Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1521 The reckless people

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Zhang Ge said is absolutely true. I should abdicate in favor of someone more worthy!" When Zhu Changxun heard that he was relieved, he couldn't help but said with great joy.

The story of Cao Huachun and the Queen plotting to assassinate King Shun two days ago was still in his ears. This made Zhu Changxun sleepless and uneasy, fearing that one day Zhang Shun would suddenly break in with his soldiers and chop him and the Queen into pieces.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether the Queen is chopped or not, the key is not to hook up with yourself again!

"Uh..." To be honest, Zhang Shun was a little confused at this time.

For him, it is natural to play "give in", but now is not the time!

Now that Zhu Changxun is taking the blame for Zheng Lao, and he is killing Zheng Shuang so well, how come he has reached the point where he is about to "give in"?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but shouted: "Well, you Zhang Zhifa, together with the four thieves Cao Cao, Mang Yi and Wen, you can't call him evil! Please kill Zhang Zhifa to show your ambition!"

Good guy, who is "Fuck Mang Yi Wen"?

As soon as Zhang Shun said this, Zhang Zhifa almost became angry at Zhang Shun's words that confused right and wrong!

Zhu Changxun was also startled, and he quickly tried to persuade him personally: "I have no benevolence and no virtue, how can I benefit the world?"

"Please also ask Your Highness to ascend the throne as soon as possible. It will be good for you and me!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he was awe-inspiring and couldn't help scolding him: "Your Majesty is the lord of the world, but he made such foolish remarks. Isn't he a member of Nanhai Huanling?"

Na Cao, Mang Yi and Wen respectively refer to the four treacherous ministers Cao Cao, Wang Mang, Sima Yi and Zhu Wen.

The four Nan Hai and Huan Ling refer to the four faint emperors of Zhou Nan, Hu Hai, Emperor Huan of Han and Emperor Ling of Han respectively.

This treacherous minister and the ignorant king complement each other perfectly!

"Ah, that's right, I am that Nan Hai Huan Ling. Your Highness, please take it for yourself!" Zhu Changxun quickly answered.

Damn it, Zhang Shun almost went crazy because of Zhu Changxun's messy behavior. Brother, won’t you take the blame?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneer and said: "From father to son, the family is in the world. Since your majesty is unwilling to continue to be in charge of the government, I would like to invite your eldest son Zhu Yousong to succeed you. I also ask for your majesty's permission!"

"Ah?" When Zhu Changxun and Zhang Zhifa heard this, they immediately looked at each other.

It doesn't matter that you caught someone else's father, but you are still thinking about someone else's son?

However, if we discuss it carefully, what Zhang Shun said is correct.

Since I didn't do well, it doesn't matter. Why don't I replace my son with him? What if my son is a wise king?

Zhu Changxun and Zhang Zhifa were helpless and could only nod their heads and said: "In that case, I have to trouble His Royal Highness King Shun to send someone to persuade him to come back!"

How could he possibly be persuaded to come back?

Since Wanli, the lineage of the Ming Dynasty has been transferred to Zhu Changluo's line of Mingguangzong.

However, Zhu Changluo died early, leaving only two branches: Zhu Youxiao and Zhu Youjian.

Now that Zhu Youxiao and Zhu Youjian are dead, and Zhang Shun does not recognize the Mingguangzong lineage, the only ones closest to the throne are the third son Fu Wang Zhu Changxun, the fifth son Duan Wang Zhu Changhao, the sixth son Hui Wang Zhu Changrun, and the seventh son Gui Wang Zhu Changyinghao. people.

According to the legacy of Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the principle of "If there is a direct line of succession, there will be no direct line of succession", Zhu Changxun, the king of Fu, was naturally the first-in-line successor, and Zhu Changxun's son was the second-in-line heir.

Now that the residual Ming forces are out of their minds, they will let Zhu Yousong, the second heir in line, "return" to the capital.

