"What, the prince has run away?" Just when Yang Sichang, Qian Qianyi and others were complacent, they never expected to hear incredible news, "When did it happen?"

"I don't know. When the servant went to deliver food this morning, he discovered that the 'Prince' was missing!" The soldiers reported quickly.

"You bastard, it must be Zhou Yanru's guy!" When Qian Qianyi heard this, he couldn't help but feel annoyed and angry, and cursed in an ungentlemanly manner.

"Don't be anxious, the matter has come to this, there is no use in hurrying!" After this period of training, Yang Sichang was obviously more disciplined and capable than before.

"The top priority is to find Zhou Yanru and invite the 'Crown Prince' back; the other is to arrange for King Lu to ascend the throne as soon as possible and canonize the 'Crown Prince' as the new Prince of Fortune, so as to distinguish between monarch and minister!"

"What Prime Minister Yang said is true, but it's Qian Menglang!" Qian Qianyi was indeed a great man among men. After being awakened by Yang Sichang, he immediately realized it.

"Zhou Yanru left by water, but I don't know where he went before he wanted to kidnap the 'Crown Prince'?"

"It doesn't matter where you are going, the important thing is that you must not be a thief!" Yang Sichang said firmly.

Now that King Fu fell into the hands of the "shun thieves", he had caused so much trouble to himself and others from a legal perspective.

If Prince Fu and Zhou Yanru were allowed to fall into their hands again, they would make a big fuss and the prestige of the "new imperial court" would be even lowered.

Thinking of this, Yang Sichang couldn't help but give a decisive order: "I will write a handwritten letter and ask Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport, to send someone to block the road to the north to prevent this guy from going north."

"Then, in the name of the new emperor, issue a document to arrest thieves, and patrol the rivers along the river to arrest Zhou Yanru and his entourage immediately, without any mistake!"

"Okay, let's do it!" When Qian Qianyi heard this, he couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing, "With Prime Minister Yang taking command, this time, he will not be able to escape!"

The plan of Yang Sichang and Qian Qianyi was quite good, but they failed due to lack of effective information.

The two of them never expected that Zhou Yanru and Zhu Yousong neither went south nor north, but instead headed westward against the Huaihe River and arrived at Sanhejian.

This Sanhejian originally belongs to Qingtanli, Gushi County, Runing Prefecture. It is named after the sharp angle-shaped river bend at the intersection of the Huaihe River, Shiguan River, and Quanhe River. It is a commercial area formed by the Huaihe River shipping in Runing. town.

After Zhou Yanru, Zhu Yousong and others arrived here, they abandoned the boat and changed boats, and then continued up the Huaihe River for a distance, then went northward against the flood tributary of the Huaihe River and arrived at Runing City.

After everyone arrived in Runing, they breathed a sigh of relief, but their hearts began to rise again.

Whether the eunuch Lu Youde will recognize this Prince Fu, and whether Sui Chen's commander-in-chief Luo Ju and deputy commander-in-chief Ma Xu will support Zhu Yousong's accession to the throne are all questions.

"His Royal Highness, an old minister went to see Lu Youde first. If Lu Youde really meant it, the old minister would naturally bring him to greet His Highness. If he had bad intentions, then... that old minister could only retaliate with death, and Your Highness would take care of himself. !" Zhou Yanru couldn't help but said solemnly when he saw that things were taking shape.

Sure enough, Zhu Yousong was so moved that he hurriedly swore to the sky: "Mr. Zhou is so loyal and talented. If Zhu gets a big position, how dare he not reward him?"

"It's passed, it's been passed, this is the duty of a minister, how can I expect repayment?" Zhou Yanru couldn't help but look happy when he heard this, and hurriedly rubbed his hands.

After the two men finally reconciled, Zhou Yanru settled Zhu Yousong, and then led two young men to visit Na Lu Youde.

Na Lu Youde, who was a Zhongjuan and had always been disliked by the Qing Dynasty, suddenly heard Zhou Yanru's visit. Although he was happy, he could not help but murmur in his heart.

He knew that this matter was unusual and quickly went out to greet him personally.

The two met separately, then sat down respectively as host and guest, and waved away.

Lu Youde then smiled and said: "Mr. Zhou is well-known in Shilin, how can he have the heart to visit a disabled person like me today?"

"The matter is so big that a small general cannot bring peace to the world, so Zhou has no choice but to do it!" Unexpectedly, Zhou Yanru suddenly laughed.

"Oh? How do you say this?" Lu Youde frowned, a little surprised and uncertain.

"Now that the capital has fallen and the late emperor died for his country, the top priority is to secure a treasure early to stabilize people's hearts and then try to recover!" Zhou Yanru couldn't help but said in awe, "Do you think so?"

"That's what the words are, and that's what the reason is!" Lu Youde nodded, and then changed the topic, "It's just that this matter has its own 'meat eaters' plan, so what's the point of me being a disabled person?" "Jianye'?"

