Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1531 Zhang Shun’s decision

"I have met His Highness King Shun. I want to give you some gifts to express my feelings!" Not long after, after the girls dispersed, a dark, lean and muscular messenger presented several colored gifts.

Zhang Shun glanced at the words and found that it was really a "little gift". This guy was so humble.

It turned out that Dongjiang Town only sent gold bowls, gold cups and a few pieces of silver jewelry this time, which was considered a shabby situation.

"Dongjiang is poor. It's really...there's really nothing to give..." The messenger also felt that he couldn't get anything, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"If you can't get something out of your hands, why can't people get it out of your hands?" Zhang Shun was speechless and couldn't help but remind him.

"Hou Jin sent me two beauties. Although they are very shabby, they are better than nothing!"

"Ah? A woman?" The envoy was stunned when he heard this, and could not help but gritted his teeth and said, "If His Highness likes it, I will send it to you soon!"

"Woman? What woman!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun suddenly shouted loudly, "Do you think I am the lecherous person?"

"It's enough to have this gold and silver, but women don't need it!"

"?" The envoy suddenly looked confused. Aren't you always asking me for women? Why don't you want women anymore? What does this mean?

It turned out that Zhang Shun wanted to keep his daughters bored in the back hall, so it was inevitable that someone would eavesdrop.

He deliberately brought up this topic to establish his image of "repenting from his past mistakes".

Sure enough, a group of women eavesdropping in the back hall suddenly heard that Zhang Shun "categorically rejected" Dongjiang Town's "beauty trap", and couldn't help but whisper to each other and praise: "Your Highness did a beautiful job this time!"

Duma Yingniang curled her lips and murmured in a low voice: "The sun has come out from the west, will the dog change his mind to eat shit?"

"Then... gift..." Do you want it or not? The messenger was almost dying of anxiety.

"Let's not talk about gifts!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "Just tell me about the situation in Dongjiang Town first!"

Now that he has achieved his goal, Zhang Shun naturally changed the topic quickly to avoid being spotted by the girls.

"Dongjiang Town" the envoy pondered for a moment and couldn't help but said, "There are hundreds of thousands of Dingkou and 12,000 soldiers, sitting on Tieshan, Pi Island, Shicheng and other islands."

"Stop, stop, stop, since I'm asking for help, I think it's better for you to tell the truth!" As soon as the messenger opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Zhang Shun.

"Uh," the messenger hesitated for a moment, then changed his words, "Actually, there are 80,000 soldiers and 10,000 soldiers."

"You really have no sincerity at all? Do you want me to remind you?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "If Dongjiang Town has 50,000 Dingkou now, I will take your surname!"

"Ah? Actually, Dongjiang Town currently has 60,000 citizens and 7,000 soldiers!" the envoy said, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

It turned out that Geng Zhongming provided intelligence, and Zhang Shun made a comprehensive analysis based on the area of ​​Dongjiang Town, the materials requested from the Ming court, and the number of people approved in the past, and finally calculated the approximate strength of Dongjiang Town.

Sure enough, Zhang Shun showed his tricks and was so bluffing that the combination revealed the true and false situation of Dongjiang Town.

"How long can you hold on?" Zhang Shun frowned upon hearing this.

The situation in Dongjiang Town was very bad, even worse than he imagined.

"Let me save it, this autumn is irrelevant!" The messenger pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and then answered. “It’s always dangerous after a light snowfall and the sea freezes!”

Naturally, light snow does not refer to snow, but one of the twenty-four solar terms, roughly around the end of October in the lunar calendar.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be surprised after hearing what this man said, and quickly asked: "Dare you know your name? You have such knowledge!"

"Your Excellency, Li Mingzhong, is the Lord of Changyi, Laizhou Prefecture. I have met His Highness King Shun!" Li Mingzhong couldn't help but smile and bow down.

"Oh? Lord Bo!" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but think of another Lord Bo in history.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "I never thought that a hero would be buried. I wonder how you can teach me?"

Li Mingzhong hesitated after hearing this, and seeing that Zhang Shun had no intention of ridiculing, he couldn't help but boldly said: "In the early years, the Dongjiang River was located in Lushun, Jinzhou, Pidao and other places, and blocked the Jin coast."

"Not only can it travel unimpeded on the sea, but it can also communicate with the east and west. If they attack my Pi Island, I can take advantage of their recovery and Gaizhou; if they attack my Jinzhou and Lushun, I can attack the hinterland of Hetuala."

"What a pity that now Jinzhou and Lushun are lost, and later Jin has set up a navy, it will be difficult for Dongjiang to be defended!"

"In my humble opinion, if you want to rescue the Dongjiang River, you must occupy the Second Prefecture of Denglai. Not only is the Second Prefecture of Denglai across the sea from Lushun, but you can also rescue the Dongjiang River by water. Therefore, the imperial court specially appointed the Governor of Denglai to unify the powers. .”

