Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 152 Goodbye Huang Lai'er

When Zhang Shun heard that everyone was vying to join the gang, he said in embarrassment: "This Huang Lai'er is my brother Optimus Prime. If I were to rob his soldiers and horses, it would be unreasonable and inappropriate! Spread the word. , there will be no nagging people saying that I am unjust!"

When the five or six hundred men heard the words, they couldn't help but persuade each other: "What's inappropriate? At the same time, the rebel army should take care of each other. 'Optimus Prime's righteousness is as high as the sky, and everyone knows it. Now we voluntarily join.' Under Optimus Prime's command, please don't refuse."

Zhang Shun refused repeatedly, but he couldn't refuse, so he reluctantly accepted their request. So, Zhang Shun simply ordered everyone to carry Gao Jie's body and weapons to the vehicle where they were transporting property and supplies, and personally led the army back to the city.

After Zhang Shun returned to Zezhou City, Huang Lai'er, the "invading general", had not returned yet. Zhang took the opportunity to return to the camp with his troops, gold and silver belongings, etc. At this time, Zhou Jian'er sneakily ran over, took Mr. Xing out in men's clothes, and moved into the room that Zhang Shun had arranged.

In order to accommodate the new brothers, Zhang Shun did not even bother to eat. First, Gao Jie's subordinates, who have the highest combat effectiveness and are the most dangerous, are placed under Chen Changzhi. Chen Changzhen was already very skilled in martial arts and had been a bodyguard for many years. He was quite thorough in his actions and was able to suppress this group of unruly people.

Then the newly added five or six hundred people were replaced with two hundred capable combat elites from Jiang He, Wei Congyi, and Xiao Qinhu, and then divided equally among the left, right, front, and center armies with one hundred people each. The remaining seventy or eighty people stayed with them, ready to be handed over to Xing for daily use.

In addition to the "two hundred mountain man hunters who were elected to join the army by the big families in the city" last time, Zhang Shun's number of capable infantry reached more than 2,200. At this time, it was only three or four months since Zhang Shun and Meng Jin launched their army, but they had already grown into a pivotal role in the rebel army.

Zhang Shun finished arranging the affairs in the camp and returned to his residence exhausted. As a result, as soon as they arrived home, they saw Li Sanniang leading Zhu'er and Xing Shi leading Jian'er confronting each other. As for hot meals, I have them all in my dreams!

Zhang Shun secretly thought that he had made a mistake. He was so busy today that he forgot to place the Xing family elsewhere. Before Zhang Shun could say anything, Li Sanniang saw Zhang Shun coming in and said with her mouth shut: "Zhang Sheng, it's not that I don't agree with you marrying several concubines. There are plenty of girls from good families, so why would you choose such a person?"

When Mrs. I can’t bear to kick you out!”

Come on, these two people actually vowed to compete in front of Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun persuades him from left to right, but where can he stay? I was exhausted after a day of hard work, so I couldn't help but said angrily: "Stop making trouble, they are all concubines, and your mistress hasn't even entered the house yet!"

When Li Sanniang and Mr. Xing heard this, they looked at each other in silence and went back to their rooms to rest. It was a pity that Zhang Shun had a good life, but in the end he didn't even have a hot meal. These two groups of people moved into the east wing and the west wing. Zhang Shun had no choice but to sleep in his clothes and live in the living room.

After all, Sanniang felt sorry for him, so after a while she cooked some food and brought it to him. Zhang Shun was instantly moved and burst into tears. He couldn't help but sigh: "Old couples are the most intimate." He patted his butt and got into the east wing.

After a long meal of eating and drinking, he couldn't help but run out to use the toilet until midnight. As a result, he saw Mr.

Zhang Shun's face turned red, he was relieved, and said: "Sincerity is the longest lasting thing", he turned around and got into the west wing again.

On the second day, Zhang Shun got up unusually late. He reluctantly ate breakfast, yawned and left the house. Zhang Shun first went to the camp to inspect the camp. The new brothers were quite honest. The generals under his command had already trained with them for half an hour.

Seeing that nothing happened around him, Zhang Shun was about to go home and catch up on his sleep. As a result, a soldier came over and reported: "General, I have been waiting to break into the camp for a long time. As expected, Huang Lai'er returned to the camp in a hurry this morning. ”

Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly ordered: "Hurry and prepare the body of the 'Mountain Harrier' and armor weapons, as well as Mrs. Go.”

Not long after, the "traveler" Huang Lai'er sent someone to inquire about yesterday's incident. Zhang Shun immediately led his men, horses and the things he had prepared before to break into the camp.

At that time, while breaking into the camp, Huang Lai'er's face turned white and green, staring at the soldiers around him like a hungry wolf. "One Tiger", Liu Zongmin and others were so impressed by his aura that they did not dare to show off their aura.

Although Huang Lai'er was known as "The General", he had never been able to break through some doors. He never thought that he would not have the chance to make a big splash, but would be overtaken by others. It's really intolerable, what can't be tolerated!

He had heard the news last night that his wife, Mrs. Huang Lai'er summoned the old men in the camp to ask questions, and they all talked about how the Xing family and the "Mountain Harrier" behaved frivolously, and how the Xing family took five thousand taels of silver from the old camp and left. Huang Lai'er was so angry that he was half dead and chopped it with his own hands The old cashier who paid the silver is dead.

Fortunately, at this time, in order to survive, someone quickly said: "Last night, the subordinates of the 'Mountain Harrier' escaped with serious injuries and their bodies are lying in the camp. Please call and ask."

When Huang Lai'er heard this, where could he sit still? I quickly went to look for him myself, only to see the man covered in dried black blood, lying half-dead in the corner of the camp.

Huang Lai'er opened his mouth to ask, and then learned from the man's intermittent narration that his wife originally wanted to elope with the "Mountain Harrier", but ended up bumping into "Optimus Prime" and others. He was actually taken advantage of by "Optimus Prime" and took advantage of him. The two men were killed one after another.

Huang Lai'er couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. However, after all, he himself was also a powerful hero, and he knew that one-sided words could not be trusted, so he quickly sent someone to invite the "Optimus Prime" to come and see him.

After a while, as expected, "Optimus Prime" led the crowd. When Huang Lai'er saw "Optimus Prime", he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, thinking: "It seems that at least half of this matter is the truth!"

Zhang Shun had a high emotional intelligence. When he met Huang Lai'er, he greeted him politely first, and then said: "I have something on my mind that I want to talk to the Huang family brother. I don't know if there are irrelevant people, can I avoid it first?"

Huang Lai'er thought for a while and concluded that his nephew "Yi Hu" could still be trusted, so he kept this man and sent the others away. In order to show his sincerity, Zhang Shun let Xiao Qinhu stay, and the others retreated after carrying the body of "Mountain Harrier" over.

Thanks to fan "Book Friends 161001113148081" for the large reward, thank you for your support!

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