Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1556 Rushing to camp

"Kill, kill!"

Although the night was dark, the torches and lanterns of the rebels had already illuminated the dark night clearly.

Hou Gongji, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, led a group of elite soldiers from the gate to fight out from the east gate of Jinzhou City.

The morale was high and they were preparing to seize the south gate of Jinzhou in one go. Tumut's left and right wings never expected that someone would suddenly come out from behind and they were killed and caught off guard.

Although these two groups of men and horses are both cavalry, people's butts are not on horses. Now that they want to attack the city, they will naturally abandon their horses.

Of course, "leaving the horse behind" does not mean abandoning one's mount.

Horses are important daily necessities and property for herdsmen. How can they be willing to throw them away?

Therefore, if you "leave your horses and march", you need to gather these horses together and then leave them behind under the supervision of special personnel.

When Hou Gongji and his men rushed out from the east gate, they quickly found the place where the war horses left by the Tumut Department were located.

"Kill, kill him!" Hou Gongji couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and ordered quickly.

"Hurry, stop them!" Just as Hou Gongji and the others rushed toward the horses, Tumut's troops also discovered their movements.

On the battlefield, war horses are as important as life.

Without their horses, these nomadic cavalrymen who come and go suddenly become toothless tigers and eagles with broken wings.

Tumote's right wing Zasakshanba was shocked when he saw this, and quickly led his warriors to resist.

However, the terrain occupied by these three troops is located in the narrow area between Jinzhou City and Xiaoling River.

Among them, Sun Degong's troops attacked the city in the front, Tumote's left wing was in the center and supported it, and Tumote's right wing was in the rear, each with its own division of labor.

But no matter how they divide their labor, the formation they set up is an offensive formation facing Jinzhou South Gate.

Therefore, when Hou Gongji and his group suddenly appeared at the east gate, one can imagine the commotion it caused.

Nashanba knew this very well and could only shout loudly to boost morale: "The Han people want to seize our war horses. Without the war horses, our lives will be lost!"

This inspired the morale of the soldiers who were guarding the horses, and they tried their best to stop Hou Gongji.

"Go to hell!" Hou Gongji killed a Tumut warrior who was standing in front of him with one knife. He was about to move forward when more prairie warriors appeared in front of him.

No way, it’s hard to get close to the war horse!

Hou Gongji shook his head, knowing that there were still certain variables in the battle situation.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and ordered: "Where are the gunners and artillerymen? Hit me, aim at those horses, and hit them hard!"

"This general, those are war horses, thousands of war horses." Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and immediately reminded them.

In this era, war was in chaos, and a war horse was worth more than ten taels or even more than two taels.

If we can capture these thousands of war horses this time, it will be worth tens of thousands of taels of silver. Wouldn't it be a big fortune?

Don’t you know that Hou Gongji knows this?

After all, he was also born as a general in Yulin, so he naturally knew some tricks.

Now that he had finally gotten into the good graces of King Shun and received some important treatment, if he ruined his impression in front of King Shun for something worth tens of thousands of taels of silver, it would be more than worth the loss.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but calmly said: "Stop talking nonsense and give me a fight!"


Although Hou Gongji was not as experienced as Bai Guangen, he was very good at conducting himself and won the hearts of the soldiers.

As soon as he made up his mind, the sound of cannons and artillery began to resound over there.

Although the gunners and musketeers could vaguely see the movement on the other side, they couldn't accurately hit the men and horses inside.

However, even if it failed to hit the people on the opposite side, it caused a chaos.

It turns out that if this war horse is not trained, it will be easily disturbed.

Although the war horses used by these herdsmen are carefully selected, they are ultimately different from the war horses that have been rigorously trained.

Especially these nomadic cavalry, they like to have multiple horses per person.

In addition to the war horses mainly used for combat, one or two horses are usually equipped for riding and carrying baggage.

Those horses used for fighting were better, but the horses used for riding and carrying baggage were suddenly attacked, and they suddenly panicked.

Suddenly some horses neighed loudly, broke free of their reins desperately, and started running around, just like a group of hysterical patients.

"Quickly, control these frightened horses!" The herdsmen who were looking after the horses were shocked when they saw this. They stopped shouting and tried to calm down the frightened horses.

But where can I live comfortably?

In fact, let alone beasts, even if people bombed the camp, no one had the ability to control it!

It didn't matter that the war horse was startled. It was suddenly frightened, became confused, and rushed northwest along the river bank.

"Ouch, it's rough!" Shanba's group, who had been waiting in formation, heard the noise, turned around and saw countless war horses rolling in like a tide, and they were startled.

How is a war horse charging into a camp different from a cavalry charging into a camp?

"Run, run!" At this time, even if Bai Qi is resurrected and Han Xin is reincarnated, I am afraid that he can only "Thirty-six Strategies, Walking is the Best Strategy"!

Countless war horses, like countless knights, soon ran into the unsuspecting Tumote formation, and for a moment they were thrown off their backs.

To say that everyone ends up like this is not necessarily the case.

There was a certain equestrian master who actually got on his horse at the moment of the impact of the horses, and jumped onto the horse's back, thus avoiding being collided and trampled by the horses.

However, such people are in the minority after all, and the greater number of warriors either died under the hoofs of horses or fell into chaos.

Finally, they waited until the horses rushed over and escaped. Before they could take a breath and regroup, Hou Gongji led his infantry to charge forward.

It turned out that Hou Gongji did not expect that the war horses would break up the formation of Tumote's troops.

However, as a veteran, he immediately discovered the opportunity to win.

So, he quickly led his soldiers and rushed forward following his horses.

"Kill, kill!" Hou Gongji, who had killed several people in a row, was already a little tired, but his spirit was very exciting.

This victory came so suddenly that he couldn't help but be extremely excited.

Originally from Yulin, Hou Gongji could only be regarded as an average person.

His talent is not particularly high, and his family background is not as good as others.

If he hadn't happened to have a relationship with Zhang Shun and others and took the opportunity to offer the city, he might have been the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan in his lifetime.

As a result, he never expected that Zhang Shun would reuse him once he presented the city gate, and Bai Guangen, his second follower, would suddenly make a great success in vain.

If nothing unexpected happens, with these two achievements alone, the Hou family can be considered as a new dynasty.

"Okay, what a Hou Gongji!" It turned out that he had just shot Sun Degong, and was desperately driving Sun Degong's men out of the city. When Bai Guangen heard the huge movement behind the enemy, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Just listening to this movement, he already felt that the rebels had completely locked in the victory of this war.

Everyone hopes that the author will make more calls, and the author has already seen it. It's just that due to the complicated trivial matters recently, I haven't been able to update more. I'm very sorry.

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