Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 153 Save my condolences!

Seeing that no one else was around, Zhang Shun whispered: "Brother Huang, my condolences!"

When Huang Lai'er heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt that his original guess had become a reality. Sure enough, I heard Zhang Shun say: "I heard someone on the street yesterday saying that Jue Mountain in Zezhou is the most famous, so I was bored and led my guards to have a look."

"Unexpectedly, the so-called Jue Mountain is just two ordinary peaks. There is nothing interesting to see, so I wanted to go back to the camp to rest. Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out of the forest, I saw my sister-in-law and someone having an inappropriate relationship."

Having said this, Zhang Shun looked at Huang Lai'er's ugly face, couldn't help but cupped his hands and said, "Brother Huang, I'm sorry, I made a mistake!"

"No!" Huang Lai'er endured his anger and gritted his teeth and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, brother. You tell me now!"

"Okay! Is it really okay?" Zhang Shun confirmed again, and after receiving Huang Laier's affirmative answer, he continued: "I thought my sister-in-law was being harassed by that person, so I wanted to drive him away. But when I arrived, On the contrary, I saw those two people hugging each other, behaving frivolously and wantonly, and the sister-in-law... ahem, I won't talk about the brothers below!"

"Say!" Huang Lai'er's eyes cracked.

"Brother Huang, calm down, it's just what you think!" Zhang Shun said sadly, "I quickly led people to stop it. Unexpectedly, the two of them thought that I, Optimus Prime, wanted to ruin their good deeds, so they started fighting with me. Arguing. Only then did I discover that they were behaving strangely and carrying a lot of property."

"I became suspicious at that time, so I waited for an opportunity to deceive them and asked them if they had eloped behind my brother's back! As a result, the two of them looked shocked and actually wanted to kill my brother and silence me. In desperation, I defended myself and resisted. I accidentally killed this brother's general, 'Mountain Harrier'!"

Zhang Shun said while pointing to the body of "Mountain Harrier" on the ground. When Huang Lai'er heard this, he suppressed his anger and opened the corpse to see that it was the "Mountain Harrier" he hated so much. This guy was originally like a tiger, his most trusted vanguard, but now he has become a dead tiger.

Although Huang Lai'er wanted to chop this man into pieces on the spot, he still maintained a trace of face and said: "Brother is not to blame for this. Since this man did such a shameless thing, he would not die in the hands of his brother. You can’t spare him lightly either.”

Huang Lai'er has always been dull, and because he is inhumane, he always feels inferior to others when he meets them. Now that he was so angry, he no longer had so many worries, but he spoke much more eloquently.

Hearing this, Zhang Shun sighed, patted Huang Lai'er's shoulder and said, "I can understand Brother Huang's mood. I wish I could kill this couple with my own hands. However, this person was beaten to death by my general. That sister-in-law has a strong personality." , actually did not agree to come with me to see my brother, and when the soldiers were not paying attention, he jumped off the cliff. We were unable to save him, and now we only have a few relics, so I will bring them back and give them back to my brother!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shun called out twice more, and six soldiers came in, working in pairs, and carried in three boxes. Zhang Shun waved the soldiers down, opened a box himself, pointed it out to Huang Lai'er and said, "Brother, these are my sister-in-law's jewelry and clothes. I don't dare to touch them without permission. Please check it!"

Huang Lai'er stretched his head and saw that there were just some jewelry and clothes inside. He was not familiar with them and couldn't tell any difference. He only vaguely remembered that some clothes seemed to have been worn by Mr. Xing before, and he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart when he thought of this.

Zhang Shun reached out and opened the other two boxes, revealing a snow-white light inside. Zhang Shun said: "This is the three thousand taels of silver that my sister-in-law took away. Brother, I dare not take it for myself. I will give it back to my brother!"

That "a tiger" had been silent until now, but this time he couldn't help shouting: "Why is it only three thousand taels?"

Without waiting for Zhang Shun to speak, Huang Lai'er immediately shouted: "Shut up! There is no room for you to interrupt here." Hearing this, "Yi Hu" had no choice but to bow and step back.

"But the quantity is wrong?" Zhang Shun asked in surprise.

"Yes, the numbers are correct!" Huang Lai'er was heartbroken and gritted his teeth as he replied, "Thank you, brother Optimus Prime. If you hadn't broken the two of them, I would still have been kept in the dark. It's not as good as these three thousand. The two pieces of silver are enough to satisfy my brother’s wishes, so I’m sorry for bothering you!”

"Hey! What the hell!" Zhang Shun didn't expect that Huang Lai'er looked dull, but he calmed down when encountering big things. He quickly refused, "Brother, what are you talking about! I am the younger brother and I am nosy. As the saying goes, family scandals should not be made public. , my brother didn’t fall out on the spot, so I’m very grateful!”

Seeing that Zhang Shun had pointed out their thoughts in advance, "Yihu" couldn't help but became angry and shouted: "How can you use the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman? How can my uncle tolerate your slander!"

Unexpectedly, Huang Lai'er quickly stopped and said: "'A tiger'! Don't interrupt. Little brother Optimus Prime is overly concerned. I, Huang Lai'er, am not someone who repays kindness with enmity."

"Then if nothing happens, I'll take my leave!" Seeing this, Zhang Shun bowed and led Xiao Qinhu out of the room slowly and cautiously.

As soon as Zhang Shung walked out of the door, the "tiger" quickly said to Huang Lai'er: "How to let this person go? Where will my uncle's face be in the future!"

Huang Lai'er had a fierce look in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and kicked the body of "Mountain Harrier" several times. He gasped and said, "What can we do? Just watch how 'Mountain Harrier' dies!"

"A Tiger" took a closer look, and saw that the right shoulder armor of "Mountain Harrier" was deformed and dented, and the entire shoulder blade was broken. Next to him, his famous 40-pound iron rod was bent. He couldn't help but take a breath and said: "How is this possible? The Mountain Harrier was so capable that he was beaten to death! I saw that his shoulder blade was smashed. Although it was extremely vicious, it was not a fatal injury. It should have been injured by someone. The man's internal organs were shattered and he lost his life. How can there be such a brave man in such a big world?"

"You have nothing to fear!" Huang Lai'er asserted, "Let's not mention this matter for the time being. This person's words cannot be fully believed. You immediately take people to Najue Mountain. First, go to find out if there is anyone who knows about it, and then send someone to check under the cliff. Fan. You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you die!"

"Yiyihu" knew that his uncle was not the one who suffered the loss, so how could he bear this bad breath in a daze? He immediately led a group of people and quickly left the camp.

Not to mention how to break into the camp, Zhang Shun finished his performance and led everyone back out feeling refreshed. As a result, I happened to hear a boy singing on the street: "The old minister of the imperial dynasty is busy as a father to thieves. He doesn't think about loyalty and justice, and wants to be a rebel king!"

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this. He walked over quickly, showed a kind smile, handed over a tongbao, and asked softly: "My little friend, this song is very wonderful. Who taught you to sing it?"

Thanks to fans "Little Cabbage Feeding the Elephant" and "lovesunbird" for their tips!

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