"'Meat-eaters are despicable and fail to make far-sighted plans'!" Zhou Yanru couldn't help but sneered, "Since the late emperor passed away, the person who should take the throne is not the former emperor's son, that is, the direct descendant of King Fu. Do you think so?"

"According to etiquette, this should be the case!" Lu Youde frowned, and a storm suddenly arose in his heart.

Previously, when the King of Zhou became independent and issued an edict to "King Qin", he felt something was wrong.

As a result, before the three of them could make a decision, Zhou Yanru arrived.

Who Zhou Yanru supports, who he opposes, and what he wants to do this time deserves his careful treatment.

"That's good!" Zhou Yanru smiled when he heard this, "Now that two treacherous ministers, Yang Sichang and Qian Qianyi, openly sacrificed Prince Fu and supported Prince Lu, isn't it absurd?"

"These two people are both Mingcheng and Confucian scholars, so there must be deep meaning in them." Lu Youde hesitated and quickly expressed his stance.

This castrated old fox! Zhou Yanru cursed secretly, knowing that he was ignoring the rabbit.

So, he had no choice but to continue: "I heard that the general and King Fu have an old relationship. If I mean what if, if there is a chance, would the general be willing to build a supporter?"

"Mr. Zhou, please tell me clearly what you mean!" When Lu Youde heard this, he suddenly had three guesses in his mind. However, he couldn't tell what Zhou Yanru was thinking, so he had to ask straight to the point.

"It's not interesting!" Zhou Yanru tried for a long time, and after feeling Lu Youde's pulse for a while, he finally said, "Now the whereabouts of the prince are unknown, but Prince Fu, whose bloodline is closest to the emperor's branch, should be the Chinese Lord, are you other than that?"

"I want to support this, but it's useless!" Lu Youde couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

By this time, Lu Youde had roughly understood what Zhou Yanru meant.

He has a close relationship with King Fu and Prince Fu. If conditions permit, he certainly hopes that Prince Fu can ascend the throne, but he has more than enough ambition but not enough power.

"You can do it if you are determined to do so!" Zhou Yanru smiled and said, "Now that Prince Fu has escaped from Fengyang with my help, he has fled to Runing. How are you doing?"

"What?" Lu Youde was shocked. He never expected that Zhou Yanru would do such a thing. He hesitated for a long time, and then asked tentatively, "Is this appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate? He can be called King Zhou, and King Lu can be called him. Why can't he be called Prince Fu?" Zhou Yanru asked.

"The king of Zhou only relied on the support of Wu Zong and Chen Yongfu, and he may not have more than ten thousand troops under his command. King Lu also only relied on the more than ten thousand defeated troops under Yang Sichang and Zhu Dadian. And the father-in-law also had no less than ten thousand troops under his command, so why not For that?"

When Lu Youde heard this, he still felt the same way!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I agree to this. But I need to talk to Sui Chen's commander-in-chief Luo Ju and deputy commander-in-chief Ma Xutong first. I wonder if I can promise something?"

"Of course, my father-in-law will be in charge of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, and the Prime Minister will be in charge of the cabinet. The two commander-in-chiefs, Luo Ju and Ma Xu, will be granted the title of uncle and general!" Zhou Yanru couldn't help but make a random promise.

"Okay, okay, okay, such great things can be expected, and the emperor's career can be achieved!" Lu Youde couldn't help but said with great joy when he heard this.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Youde visited Sui Chen, the commander-in-chief Luo Ju, and the deputy commander-in-chief Ma Xu. How could these two people have imagined that there would be pie-in-the-sky things in the world? How could they not respond?

After everyone's deliberations were completed, Zhu Yousong, the "eldest son" of Prince Fu, was invited to use Prince Chong's Mansion as his palace and ascend the throne in Runing.

Naturally, Zhu Yousong reciprocated the favor and appointed Zhou Yanru as the chief minister of the cabinet. Lu Youde, the eunuch of Fengyang Guard, was appointed as the eunuch of the ceremonial department. Luo Ju and Ma Xu were appointed as the loyal uncle and the red uncle, respectively, to lead two groups of troops. horse.

He also issued a proclamation, reprimanding Zhou Wang Zhu Gongqi and Lu Wang Zhu Changzi for their wanton behavior and arrogance, and asked them to remove their honorific titles and submit a form of apology.

As soon as this statement came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

There were some who rebuked King Zhu Changzi of Lu and King Zhu Gongqi of Zhou, and some who insulted the "Crown Prince" for failing to abide by his duties as a minister, which led to great harm to the country's affairs, and there was a lot of discussion among the people.

When Qian Qianyi and Yang Sichang saw this, they couldn't help but issued a proclamation, claiming: "The 'eldest son' has no virtue, is unfilial to his parents, and left Fengyang by himself, causing his parents to fall into the hands of thieves. Therefore, he should not be established. The person who should be established is the wise king Zhu Changzi." also".

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