Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 157 Temple Calculation (Thank you for your support, please place an initial order!)

Zhang Shun said he was going to attack Runcheng at night, but he actually did not plan to launch an attack that night. After all, we were still forty or fifty miles away from Runcheng at this time. Even if we traveled overnight, we would arrive at Runcheng at dawn the next day.

On the one hand, in order to cultivate the leadership ability of his generals, and on the other hand, in order for everyone to check for each other's shortcomings, Zhang Shun held a combat meeting that night.

As Zhang Shunyi's brother, Chen Changzhen was the first to speak. He said: "If you want to attack by surprise, you must make a fuss about the word "qi". We are strong and the enemy is weak. We are not afraid of him going out to fight in the city. Instead, we are worried that he will defend Runcheng. Under a long attack, we will not be able to defeat him. It’s not good for me.”

"I think we should send out cavalry as early as possible to cover the battlefield and cut off news from inside and outside Runcheng. First, we can prevent Runcheng from finding out about our army and be on guard; secondly, we can prevent Runcheng from contacting other officers and soldiers, which will cause our army to attack the city. Other unexpected circumstances.”

When Zhang Shun heard Chen Changzhen's words were well-founded, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, thinking: The position of scout really trains generals, and although Zhao Lizi is young, he already has the style of a general. My sworn brother Chen Changzhen was originally just a bodyguard in the Jianghu, but he temporarily served as a scout for a few times, and he became quite impressive. It seems that in the future, other generals will need to take turns serving as scouts in order to become familiar with the work of collecting and analyzing intelligence.

Wei Congyi had been on the border for a long time and had experience in night raids. He also commented: "The first step in night raids is to choose a front. The art of war says: if the army has no front to choose, then go north. This method of field warfare is not the same as day warfare."

"Those who suffer from 'bird's eye' cannot see anything at night. They are no doubt like a blind man. Not only are they unable to fight, but they are also likely to miss the military situation. I suggest choosing warrior soldiers who can see at night as the vanguard to attack Runcheng first. City gate, and then plan other things.”

After Zhang Shun listened, he nodded and praised: "It's a mature saying. Everyone says that Congyi likes to take risks with his troops and likes to rush into battle alone without any brains. Now it seems that this statement is the truth. But doing things from Congyi is It’s just a risk while playing it safe. It may seem like a big risk, but actually it’s a sure win.”

Wei Congyi felt refreshed after hearing this, and quickly smiled and nodded. Zhang Shun complied for a moment and then looked at the others. As a result, no one spoke at this moment. The "Clay Bodhisattva" Zhang Shenyan thought for a moment and had no choice but to interrupt: "I don't know the art of war, but I am older and know some experience."

"The time when people are most sleepy is not the Zi hour, but the Chou hour after the Chou hour. General, ahem, if you want to attack at night, it is actually better to arrange for the soldiers to rest early. Then, get up at the Zi hour and bury the pot to make rice, and the Chou hour is the night It’s the right time to attack.”

Although Zhang Shenyan was a bit embarrassed, in short, everyone was busy with their own affairs, so they had to come up with some ideas.

Zhang Shun also ridiculed him after hearing this, and just commented, "You are old enough to seek the country!" and then looked at the others expectantly.

When Jiang He saw that he couldn't escape, he muttered: "This is an easy matter, just order me to be the vanguard. I will wait for the others to pick up the coins, rein in the horse's mouth, not startled or angry, touch the front, and take it with one charge." What are you still talking about here?"

Zhang Shun was not annoyed after hearing this, nodded and said: "Although Jiang He is impatient, the specific techniques are indeed worth learning."

When Zhang Sanbai saw Zhang Shun asking questions one by one, he knew his intention, so he said: "What you all said is very complete, but it is inevitable that there will be some damage. Three hundred people have only one glance, so it is better to select some soldiers and pretend to buy iron goods." Merchants, go to the deceived city. If it succeeds, you will make a lot of money; if it fails, artillery will provide cover."

"Be original!" Zhang Shun nodded, thinking: Although it is feasible to follow my original idea of ​​defrauding the city, it is still feasible.

In the end, only Li Jiyu was left. Because this man had not accepted Chen Jindou's instigation before, when the two met again, their statuses were completely different. So after joining Zhang Shun's team, I talked less and worked steadily for a while, for fear that Zhang Shun would have a grudge because of what happened at the beginning.

Now that everyone had finished speaking, Li Jiyu had to express his opinion, but found that no matter how good or bad the method was, almost everyone had said it over and over again, and all he wanted to do was scold her.

Li Jiyu murmured for a long time before reluctantly saying: "What everyone said is complete, and I don't have any ideas. I just listened to the three hundred brothers' plan just now, and I can add a few points to improve it."

"One is a merchant who buys goods at night, which is not very reasonable. You can be a little embarrassed and pretend to have encountered bandits at night and fled overnight, which sounds easier to believe. The other is that a cannon can be hidden in the merchant's car. , if the matter is urgent, lighting it on the spot may have miraculous effects.”

When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but raised his palm and shouted: "Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! This plan is very clever!"

At this time, Wukong, who was standing next to Zhang Shun, glanced sideways at him and thought to himself: I'm afraid the master in this life is not a fool. Why should I learn to meow like a cat when I have nothing to do?

Zhang Shun never thought that his image of being a wise and powerful warrior was being complained about by his disciples. Instead, he said with loyalty: "Everyone has his own strengths. If I don't force you, you are still reluctant to use your brain. Everyone, rest early and set up camp tomorrow night." Near Runcheng. From now on, Liu Cheng will be responsible for covering the battlefield and blocking the sources of information in Runcheng. Tomorrow night, everyone will get up and cook, and just act according to the plan."

The plan was decided, and Zhang Shun left camp early the next morning and rushed to Runcheng without mentioning it. Mr. Wu from Narun City was originally a ranger. He had been walking in the wild for many years, and his strong vigilance had long since turned into an elusive sixth sense.

Although he didn't fully believe this, he had to believe it. In his early years, he felt that it had saved his life several times, so he felt quite uneasy. He quickly ordered a messenger to deliver a message to Wang Zhaosheng of the Southern Hebei Army, asking for support; at the same time, he went to interrogate Zhang Luxuan, trying to understand who he was colluding with.

Poor Zhang Luxuan and his son, two loyal ministers. They are all loyal and loyal. How do they know who they "colluded" with? Although Zhang Luxuan had some suspicions in his mind, he definitely did not dare to tarnish his old father's reputation.

Wu Xian was not easy to use torture, so he resorted to insinuations, face-to-face questioning, multiple tests, etc., but he could not get any information, which made Wu Xian himself timid at first. He was originally just a ranger. Although he made friends with scholars in Zezhou, he was always inferior to others. Now he has offended an important official. What should he do?

Not to mention how troubled Wu Xian was, the messenger he sent was discovered by Liu Cheng's cavalry not long after leaving the city. Although these people did not have the same archery skills as Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu, they were still able to deal with a small messenger. Dozens of horsemen surrounded him and chopped off the horse with one knife, and then hacked him to death and pulled him down.

Then these cavalrymen seized the horses' parcels and reported to Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng opened the letter and saw that Wang Zhaosheng of the Southern Hebei Army was actually stationed in Lingchuan, so close to Zezhou. He and others did not know about it, and he could not help but break out in a cold sweat out of fear.

Thank you for your support! Just three updates today, I really can’t write anymore

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