Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1545 The king of Tang proclaimed himself emperor

"Yang Sichang mistook me, Yang Sichang mistook me!" When Wu Di received the "Edicts" from "King Lu" and "Shizi" successively to proclaim himself emperor, he immediately understood that this time he had become a sinner through the ages.

Originally, when he supported the king of Zhou, except for his own little thoughts, he still focused on state affairs as a whole.

According to his thoughts, although the King of Zhou has a distant bloodline and is far away from the imperial branch, he has always had a reputation as a virtuous person.

In the battle of Kaifeng Mansion, the king of Zhou destroyed his family to relieve the people, spent all his wealth and rewarded his soldiers. This was the reason why Kaifeng City did not fall for eight months.

If he gets the help of others this time and repels the "shun thieves", then the King of Zhou will gain great prestige, and then integrate the entire residual Ming forces, and regain the old capital soon.

But he never expected that his strategy was like poking a hornet's nest. Not only did he fail to attract the generals and kings, but they all followed suit and established clans, claiming to be orthodox.

In fact, if we look closely, Wu Di and Qian Qianyi are also members of the Donglin Party.

It's just that although everyone is a member of the Donglin Party, there is only one position for the chief minister of the cabinet, so everyone can only rely on their own abilities.

Not to mention Wu Zong's calculations, let's say that since Zhu Yousong was supported by Zhou Yanru and Lu Youde in Runing, the contradiction between the Fuwang family and the Luwang family has intensified.

The two sides first broke out into a fierce scolding war, and then each deployed their troops. A war was about to break out.

At this moment, Zhou Yanru, the chief minister of the Fuwang Cabinet, came up with an idea and couldn't help but propose a plan to Zhu Yousong: "Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, has an army of 20,000, and has been fighting fiercely with Xiao Qinhu, the capable general of the 'Shun Thief' for more than a year. , is a powerful force.”

"If we can win over him and respect His Majesty, we will definitely be able to make Yang Sichang surrender without a fight."

When Zhu Yousong heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and asked quickly: "I wonder who is the right person to send?"

"This" Zhou Yanru was stunned for a moment.

It turns out that if you want to convince Xiong Wencan of this power, you have to have someone like Zhou Yanru, whose status is not trivial.

However, Zhou Yanru had just become the chief minister of the cabinet, and he was hesitant for fear of being tricked behind his back after leaving.

However, Zhou Yanru also knew that there were many members of the Donglin Party, and if he could not send powerful lobbyists, he was worried that Xiong Wencan would fall to King Lu's group.

"When I was a doctor in the official department in Wuchang, I refused to join thieves and had a high moral integrity, so I can do this!" Zhou Yanru thought about it again and again, and couldn't help but admonish him.

It turned out that Wu Changshi was originally a doctor in the Ministry of official affairs. Because he took huge bribes, he was trapped by Li Zicheng and others, so he hated the rebels deeply.

When his family's wealth was gone, he escaped from the capital overnight and went to Fengyang to seek refuge with Zhou Yanru.

Now was the time to hire someone, so Zhou Yanru recommended him.

"Okay, in that case, is it okay to send Wu Changshi over there and make Xiong Wencan the second assistant?" Zhu Yousong nodded and couldn't help but ask.

"That's right!" Zhou Yanru hesitated after hearing this, and finally nodded helplessly.

Xiong Wencan has been in office for a long time and has a strong military force, which makes him feel like he has a sharp edge at his back.

He pondered for a moment and then admonished: "Now is the time to employ people. Why doesn't Your Majesty declare 'Lou Dong Erzhang', Wu Weiye, Yang Tingshu, Chen Zilong and other talents to enter the court to show his favor to the world?"

It turned out that it was only then that Zhou Yanru remembered that he had reciprocated the favor and prepared to recruit members of the Fushe who supported him to compete with the powerful Xiong Wencan.

How did Zhu Yousong know that Zhou Yanru was thinking like this? He responded immediately after hearing the words.

After Wu Changshi got the edict, he hurried to Xiangyang to find Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang.

