Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 156 The Tuncheng Incident

Liu Cheng received Zhang Shun's order and immediately led his cavalry to Tuncheng Village. This Tuncheng Village is located in the northeast of Runcheng and on the east bank of the Qin River. The two places are very close to each other.

When Liu Cheng arrived near Tuncheng Village, he could already see the bustling Runcheng Town from a distance. Jiang He was surprised that Run City had been destroyed by the rebels many times. Although the city was known as an important iron and metallurgical town in the north, it could not withstand such plunder. No wonder it took so long for the city to regain its popularity.

However, Liu Cheng had a mission and could not go into details, so he rushed to Tuncheng Village. As a result, as soon as Liu Cheng arrived in Tuncheng Village, he felt something was wrong. Many people in the village looked out of their houses through cracks in doors and windows to watch their soldiers and horses with fearful expressions.

Liu Cheng is also considered a battle-hardened man. He has followed the "Eight King Kongs" through life and death for many years. As a personal guard, he has always been cautious. He quickly divided into more than ten cavalrymen and went to check the warning near Tuncheng Village. He quickly led the remaining cavalrymen to the Zhang family's residence.

To be honest, for Liu Cheng, officials are not good people. According to his idea, it is best for the officers and soldiers to bite the dog officers, and the dog bites the dog's hair, so that the evil spirits of the officers and soldiers who killed his former lord and so many brothers can be eliminated!

But when Liu Cheng heard that the Zhang family seemed to be a member of the current lord's clan, regardless of whether it was true or false, he really didn't dare not take this matter to heart, so he had to do his best. In fact, this is the cunning point of Zhang Shun. On the one hand, in front of Zhang Shenyan, he acted like he was putting out fires and as urgent as laws and regulations; on the other hand, he secretly let the Zhang family in Tuncheng and the government know how to deal with it. The conflict became even bigger.

Liu Cheng was good at fighting, but his understanding of his lord's thoughts was inferior to Chen Jindou's, so he could only grit his teeth and come to save people.

When Liu Cheng arrived at the Zhang family's residence, he saw the large entrance to the Zhang family's residence. Liu Cheng couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and quickly ordered someone to go check it out. Liu Cheng's men were all seasoned men who had experienced many battles. They immediately unsheathed their swords and strung their bows, covering each other and rushing into Zhang's house.

Liu Cheng waited outside for a while, not hearing any other sounds inside. Although he was anxious in his heart, his expression remained calm on the outside. He learned this move from Zhang Shun. After he took refuge in this new lord, he found that this person became more and more unfathomable.

He usually seemed nice and smiling, but he could never guess what this person was thinking. Compared with this person, the original protagonist "Eight King Kong" is as simple as a blank piece of paper.

After a while, footsteps sounded in the mansion. When Liu Cheng heard this, he knew it was his brother who came out. Sure enough, several soldiers filed out, just as he expected.

Liu Cheng had a dark face as he listened to the report from the soldiers: "Commander, there is no one else in the mansion. We see that although there is some disturbance in the mansion, it doesn't look like it was ransacked."

Liu Cheng knew that the soldiers under his command were all good at looting. If they said they didn't look like they were looted, then they definitely weren't looted by the enemy. He quickly took people in to check it out for himself. As he thought, he must have been arrested by the government.

Although the Zhang Mansion must have lost a lot of gold and silver, the large pieces of furniture and some paintings and calligraphy and paintings are still in place. It must be that the inspectors were in awe of such a high-ranking official and were afraid that one day the main official in the mansion would be reinstated or re-employed, and they and others would be retaliated against by the other party.

As soon as Liu Cheng thought about this, he quickly brought someone to the processing office, knocked on the neighbor's door, and went to ask for the news. There is also a wealthy family across from the Zhang Mansion. Although the lintel is not as good as the Zhang family, it is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The owner of the household saw that the thief was so fierce that he didn't want to open the door to avoid getting into trouble. However, Liu Cheng and others knocked on the door too hard, and the door of the courtyard was broken by "knocking" three times. The owner of the mansion had no choice but to endure his fear and walked out of the house to talk to him in the courtyard.

Liu Chengcheng was a thief and bandit, and he was skilled in his business. He just took out the big knife in his hand, threw it on the ground, and said: "I ask you to answer, and I have nothing else to harass you. If there is even half a lie, I will not talk to you." The point is, just cut it off with this knife, whether you live or die, just leave it to fate!"

The wealthy owner's legs and feet trembled upon hearing this, so he dared not agree. He had no choice but to tell Liu Cheng the whole story.

Liu Cheng really asked the right person. The owner of this wealthy family had some fame and bad connections. When the government sent people to arrest the Zhang clan members, he actually stepped forward and asked a few questions. Only then did we realize that the leader, whom the official called "Wu Xian", was the leader recruited by Wang Zhaosheng of Beidao in southern Hebei Province.

It is said that Wu Xian was originally from Nanzhili. He was a generous and brave swordsman. He traveled around Zezhou with a sword and had a long-standing reputation. When Wang Zhaosheng, who was responsible for encircling and suppressing the bandits, heard about it, he invited him to help.

Wu Xian did his duty and joined the command of Wang Zhaosheng in southern Hebei Province, and led the five to six hundred warriors Wang Zhaosheng had recruited for him. The last time Zhang Shun attacked Dayang Town, he had been wandering nearby, but seeing Zhang Shun's strength, he didn't dare to go to the rescue.

However, Wu Xian met "Purple Gold Liang" later. He once took the lead, rushing in and stabbing left and right, injuring many soldiers of "Purple Gold Liang". It's just that Wu Xian's soldiers were weak and didn't have much effect.

However, Wu Xian also became famous because of this. The people of Runcheng, who had suffered from military disasters, saw that Wu Xian had good military discipline and dared to fight against bandits, so they all invited Wu Xian to come and station. Therefore, Wu Xian took the opportunity to recruit hundreds of strong men in Runcheng, built some weapons, and gradually became more powerful.

Now that Wu Xian received Wang Zhaosheng's order, he led his troops to capture the Zhang clan members. Zhang Shenyan's son Zhang Luxuan couldn't help being shocked and angry, and shouted angrily: "Who are you? I am from a family of officials, how dare you, a traitor?"

When Wu Xian heard this, he laughed and said, "If someone from an official family dares to surrender to a thief, wouldn't he be punished with a higher penalty?" Fortunately, Wu Xian managed the army in a strict manner and did not want to offend the Zhang family, so he did not embarrass Zhang Luxuan and others too much. They arrested the whole family together, young and old.

That Zhang Luxuan was not a stubborn person and said quickly: "My lord is quite familiar with our Fujun Song Tongyin. There must be some misunderstanding that leads to this!"

Wu Xian didn't know what their relationship was, but he just followed the order and took them back to Runcheng and imprisoned them. Little did he know that this time he had stirred up a hornet's nest and caused some trouble.

Detective Liu Cheng understood this and quickly sent some cavalry to monitor the developments in Runcheng, while personally leading the troops back along the road to report to Zhang Shun that things had changed.

Tuncheng was more than a hundred miles away from Zezhou City. Although Zhang Shun gave up his baggage and other items and greatly increased his marching speed, he still could not "get closer to a hundred miles day by day." When Liu Cheng took people back to report, Zhang Shun had only walked half the distance.

After Zhang Shun listened to Liu Cheng's message, he pondered for a moment and decided to attack Runcheng at night to avoid changes if it was too late.

Thanks to the fans "Book Friends 20190429195430558" and "Book Friends 160408131157178" for the rewards, the author is very grateful!

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