Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1557 Reinforcements Arrive

"Okay!" When Zhang Sanbai read Bai Guangen's victory document, a rare smile appeared on his usually stern face.

Unlike the approachable Zhang Shun, Zhang Sanbai is cold and arrogant. Except for his sister Ma Yingniang, it is rare to see him have major mood swings.

It turned out that according to Zhang Sanbai's plan, after luring the snake out of the hole this time, depending on the situation, he would send cavalry to either flank Sun Degong's troops, or to "surround Wei and rescue Zhao" to sneak attack Yizhou.

As a result, no one expected that this time Bai Guangen could use the same force to defeat Sun Degong, Kalaqin, and Tumote's five troops, and kill their generals, breaking the Hou Jin's deployment in the western Liaoning region in one fell swoop.

The two fulcrums of Guangning and Yiju, which were originally horns of each other, have now been severely damaged. The situation was very good for a while.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but discuss with deputy commander Yang Guozhu: "Sun Degong is dead, and Yizhou can be taken. Why don't you lead a group of troops and go to take Yizhou?"

"Okay!" Yang Guozhu nodded after hearing this and glanced at Zhang Sanbai gratefully.

Originally, Hou Jin didn't have many men and horses in the direction of Yizhou, but now he suffered heavy losses and lost his main general Sun Degong.

The group was leaderless, and the remaining four tribes of Karaqin and Tumut had already taken advantage of their nomadic skills and fled.

Now there are only a few remnants and defeated generals left in Yiju City, and they are panicking, which means they have gained nothing.

"I'll give you five days to conquer Yizhou!" Zhang Sanbai pondered for a moment and then added.

"Five days?" Yang Guozhu was startled when he heard this, and immediately realized that the credit was not as easy to get as imagined.

It turns out that ten days have passed since the day Zhang Sanbai set off.

Based on the usual speed of Hou Jin's mobilization and march, the other party would arrive with reinforcements within half a month after receiving the news.

Therefore, this time difference must be made to avoid failure by waiting until the main force of Houjin arrives.

Under normal circumstances, Yizhou would naturally go down in one fell swoop, but always be afraid of accidents.

If someone insists on holding on, it will easily spoil the big thing.

"Okay, then I will capture Yizhou within five days!" Yang Guozhu hesitated for a while, but finally made up his mind.

It takes two days to travel from Guangning to Yizhou Baili.

In other words, the time left for Yang Guozhu is only three days at most.

If he cannot capture Yizhou within these three days, I am afraid that the rebel army will face the pressure of enemies from both sides and have no choice but to return without success and risk retreating to Jinzhou.

Not to mention Zhang Sanbai and Yang Guozhu's calculations, this great victory immediately surprised the former Liaodong commander-in-chief, Zu Dashou.

"With the same force, defeated Sun Degong and other troops with the same force?" As soon as Zu Dashou got the news, an expression of disbelief appeared on his old face, and he couldn't help but murmured to himself.

"Uncle, this can't be done, right?" Upon hearing this, nephew Wu Sangui couldn't help but said with hesitation.

"Although these 7,000 people are not Dongpi, they are still Guangning surrender troops and Tatars."

Wu Sangui said this very skillfully, and did not replace the tens of thousands of people who lost Dalinghe City in Zu Dashou a few years ago.

However, both of them actually understood that among these soldiers and horses, there must be soldiers and horses under Zu Dashou's former command.

However, it is really unbelievable that such an elite soldier was wiped out by others.

"Now I feel that we have underestimated King Shun's strength a little!" Zu Dashou shook his head and admitted helplessly.

"I have to say that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I am really old!"

"Uncle, what did you say? I see that you are still very active and loyal to the country." Wu Sangui couldn't help but praise him after hearing this.

"If nothing else, let's just say that the governor and governor of Liaodong seem to have to be replaced. Which one can be as stable as yours and resist foreign aggression?"

"Hahaha, you're the only one with a sweet mouth!" Zu Dashou didn't blush when he heard this. Instead, he laughed heartily and said, "You are all young people. In the future, you and General Zhang and the others will get closer and closer!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Don't look at Zu Dashou's frivolous words, but they actually represent the surrender of the Liaodong generals headed by him to Zhang Shun.

This kind of surrender was not done willingly, but was the best choice they made after they deeply realized the huge gap in strength between them.

What is politics?

Politics means you don’t have to like me, but you must submit to me.

If I can't do it, it means I'm not strong enough.

Obviously, after the battle of Jinzhou, no matter how many thoughts the Liaodong generals headed by Zu Dashou had, they had to suppress it for a while and honestly work for Zhang Shun.

"Commander Zhang has an order, ordering your troops to continue attacking the city!" Just as the uncle and nephew were whispering, a messenger suddenly issued the order.

"General, take your orders!" Zu Dashou quickly accepted the military order after hearing this. This time he turned to Wu Sangui and said, "This time you will lead the attack on the city. Remember to wear white clothes!"

Of course, Zu Dashou asked Wu Sangui to wear white clothes, not to show his filial piety, but to show off.

On the battlefield, swords have no eyes, so clothes and armor are more about practicality than ornamental value.

However, in special cases this is not the case.

For one thing, generals should wear more conspicuous clothes to distinguish them from the soldiers and to facilitate the command of the battle.

Second, for example, in the historical version, Xue Rengui deliberately charged in white clothes, attracting the attention of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty.

Obviously, it is the latter that Wu Sangui wants to imitate.

Although Zhang Shun is not present now, as long as "Uncle Guo" Zhang Sanbai can be noticed, the effect will not be too bad.

Not long after, with the sound of drums, Wu Sangui, dressed in white clothes and armor, led the way to Guangning City, and then climbed up the city.

Zhang Sanbai saw him from a distance on the podium and couldn't help but ask to the left and right: "Who is this man in white?"

"Isn't this Wu Changbo who is 'brave to the three armies and filial to all sides'?" Zuo Jie said.

It turned out that Wu Sangui's nickname was Chang Bo, so he was called Wu Chang Bo by people at that time.

"Oh? This man suffered the pain of losing his father at such a young age. He went into battle wearing sackcloth and mourning. It's so pitiful!" Zhang Sanbai thought of his and Ma Yingniang's parents and couldn't help but feel the same way.

"Uh" Zuo Zuo was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that the coach from home regarded Wu Sangui, who was dressed in white, as a "filial son", and he couldn't bear it for a while.

"Report~emergency military information!" Just when Zhang Sanbai was feeling strange and was about to ask what was going on, he suddenly heard a cry.

When he heard the sound and went away, he saw a horse galloping towards him.

"Hurry, bring it up quickly!" Zhang Sanbai felt a sudden change in his heart and ordered quickly.

"General, our scouts have just found out about the Tatar forward, and they suspect that a support force is coming from the east!" When the scout stumbled to the front, he couldn't help but report it quickly.

"What?" Zhang Sanbai's heart sank when he heard this, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

He had no idea that Houjin's reinforcements would arrive so quickly, four or five days earlier than he expected.

And these four or five days are enough to determine the success or failure of a war, and the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people.

"General, do you want to recall Yang Guozhu?" Zhang Damou couldn't help but suggested after hearing the words.

"No, no need!" Zhang Sanbai hesitated for a moment and finally refused, "Now that the enemy's situation is unclear, how can we change the order overnight?"

"Now that the Tatar reinforcements have arrived, what can we do if we just hold on for three to five days?"

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