Of course, I don’t want to not know, and I’ll be frightened when I think about it.

When Zhang Zhifa and others discovered that Zhu Changxun's eldest son, Zhu Yousong, was still in the hands of the residual Ming forces, they realized that Zhang Shun was really disgusting.

Do you want to support the new emperor?

In order to support the new emperor to come out to fight, the inheritance status of King Fu's line must be recognized.

However, if the successor status of King Fu is really recognized, wouldn't it be like "I beat my son"? This emperor is naturally inferior to the rebels.

What if King Fu’s inheritance status is not recognized?

Then we have to directly deny the lineage since Wanli. Although it is not "I beat my son" or "elder beats my younger brother", the legality is inferior to the lineage of King Fu, which is really dumbfounding.

Not to mention what the others were thinking, Zhang Shun finally used Zhu Yousong to win buffer time.

While he pretended to select a few cronies and sent them to Nanjing to meet the "Prince" who had fled, he also began to intensify the cleanup of the temple officials and Jinyiwei forces.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, the property of the civil servants has been cleared out!" As soon as Zhang Shung returned to Yangxin Hall, he heard Zhou Yufeng, Queen Zhou, shouting and reporting to him.

"Oh? How much silver was found?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said excitedly.

The raids on civil servants this time were different from the raids on nobles. The nobles raided their families and exterminated their clans. In addition to cash, they also had many houses, estates, gardens and servants to do things, while the civil servants were basically all cash.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this time a total of five million seven hundred and fifty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-seven two-six cents in cash were copied!" Zhou Yufeng also said excitedly.

Good guy, Zhang Shun calls him good guy.

It turned out that there were about a thousand people in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. In addition to those who had surrendered to the rebels, about five or six hundred people were tortured and plundered by the rebels.

As a result, these five or six hundred people actually robbed 5.75 million taels of silver, which was an average of 10,000 taels per person.

This made Zhang Shun almost want to drag the more than 500 people who had defected to the rebels to the street and torture them.

"Okay, okay, good job!" Zhang Shun couldn't help rubbing his hands and said, "I never thought that the officials of the Ming Dynasty would be so rich!"

Zhou Yufeng, as the queen of Chongzhen, had seen how "poor" Chongzhen was before, which made her family frugal and sell their jewelry, so they could scrape together tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Now I didn't expect that the nobles looted and found 6.37 million taels of silver, and the civil servants looted and found 5.75 million taels of silver. The total of these two places alone reached 12 million taels.

If Chongzhen had this money in his hands, not only would he die and his country would be destroyed, but he would also be humiliated by Zhang Shun?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yufeng was filled with anger and couldn't help but suggest: "Your Highness, these people are really hateful. Why don't we copy the other civil servants too!"

"Ahem." This is what I want, Zhang Shun thought to himself, and quickly refused, "Don't talk nonsense, these are the pillars of the country, how can they be killed for three melons and two dates?"

"You mean to play the long game and catch the big fish?" It's easy to learn bad things but hard to learn well. A generation of virtuous empress Zhou Yufeng has only been fooling around with Zhang Shun for more than ten days, and she has become a "demon concubine" who steals homes and exterminates families without batting an eyelid.

"Ahem, I didn't say that, it was you who said it!" Zhang Shun quickly denied it.

In fact, these words really made Empress Zhou say it. Zhang Shun saw that the Beijing officials were so rich, so he had already focused his attention on the remaining Beijing officials and other local officials who had surrendered.

It's just that the matter is huge and can't be done in three or two months. It needs to be discussed in the long term.

"Besides, hypocrisy!" Queen Zhou looked at Zhang Shun with contempt, then took out her own little abacus and started playing happily.

If one family borrows 10,000, ten families will get one hundred thousand, one hundred families will get one million, and one thousand families will get ten million.

Making money doesn’t seem that difficult!

There is only one chapter today, please forgive me

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