"If Denglai is unprepared, Tianjin will be the next best thing. If Your Highness gets the Tianjin Navy, even though he is not as good as Denglai and the Second Mansion, he will not be disappointed!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun understood most of it immediately after hearing this.

If we want to rescue Dongjiang, there is no land route, so we can only form a navy and support by sea.

However, the establishment of the navy is not a three-to-five-day attack, so the fastest way for the rebels is to take over the Ming Dynasty navy.

This master, Bo Li Mingzhong, has pointed out two ways to Zhang Shun, one is to take over the Tianjin Navy of the Ming Dynasty, and the other is to take over the Denglai Navy of the Ming Dynasty.

If the two come together, it would be great.

If not, at least the Tianjin Navy must be captured, so that they won't be helpless when Dongjiang Town is besieged.

It’s just that it’s already late August, and there are only two months until ice forms near Phi Island. Is it still too late?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun carefully inquired about the soldier training, material reserves, ordnance repair, fortification construction, etc. in Dongjiang Town.

The two talked for a long time, until then, Li Mingzhong asked tentatively: "There is a shortage of horses on the Dongjiang River, making it difficult to gallop. I wonder if your highness can give me some help?"

"Although I am in severe shortage of war horses, I can still mobilize one or two!" Zhang Shun frowned and said, "But the top priority now is how Dongjiang Town can survive this winter!"

"You also know that if there is a fierce battle on land, not to mention Duduo's son, even Hong Tai himself will be defeated and die."

"It's just that the navy is in a hurry and it's difficult to prepare everything. It's really worrying!"

"Your Highness, have you agreed to rescue Dongjiang?" After hearing Zhang Shun's words, Li Mingzhong burst into tears and couldn't help but confirm quickly.

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I must save this king!" Zhang Shun sneered, "Then since the Kingdom of Jin dares to compete with me for supremacy, we should be mentally prepared to be plowed through the palace by my king's army."

"This king is not only prepared to protect the Dongjiang River, but also to develop the Jin Gai Fu Sea."

It turns out that in the past few days, in addition to playing with women, Zhang Shun also carefully checked the Ming court's information about Dongjiang Town.

As a visitor from later generations, his knowledge of the ocean was obviously much better than that of people of this era, so he immediately discovered the strategic value of Dongjiang Town.

Historically, there were roughly four passages leading from the mainland to Liaodong: Pinggang Road, Wuzhong Road, Lulong Road and Binhai Road.

Among them, Pinggang Road leaves Gubeikou, then cuts northeastward into the "Laoha River" valley, intersects with Lulong Road, and reaches the Chifeng area in the north.

Lulong Road leads out of Xifengkou and then meets Pinggang Road to the north.

The endless road leaves Ji Town, then goes north along the Qinglong River and Daling River valleys, and finally reaches the Chaoyang area in later generations.

Binhai Road is today's Liaoxi Corridor, leaving Shanhaiguan and heading north along Qinhuangdao, Ningyuan and Jinzhou.

Among these four passages, except for the Binhai Road, which is relatively flat and wide, the other three roads are rugged and can only be used by people and horses, not vehicles.

This is also the reason why the two countries of Ming and Jin had to fight repeatedly on the front lines of Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan.

There are only a few channels for the two sides. They are fighting against each other, and they have to compete with famous brands, so it is easy to reach a deadlock.

For the rebels, now that Liaodong Town and Shanhai Town have been surrendered, the Liaodong defense line has basically been established, and it seems that there is no need to worry.

However, Hou Jin, who was mainly cavalry, repeatedly entered the pass through Lulong Road, Pinggang Road, and even the more distant Prairie Road, telling Zhang Shun that things were not that simple.

Years of military experience told Zhang Shun that the most taboo thing in a war is to go all the way.

Later, while Jin was confronting the Ming army in the Jinzhou area, he could also use the cavalry to "enter the pass" to harass, which told Zhang Shun that there was a huge loophole in the flank of this defense line.

If he continues to defend according to the Ming army's plan, he will probably become the second in Chongzhen.

Therefore, after capturing the capital, Zhang Shun has been thinking about the key points to break this passive situation.

It wasn't until Dongjiang Town came into view that Zhang Shun suddenly realized it.

As the saying goes: North horse and south boat. Since Jin Dynasty has the advantage of cavalry, the Central Plains regime has the advantage of navy.

Later Jin could rely on cavalry to "enter the pass", so why couldn't he rely on the navy to threaten its hinterland?

Thinking of this, the status of Dongjiang Town became more and more important in Zhang Shun's heart.

Without the Dongjiang River, Jiliao would be difficult to defend; without the Dongjiang River, Jiliao would be difficult to attack!

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