Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1530 Three chapters of the agreement

"Come, sit down, come inside and sit down!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said seriously when he saw that the girls were traveling all the way and they were carrying a group of children.

"Rixin again? I don't want to enter this kind of house!" Ma Yingniang walked in first after hearing this, but when she looked up she saw the plaque hanging above the bed, she couldn't help but exit quickly.

It turns out that the two rooms in the East Sub-room and the East Shao Room were named after "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement."

Therefore, the plaque in the east corner is "Continuous Self-improvement", but there is another plaque hanging on the indoor bedside with the word "You Ri Xin" which is taken from "Gou Ri Xin, Day Day Xin, Day Day Xin".

"What a stinking place, and you have the nerve to let us in?"

Zhang Shun had no choice but to lead them to the main study room, which was the room with the plaque "Qianyuan Zishi" hanging on it.

"Everyone, sit down!" Zhang Shun glanced around secretly and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was nothing "obtrusive".

All. All sitting?

The four girls Zhou Yufeng, Zhang Yan, Tian Xiuying and Zhu Huiti couldn't help but tremble in their hearts when they heard this. They looked at the room full of warblers and Yanyans in disbelief and thought to themselves: How is this possible!

Then he realized that he was overthinking it, and for a moment he was so embarrassed that he couldn't find a crack in the ground to get in.

"Whatever you look at, be honest!" Ma Yingniang saw them looking around and couldn't help but shout.

How could she have imagined that during the days when they were away, Zhang Shunda was sleeping with him and how happy he was.

If they had arrived a few days later, Zhang Shun would probably be upgraded from "Gong Qing driving four" to "Princes driving five" or even "Emperor driving six" according to the "ritual system".

It is a pity that time did not wait for us. Zhang Shun was ultimately unable to complete the breakthrough in etiquette and stopped at the "position of public minister".

The girls didn't know that Zhang Shun was thinking all over the place. When they saw him sitting still, they shouted: "What should I say?"

"Let's do it this way. Let's make the request first, and then see if I can't fulfill it. Is this okay?" Zhang Shun hesitated and couldn't help but tentatively replied.

"That's fine!" Ma Yingniang was the first to speak after hearing this, "First of all, the first one is that no more people are allowed. Who is in favor and who is against?"

"This is good, this is good!" Ma Yingniang's suggestion represented the fundamental interests of all the women present, and everyone immediately agreed to "weld the car door shut."

"I don't care, it's just... As an emperor, sometimes I can't help myself..." Zhang Shun couldn't help but hesitate and reminded the girls.

"This..." The girls thought about it carefully and realized that this was really the truth.

Even though there are so many people now, most of them are actually quite a lot older.

Especially some of them are nearly 30 years old, and in some families, they can become grandmothers.

As an emperor, can Zhang Shun be able to guard a group of yellow-faced women in the future?

"Let's do this!" The Red Lady frowned and said proactively, "One is that if there are any difficulties in the future, everyone can understand and we can just discuss it."

"The other thing is that in the future, when His Highness ascends the throne, he will naturally choose ladies to enter the palace. No matter which one you favor, everyone will have nothing to say."

"It's better than dragging your smelly smell into the room!"

"That's right!" The other women nodded after hearing this.

Many of the women Zhang Shunshou had before were married women, and they didn't sound very serious.

"Okay, I agree to this!" Zhang Shun felt that the conditions were very loose and couldn't help but nodded.

"The second rule is, you are not allowed to take medicine, and you are not allowed to... connect with the imperial concubines!" Mrs. Zeng gritted her teeth and suggested quickly.

"What do you mean by this?" Li Xiang couldn't sit still after hearing this.

One is that she knows the properties of medicine, and the other is that she has Liu Rushi and Chen Yuan in her room to help her. She has a great advantage, but she didn't expect that she would be specifically targeted by this woman.

"She said you can't take red pills or dry medicine!" Lady Hong quickly added after hearing this.

The ancients said that "sex is like a steel knife for scraping bones." Apart from ordinary indulgences, the main thing to fear is "medication."

Emperor Taichang of Ming Dynasty was a good example. It is said that when he succeeded to the throne, he accepted eight beauties presented by Concubine Zheng.

Emperor Taichang was not liked by Wanli at first and lived in fear all the time. He finally became a great emperor, but he could not hold back and indulged in lust day and night.

As a result, he fell ill within ten days of taking the throne.

Emperor Taichang felt that the imperial doctor's preparation was too slow, so he took the "elixir" given by a minister.

Unexpectedly, I was glowing with glory just after eating, but died when I took the second pill. This is the famous "Red Pill Case", one of the three major cases in the late Ming Dynasty.

We are all women, so we naturally know what it means for men to indulge in sexual activities day and night.

Even a man as full-blooded and energetic as Zhang Shun would still be able to indulge in lust day and night once in a while.

If you are tired for days and nights, you must take medicine.

It's fine if it's an ordinary medicine, but when it comes to pills, it's often life-threatening.

Zeng was originally a princess of Tang Dynasty, so she had heard about this matter, so she brought it up first.

"This..." Zhang Shun hesitated after hearing this, then shook his head and said, "This king does not need to take medicine, and this beloved concubine does not need to worry."

"As for Lian Yushu Nu, I'm not a lustful ghost, so how could this happen?"

Although Zhang Shun promised not to use drugs, he was still vague about the issue of "one dragon and several phoenixes".

This is why his hobby has gradually shifted from being a virgin to being a married woman.

If it's more straightforward, what he likes is not just women, but the humiliation of his opponents.

Although he may not understand it at this time, this dark thought has begun to distort his mind.

"Let's see, no more than three people can sleep with each other at one time!" Lady Hong hesitated for a moment, then finally took care of Li Xiang's situation and said.

"I have no objection!" When Zhang Shun heard this, he knew that this was the limit that the girls could tolerate, so he couldn't help but nodded.

"I don't have any objections either!" Seeing that her request was met, Li Xiang couldn't help but nodded happily.

In Zhang Shun's harem, Hong Niangzi and Li Xiang hold very important positions.

Therefore, when these two people spoke, others saw that there was no disadvantage to them, so they agreed.

"Okay, since everyone agrees with these two items, let's talk about the status of these women!" Wang Qiying looked at them coldly for a long time and suddenly said.

Good guy, see you soon!

Zhang Zhoutian, Zhu Sinu, and sisters Hailanzhu and Da Yuer glanced at Wang Qiying and quickly turned their attention to Zhang Shun.

"This..." Zhang Shun hesitated, pointed at the youngest Tian Shuying and said, "This one must at least be canonized as a concubine!"

Do what you promise others to do.

"Then... let's leave it like this. Others can't be higher than this level!" Li Sanniang glanced at the silent girls and finally made the final decision.

"Next... Next we have to talk about the order and rules of sleeping, so as not to damage His Highness's health."

ah? The girls were stunned when they heard the words, and immediately pricked up their ears, for fear of missing a word.

There is only one Tang Monk, how to divide this meat!

"Your Highness, Dongjiang Town has sent an envoy to ask for a meeting. I don't know whether he will see you or not!" However, at this critical moment, Gao Qiqian's voice sounded outside at the right time.

"See you, see you immediately!" Zhang Shun suddenly responded loudly as if he had been granted amnesty.

Sleeping, what sleeping, I didn’t hear it at all!

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