Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1534 I heard that there is a scholar named Galileo

"This is all just talk on paper!" Zhang Shun pushed the information in his hand irritably, rubbed what he saw, and said to himself.

"Then shall I change another book?" Tian Xiuying secretly glanced at Zhang Shun's mother-in-law who was watching, and asked cautiously.

It turned out that after sending away Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin, Zhang Shun immediately ordered Zhou Zhangtian and Zhu Sinu to transfer relevant information on Ming Dynasty shipbuilding for review.

In this regard, these four women are quite familiar with it.

However, many of Zhang Shun's wives were worried and ran out one by one to "watch".

As a result, there was a strange scene of five people working and dozens of people watching.

"I'm talking about myself, not this book!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "Although this book contains complete information on ships, I can't choose a suitable ship from it!"

It turned out that Zhang Shun had read a lot of shipbuilding materials and ship drawings of this era, but he had no experience in naval warfare. For a while, he didn't know which kind of warship to choose or which warship to use instead, so he was distressed.

"Well, His Highness is the first to recommend the West, why not. Why not find a 'missionary' and ask?" Tian Xiuying hesitated and couldn't help but suggest.

"Missionary? Good lady, why did I forget this!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but be happy when he heard this, and subconsciously wanted to hug Tian Xiuying and "give her a reward."

Fortunately, Tian Xiuying reacted quickly and turned around to avoid it.

"Hey!" The ladies couldn't see what Zhang Shun was thinking, and all of them suddenly became angry.

"Tch, you're not allowed to eat meat, and you're not allowed to drink soup!" Anyway, he was thick-skinned, so he couldn't help curling his lips, but he didn't take it seriously.

In the past few days, this group of women did nothing but "you stare at me and I stare at you" all day long, leaving Zhang Shun with "no meat to eat", and he was not dissatisfied with this.

Of course, he was dissatisfied, so he only complained verbally but took no further action.

No more gossiping, until he finished his "demonstration", he shouted loudly: "Shuying, please give me Gao Qiqian and call him in!"

"Okay!" The little girl Tian Shuying thought that marrying Zhang Shun would mean being around Zhang Shun all day long like other wives, so she did her job as a "doorkeeper" conscientiously.

"I have seen His Highness!" Not long after, Gao Qi sneaked in. Under the watch of a group of warblers, Alexander bowed to Zhang Shun.

"Get up, I want to ask you something." Zhang Shun raised his hand and said, "Do you know where there are missionaries? It is best to be knowledgeable."

"This" Gao Qiqian hesitated after hearing the words, and couldn't help but said, "It turned out that there was a Western missionary named Tang Ruowang, who was engaged in calendaring and cannon casting. Now he is being detained by the rebels. I wonder if His Highness is looking for him. character?"

"Tang Ruowang, Nan Huairen?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but quickly ordered, "Please come quickly!"

I don't know anyone else, but Zhang Shun has actually heard of Tang Ruowang and Nan Huairen.

In the popular Qing palace dramas in his previous life, these two Western missionaries were famous figures.

Even if they don't know how to build ships, they are still rare technical talents.

However, most of those stories happened in the Kangxi Dynasty, and Zhang Shun never expected that this person would have appeared in the late Ming Dynasty.

Following Zhang Shun's order, not long after, a "Waiguoren" wearing a Confucian shirt and a gray beard appeared in front of Zhang Shun.

"The guilty minister Tang Ruowang paid homage to His Highness King Shun and presented several books!" Tang Ruowang came forward and paid homage to Zhang Shun in very fluent Chinese.

"Your Chinese... Mandarin is pretty good!" Zhang Shun originally wanted to say that his Chinese was pretty good, but then he thought about it and realized that just two words of Chinese were not enough to accurately summarize his pronunciation standards.

"I have lived in China for more than ten years, and I have a little talent..." Tang Ruowang replied with a sense of humor.

"Haha!" Zhang Shun laughed heartily, then flipped through the books presented by Tang Ruowang.

There is one called "New Book of the Calendar", one called "Distant Mirror Theory", one called "Fire Attack and Key Points", and another called "Kun Yu Gezhi".

Zhang Shun didn't care about the other books. When he saw the book "Distant Mirror Theory", Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel moved. He couldn't help but flip through it and asked, "Who wrote this book?"

"This book is the result of practicing Western Dharma by my disciple Li Zubai!" Tang Ruowang responded quickly.

"Oh? Who created the content of this book?" Zhang Shun continued to ask.

"You can't judge the root cause!" Unexpectedly, the missionary Tang Ruowang did something unexpected by Zhang Shun.

Isn't it Galileo? Or is this guy hiding something?

It turned out that Zhang Shun had read "The Theory of the Telescope" before and saw that the principles contained in it were quite similar to some understandings of later generations. He thought that this book was written by Galileo.

Based on the previous Peking Opera "The Trial of Galileo in Three Churches", Zhang Shun had a vague impression that Galileo was also a "heretic" in the Catholic world.

Since he was a "heretic", Zhang Shun wanted to find out if Galileo was still alive and whether he could be introduced as a talent.

It's just that Zhang Shun himself is not sure whether Galileo is a figure of this era, let alone what the specific situation of this person is.

However, Zhang Shun was so cunning. Now that he was thinking about it, he suddenly said deceitfully: "I heard that there is a scholar in the West who can use this telescope to observe astronomical phenomena. He is called Galileo. I wonder if this is true?"

"Galileo?" Tang Ruowang was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but change his face and said, "There are many people called Galileo in the Far West. I wonder who your highness is looking for?"

"This person also discovered the principle of the pendulum!" Zhang Shun racked his brains and thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Is it him?" Tang Ruowang shook his head when he heard this, and replied with regret, "This man was from Florence. Unfortunately, he passed away not long ago!"

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Shun observed the words and expressions. He had already seen what was true and what was false. How could he be deceived by him.

He couldn't help but sneered: "I know that this person is not in harmony with the church, but you won't curse people to death, right?"

"Uh... forgive me, Your Highness!" When Tang Ruowang saw that Zhang Shun had exposed his lie, he had no choice but to tell the truth, "This man is arrogant and unconventional, so I told a white lie."

"It's just that even if I personally agree, I'm afraid... I'm afraid Galileo himself may not agree to cross the ocean and come here."

In this era, it would take at least half a year to a year to reach China from near the Mediterranean Sea.

If there is misfortune during this period, there is still the danger of being buried in the belly of a fish.

Therefore, except for profit-seeking businessmen and missionaries with firm beliefs, few people are willing to sail such a long distance. What Tang Ruowang said is quite reasonable.

However, Zhang Shun had already concluded that this guy was cheating on him, so he couldn't help but sneered: "In that case, please tell the Holy See."

“If Galileo had not come, there would not have been a Catholic church in this land.”

"If Galileo can come, I promise to restore the original Catholic Church."

"Your Highness, those Catholic churches belong to us, you can't create a bargaining chip in vain..." Tang Ruowang was stunned when he heard this. He never expected that the "submissive thief" could be so shameless.

"Have you seen this luxurious palace? It didn't belong to me before, but now it belongs to me!" Zhang Shun said with a smile after hearing this.

"Have you seen this rich land and people? It didn't belong to me before, but now it belongs to me too."

"Now tell me, whose are those Catholic churches?"

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