Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1535 The Beginning of the Spread of Western Learning to the East

" are not the behavior of an upright knight to be so unreasonable!" The bearded Tang Ruowang couldn't help but blush, and commented loudly.

"A true knight cannot ignore social injustice for the sake of his own false reputation!" Zhang Shun replied with a sneer.

"You are not engaged in production, but you still collect 'tithes' from believers. You are really a national coward!"

"I have not followed the example of the story of 'Wuzong destroyed the Buddha'. I am already extremely merciful. How dare you say anything else?"

"You..." When Tang Ruowang suddenly heard Zhang Shun's words, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

It turns out that in order to preach, these believers naturally described the West as being like heaven.

Naturally, the dark and corrupt parts were ignored, so it had a good reputation among scholars.

However, the premise of all this is that Western Europe is developed and wealthy, which makes people admire it.

If once believers discover the hypocrisy and corruption of these Catholics, they will inevitably feel disillusioned, and by then I am afraid that Catholicism will be a bad sight on the streets.

Moreover, King Shun's words not only revealed his amazing understanding of Catholicism, but also mentioned two pieces of information about Catholicism: one is the virtue of knights, and the other is "tithe".

The former is easy to say, but once the latter is exposed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Agricultural taxes in the Ming Dynasty were extremely low, and even if other miscellaneous taxes were added in time, the standard of "tithe tax" might not be reached on the surface.

Once this information is exposed, just "competing with the court for taxes" is enough to cause the crowd to rise up and attack.

But once Galileo comes, the Catholic crime of persecuting scholars will be exposed. What should we do?

Tang Ruowang was in a dilemma for a while.

"Your Highness, I need to think about this!" Tang Ruowang hesitated and said.

This matter is so big that Tang Ruowang cannot make the decision by himself.

"Time should be faster. As the saying goes, 'The moon waxes and wanes, and the sky has its misfortunes and blessings.' Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst case. If Galileo has a chance, I'm afraid the Catholic Church will never be spread again. !" Zhang Shun couldn't help but remind him meaningfully.

"This" Tang Ruowang hesitated for a moment, and finally decided with gritted teeth, "I will give an answer to His Highness in three days!"

"Okay, it's settled!" Zhang Shun clapped his hands and couldn't help but smile, "Then, now let me see your value first!"

"Now, I want to build a navy. Do you know the construction technology, blueprints and related tactics of the relevant ships?"

"This" Tang Ruowang was caught off guard by Zhang Shun's sudden change of subject.

However, fortunately, as an excellent missionary, he was known to be quick-witted.

He couldn't help but said: "If you want to talk about the specific craftsmanship and drawings, I'm afraid I have to search for them. But if Your Highness really wants to build a ship, you can build a 'Clarke Sailboat' for the ocean, and a 'Caravel Sailboat' for the offshore."

"This Clark sailboat has three or four masts. It is a huge ship with tall sides and can carry more than a hundred guns. Therefore, it can traverse the four seas."

"Whenever you encounter an enemy, attack them with artillery, and everything will be shattered!"

"'The Caravel sailing ship is small, agile and extremely fast. It has two or three masts. It was originally a ship used by explorers for ocean exploration. Nowadays it is mostly used for offshore operations."

"Oh?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and said quickly, "Okay, if you can provide relevant information about these two ships, I will not hesitate to reward you!"

"The guilty minister does not want a heavy reward, but I want a missionary!" Tang Ruowang quickly expressed his stance.

"If you can't preach, and Galileo doesn't come, no one is allowed to preach!" Zhang Shun flatly refused.

"Uh." When Tang Ruo saw that Zhang Shun was not interested, he had to say in a roundabout way, "Let me think about it and then reply to Your Highness!"

"Okay, get up and dive, see off the guests!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ordered directly when he saw that he couldn't squeeze out any more money.

"Your Highness, when you treat him like this, aren't you afraid that he won't do his job with all his heart?" As soon as Gao Qiqian and Tang Ruowang left, Tian Xiuying couldn't help but walk out from behind the screen, her face slightly worried.

"Don't be afraid, you have to hit a snake seven inches." Zhang Shun said with a smile, "This missionary is not afraid of heaven or earth. I am afraid that he will not be allowed to preach."

"But. But if this is the case, will these people be submissive in appearance but dissatisfied in heart, and cause trouble?" Tian Xiuying frowned.

