Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1520 The virtuous live here

"Oh, the house was ransacked, the house was ransacked, the house was ransacked again!" Early the next morning, the people of the capital had just gotten up, and suddenly good news spread throughout the streets and alleys.

"Hey, I copied it again. Which company is it from this time?"

"Hey, this time it's the great eunuchs Cao Huachun, Wang Zhixin, Jin Yiwei Luo Yangxing and other families!"

"Ah, didn't these people take refuge in 'King Shun' and become his dogs?"

"Why are you being treated like a dog? Don't say it so harshly. It is said that these people colluded to assassinate the king and kill the king. They should kill the nine tribes. Fortunately, His Highness was kind and pardoned six of his tribes and only wiped out three tribes!"

"What, another assassination king?" The people in the capital were stunned.

The former assassination case wiped out all the royal relatives and nobles in the capital; the latter assassination case seemed to wipe out all the eunuchs and royal guards. What happened to the Ming Dynasty?

"You are, why do people always assassinate Wang Jia? How on earth did His Majesty deserve it? How did he offend so many people?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Shh, keep your voice down, if someone hears it, I'll kill your whole family!" Someone quickly tried to dissuade him.

"Hey, I'm not afraid. In my opinion, since your majesty is so dishonest, why don't you give up the throne to your highness, King Shun, and sit here for a while?" The man couldn't help but talk nonsense.

"Hey, don't tell me, it's true!" The words woke up the dreamer, and everyone heard that it really made sense.

These people have very simple thoughts. Whoever is a good person will naturally become the emperor, and whoever is a bad person will naturally not be the emperor. The truth is that simple.

"Hey, it's been copied. It's been copied. This dead eunuch has more wealth than nobles and civil servants!" The people watching watched the rebel soldiers carry out boxes after boxes of jewelry and counted them for a long time. They couldn't help but talk. road.

"Oh, we should have killed him long ago! If Chongzhen had killed like this when he came to the throne, I'm afraid the world would have been at peace!" The people commented excitedly and excitedly.

However, while the people in the capital were in high spirits, as if celebrating the New Year, the remaining civil servants and nobles were hiding in the dark and trembling.

"What on earth is he going to do? We didn't stop him from getting rich first, and we didn't stop him from plotting to usurp the throne. Why did we catch him and kill him!" I don't understand, I really don't understand.

"The most abominable thing is that he killed people and set fires, and also let the head of the family take the blame. This is really unreasonable and unreasonable!"

"Yes, yes, I have seen many people whose homes were confiscated. Being deceived by him and calling him a 'foolish king' is really abominable!"

"Why don't we just let him become the emperor? It's better than killing like this!" Someone couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but give in.

"Why? He only wants to kill his own people, what else can he do to me?"

"Um. Um, let me tell you, are you sure I can't kill you?"

As soon as the words "this" came out, the "remnants" present were stunned. "Yes, with his killing method, can we still escape?"

"Then it will be an advantage for him!" A group of people gritted their teeth angrily, but for the sake of their own wealth and life, they had to endure the grief and anger in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun's killings made the people of the capital and the "remnants" unite their thoughts, and everyone agreed that Zhang Shun should be made emperor.

Then, a funny scene appeared.

On one side, the rebel soldiers were working hard to kill the eunuchs and Jin Yiwei. On the other side, the people and "remnants" in the city were making noises everywhere, claiming that "King Shun should be the emperor."

Soon, this movement in the city was captured by Song Xiance who entered the city.

This guy is a "no wind, three feet of waves" guy. He is worried that he has no grasp, and after hearing the words, he can't help but spread prophecies everywhere.

What about "King Shun was born with different appearances? The top of his head is like the bones of Emperor Shun, his eyes are like the pupils of Emperor Shun, his ears are like Liu Beicui, and his arms are like the hands of the emperor's uncle."

What about "There is a man who carries a long bow and shoots the destiny at night for three hundred and eight years, and has a great reputation as a king."

What does "eight oxen come to rule the world, and only thirty-nine wooden monkeys remain. When eighteen children enter the capital, they will know that there is a real dragon in the sky."

Why "a wooden hanging curved ruler stops when things go smoothly, becomes clear and turns into turbidity, it is earth that overcomes it!"

It's really an old sow that brings bad omens. She does one thing after another, only to deceive everyone in the capital.

Not long after, one person spread the word to ten, and ten spread to hundreds. After a few days, everyone reached a consensus: This can no longer go on!

What to do?

Naturally, we invite King Shun to come out and rule the world, and then everyone can live a good life!

After going back and forth like this, soon there were bold people gathered outside the Meridian Gate.

I found some rags, wrote some nice prophecies on them, and started making noise.

At first, Zhang Zhifa, Huang Shijun, He Fengsheng and Kong Zhenyun thought it was people from Zhang Shun's faction who made the noise. However, within a few days they discovered that this was entirely a spontaneous request by the people of the capital, and they were stunned.

"Really, sir, the fortune tellers in the Guanyin Temple now say that His Highness 'King Shun' will have three hundred and eight years to rule the world. Everyone knows this!" Zhang Zhifa's wife couldn't help but mutter to him.

"What is what the people want? This is what the people want!"

"Shit!" Zhang Zhifa was almost mad at his wife, and couldn't help blowing his beard and glaring.

"No matter what the people want, I think he is a living Cao Cao and a living Wang Mang!"

"Besides, why are you angry with me? A few days ago, some of you pavilion elders were mumbling..." Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but said unhappy.

Mrs. Zhang was only halfway through her words when Zhang Zhifa covered her mouth.

Zhang Zhifa's face was livid, and he couldn't help shouting: "Do you want to die?"

It turned out that on that day, he claimed that it was his birthday.

Although Huang Shijun, He Fengsheng and Kong Zhenyun all refused on the surface, they all came secretly.

However, before the four of them could come up with a plan, Cao Huachun's matter came to light.

It was a good time. The four of them had not eaten the mutton and had made a fuss. Now they were all frightened, fearing that someone would suddenly break in one day and shouted: "Zhang Zhifa, you have committed treason!"

This is also the main reason why Zhang Zhifa took the initiative to arrange for Tang Shiji, the censor of Zuodu, to persuade Feng Ying, the Minister of Punishment, and Chen Yangmei, the minister of Dali Temple, to quickly sell Cao Huachun as a temple eunuch and Luo Yangxing as a Jinyiwei.

If it really falls into the hands of Zhang Shun, there is no guarantee that one day he will not find out this matter if he keeps searching here and there.

Sure enough, Zhang Zhifa was almost frightened to death when Mrs. Zhang mentioned what happened that day.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhifa also figured it out, and couldn't help but nodded and said: "What the madam said is true, the arm cannot twist the thigh. This time, we will give him whatever he wants!"

Zhang Zhifa couldn't figure it out, and Huang Shijun, He Fengsheng, Kong Zhenyun and others soon figured it out too.

If they don't understand, someone will help them figure it out.

So, when he went to court the next day, Zhang Zhifa took the lead and said: "I heard that the world is great and the virtuous people live in it."

"Now there is King Shun, whose virtue is equal to that of the three emperors, and whose merits exceed those of the five emperors. He will appear in a thousand years!"

"Your Majesty should abdicate in favor of worthy men, the beauty of adulthood"

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