, then. That's because I was obsessed with money and embezzled it!" Zhu Chunchen insisted.

"Oh? You're going to die to deny it, right?" Xue Guoguan chuckled and said, "Look what this is, your accomplices are British Gong Zhangzhiji, Dingguo Gong Xu Yunzhen, Prince Consort Ran Xingrang, Prince Consort Wan Wei, Li Huang's family , Hui'an Bo, Zhang Zhizhen and others have all confessed their crimes and are waiting for you!"

"No thief, you are just avenging a private vendetta!" Zhu Chunchen, Duke of Chengguo, couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words "Emperor Li's relatives" and he shouted insults.

The so-called Li Huang's relatives are naturally the family of Wuqing Marquis Li Guorui, who was forced to death by Chongzhen before. However, now that Li Guorui is dead, he only has a three-year-old son who is still alive.

No matter how cruel Xue Guoguan, Wang Zhixin, Luo Yangxing and others were, they could never torture a child, so they took his family members as a substitute.

"What kind of public revenge is private revenge? This is private revenge for public hatred!" Xue Guoguan couldn't help but sneered, "The court is full of nobles and nobles, and the court is full of cowards. You don't think that your majesty will be easier to talk to than the late emperor, do you?"

It turns out that since Zhang Shun entered the city, he had already been eyeing these distinguished officials.

For example, the three families of Dingguogong, Yingguogong and Chengguogong each have their own gardens.

Among them, Dingguogong is located near Deshengmen and is built around Jishuitan.

The old and new gardens are publicly owned by the British. One is located next to Shuntianfu School, and the other is facing the Yinding Bridge at the junction of Shicha Qianhai and Houhai, which is to the east of Jinghai Temple in later generations. It is surrounded by water on three sides and is priceless.

Chengguo Park is called "Shijing Garden", which is the assorted garden in Dongcheng District in later generations.

As for other Yiyuan Gardens owned by Prince Consort Ran, Qushui Garden and Baishi Village owned by Ten Thousand Prince Consorts, Tsinghua Garden and New Garden owned by Emperor Li Huang, etc., they are all too numerous to mention.

These royal relatives, relying on their status to influence the Ming Dynasty, amassed unimaginable wealth. How could Zhang Shun tolerate them?

Therefore, he did not cut anyone with his first sword, but only those relatives of the emperor.

It's so easy to die, but these people are so bold and want to give him eye drops, how can he still coddle them?

It turns out that these people are not stupid. They know that Zhang Shun invited "Emperor Hongguang" to Beijing just to make concessions and complete the final step of becoming emperor.

They imitated Liao Yongzhong's wisdom of drowning King Xiao Ming, and tried to intercept "Hongguang Emperor" in the middle of the road, completely destroying the establishment of Zhang Shun's legal system in order to gain the value of fighting.

It's just that they never expected that Zhang Shun would take advantage of the enemy's opportunity. Not only did he take precautions, but he also took the opportunity to charge them with the serious crime of "treason."

Hehe, some people actually think that after the protagonist enters the Forbidden City, he can't do anything except change Chongzhen's name to Zhang Shun. Have they forgotten the methods Shun brother used when he first started to raise troops?

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