"Yes, but I am not worried!" Zhang Shun chuckled, then pointed to his wife and said, "If you want to know the situation of each country, you must know its language and characters, so that you will not be deceived by others."

"Now Sanniang and others have achieved some success in learning Europa language. Given time, why do they need others to 'feed' them?"

"Ah? It turns out that Zhang Shun asked us to study with Mr. Wang, but he had such thoughts." Li Sanniang and others were stunned when they heard this, and were suddenly surprised.

At the same time, the women Ma Yingniang, Gao Guiying, and Wang Qiying couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What's wrong? Didn't you finish your studies?" Zhang Shun's expression changed when he heard this, and he couldn't help asking quickly.

"You only have a few years of hard work, how can you learn it successfully?" Ma Yingniang, Gao Guiying, and Wang Qiying couldn't help but look at each other.

It turns out that these women who like to wield swords and guns are the kind who can't sit still. They have no talent in language, so they only learned the saying "a bottle of dissatisfaction, a half bottle of swaying".

"Salvē, Māiestās!" Just as everyone was looking at each other, Li Xiang suddenly stepped forward and said.

"Salvē, Mea uxor!" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but quickly replied, "Loquerisne linguam latinam?"

"Sic, paululum linguae Latinae dico!" Li Xiang replied skillfully.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Zhang Shun was busy with official duties and only learned a little bit of "European". He couldn't continue further, so he could only hide his clumsiness.

The content of the exchange between the two just now was that they first greeted each other, and then Zhang Shun asked her "Can you speak Europa", and she replied "Yes, a little bit".

After just this conversation, Ma Yingniang, Gao Guiying, Wang Qiying, Zhang Zhoutian Zhu's fourth daughter, and Hai Lanzhu Da Yuer's sisters looked at each other in confusion.

It turns out that Li Xiang, Liu Rushi, Chen Yuan, and Zeng are "literary people" who already have good cultural foundations, so learning "European" is half the effort with half the effort.

And these people are not like Zhang Shun in his previous life, who concentrated on studying several subjects and only studied this one, and they made rapid progress.

Now, these people have been studying for more than a year. Now I dare not say that they are proficient, but they have at least initially mastered the reading and writing skills of Europa.

If you further study, you will probably be able to translate simple materials in a year and a half.

The time point of "a year and a half" should be the time point of whether Galileo can resist it.

By then, even if the two sides completely fall out, Zhang Shun will be able to cultivate talents who master the "European language" on his own.

Then, he can take the initiative to send talents to the West to learn local science, technology, geography, culture and other knowledge, without having the missionaries act as "second-rate traders".

This was Zhang Hua's move from passive to active and started the "Westernization Movement" in advance.

In Zhang Shun's previous life, when the Manchu Qing Dynasty launched the "Westernization Movement", it had basically lagged behind Western society.

But that was not the case in this life. Now both sides have their own strengths.

If we are "fed" by missionaries, when science and technology are introduced, the science and technology we have mastered will also be "stolen" by others.

Let's not talk about anything else, but the "Pictures of Strange Weapons" written by the priest Wang Zheng was said to be dictated by the missionary Deng Yuhan and written by Wang Zheng.

From what Zhang Shun saw, some of the instruments that were commonly used by the Ming Dynasty were actually given the name "Far West", which shows the serious loss of their technology.

If things go on like this, not only will you be controlled by others, but you will also become worse and worse as you learn, falling further and further behind others.

In view of this, Zhang Shun was thinking about a solution on the day Wang Zheng presented "Pictures of Strange Weapons" to him.

Fortunately, the previous life developed more than three hundred years more than now, and a lot of experience is ready-made, such as the Westernization Movement.

When he was in school in his previous life, Zhang Shun's history teacher quoted a lot of historical facts and told them about the measures of the Westernization Movement. Zhang Shun remembered everything.

Among them, the sentence he remembers most clearly is: "If you want to learn his skills, you must first understand his language. Once you understand his language, you can actively absorb all the beneficial construction achievements of his nation's science and technology, culture, system and so on."

China's subsequent development was indeed as he, a history teacher, said. As a result of all the people learning foreign languages, Western society was almost one-way transparent to China's elites.

So that once there are any changes in the other party, everyone here will be aware of them.

What Zhang Shun needs to do now is to copy the successful experience of his previous life to this life to ensure that China participates in the era of great navigation and then takes the lead in starting the process of industrialization.

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