Xiong Wencan and Xiao Qinhu were fighting in the north, and when they were in a state of despair, how could they have the time to mind his business?

After taking a look at Zhu Yousong's promise, he couldn't help but ask, "Are there any reinforcements?"

"No." Wu Changshi shook his head in embarrassment.

"Is there any food and salary?"


"Then...are there weapons and artillery?"

"Not even..."

"Then what do you have?"

"It's us. We have a righteous name. As long as we have this, everything will be fine!" Wu Changshi replied confidently.

"Okay, then... then I'll think about it!" Xiong Wencan hesitated for a moment and then said involuntarily.

As soon as Wuchang left, Xiong Wencan's generals Zhang Yingchang, You Zhaiwen, Xu Chengming and others couldn't help but come to visit one after another.

Xiong Wencan took the main seat, briefly explained the matter, and then asked: "What do you think we should do?"

"This... it all depends on the military sect!" Everyone couldn't help but express their opinions.

As a veteran general, Zhang Yingchang had some prestige.

After expressing his stance, he added: "Junmen, I have a suggestion."

"Since clans have been established in various places, why should we accept others' contempt?"

"Why don't we... let's support His Royal Highness the Tang Dynasty!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Tang is a magnanimous man, and his reputation as a virtuous person spreads throughout the scholarly community."

"We regard him as our master, and we can emulate Liu Xiu's story!"

"This..." Xiong Wencan was stunned when he heard this, and his heart suddenly pounded.

It turned out that Xiong Wencan not only had 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, but he had also recruited Zheng Zhilong to surrender when he was in charge of Fujian.

If it comes down to strength, who can compare to him, Xiong Wencan?

"This... I'm afraid we need to explore Prince Tang's opinion on this." Xiong Wencan hesitated for a moment before speaking.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel excited, and they quickly expressed their opinions: "It all depends on the military sect!"

Everyone's calculations were settled, so Xiong Wencan prepared gifts that night and went to visit the Tang Prince Zhu Yujian who was "a guest" at the Xiangyang Palace.

The king of the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Yujian, was naturally not an honest person. He couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, and then he said seriously: "I belong to the Nanyang clan, and now I have a family that is difficult to return to, and a country that is difficult to rely on. It all depends on the Xiong Junmen!"

When Xiong Wencan saw that Zhu Yu had agreed, he was overjoyed and did not forget to add: "When the old minister was in charge of Fujian, he once recruited the thief Zheng Zhilong."

"He has three thousand large ships under his command, and no less than two hundred thousand strong men. He can be enlisted for help."

"Is this... Wu Nai too far away?" Zhu Yujian was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but feel a little doubtful.

"How far? Not far!" Xiong Wencan dropped a book bag and couldn't help laughing, "South of Huguang is Guangdong and Guangxi."

"I have been in charge of the land of Guangdong and Guangxi for several years and have considerable prestige. As long as His Highness ascends the throne and sends envoys to recruit him, he will surely be included in his bag."

"Once Guangdong and Guangxi respect His Highness, they will be able to connect Fujian, Guangdong and Huguang into one. Who in the world can stop this?"

"Okay, okay, okay, if this happens, the army will be able to rebuild the country!" Zhu Yujian was overjoyed when he heard this, and couldn't help but put his hands on his hands and said with a smile.

In this era, Huguang, Guangdong and Guangxi plus Fujian were roughly equivalent to the scope of five provinces in later generations.

Moreover, these five provinces are not only as wealthy as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but also have both land and sea.

Once integrated, not to mention the local chickens and dogs like King Zhou, King Lu and the Crown Prince, even "submissive thieves" must weigh their concerns.

After everyone's deliberation, they decided to proclaim themselves emperor on the second day, and claimed that "the king of Tang was born, and the whole house was filled with red light."

"There is a big tree like a shade in front of the door, more than five feet high. Looking from a distance, children are like car covers. Zhu Yujian played with the children and said to himself: 'I must ride on this Yubao-covered car.'" Yun Yun said.

He also sent envoys to Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places to seek support from their governors and Zheng Zhilong and others.

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