Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 158 Night Attack (Three Thousand Chapters)

Runcheng, which had been ravaged by rogue bandits, had long lost its former prosperity. After nightfall, everyone basically goes back to their own homes to find their own mothers. After they finished their dinner, most of them closed their eyes and waited for tomorrow to come, or for tomorrow not to come.

In the past few days, the righteous Wu Xian led the officers and soldiers to garrison the city. Although he dare not say that Qiu committed no crimes, he can be said to have strict discipline, so the people of Runcheng could have a good sleep.

As the saying goes, the years are quiet and good, just because someone is carrying the burden for you. In this Runcheng, those who carry the burden for everyone are the strong soldiers guarding Runcheng. Among these people, there were both locals from Runcheng and recruits recruited from Zezhou. Although they lack weapons, equipment and organizational training, they are still defending their hometown, and they can be said to be doing their best.

Since Runcheng itself is a trading town, merchants often came in and out during the day and night, and now they are faced with the threat of rogue bandits all the time, so Runcheng's night watch is a top priority. The people of Runcheng were not only afraid that rogue bandits would take advantage of the situation and bring disaster to everyone, but they were also worried that passing merchants would be turned away by them, causing their jobs to be ruined.

The conflicting moods of the people in the city reflected the vigil, which led to increased vigilance and reincarnation vigils. At midnight, after the first half of the night, the next wave of people took over the vigil.

By this time, the weather had begun to get colder, and the next wave of night watchmen were all the strong men of Runcheng who came out of their warm beds. They faced the cold night wind, gathered around the bonfire, or chatted about family affairs, or counted the stars in the sky out of boredom.

They thought they would just spend an ordinary night as usual. Unexpectedly, they suddenly heard the sound of cars and horses coming from far away. Everyone quickly put on simple iron armor, and those who took out weapons took out their weapons. Everyone was nervous for a while.

Runcheng was originally an important iron smelting town, but what it lacked was iron parts. Therefore, under the leadership of Wu Xian, they even replenished some simple weapons as an emergency.

As the noise gradually grew from small to loud, dozens of people and a four-wheeled ox cart were slowly revealed in the night. As soon as the men and horses arrived at the gate of the city, the guards of Runcheng, who were surrounded by soldiers and soldiers, quickly stopped their steps and shouted: "Who is coming? Stop quickly! What are you doing in the middle of the night!"

At this time, a man patted his horse and shouted: "Thank you for your hard work, sir. I am a merchant who came to buy iron goods. I missed my accommodation because of the distance. I was planning to spend a hard night in the wild, but I accidentally found a few A bandit passed by. After we scared off the bandit, we were worried that the bandit would gather accomplices and come to rob us. So we traveled all night and wanted to rest in the city. We would wait until daybreak before buying goods."

Looking from the city to the city below, it's dark and dark, but I can't see clearly. The guards didn't know what to do for a while. Fortunately, one of them was smart and asked: "So you are all merchants? So what kind of goods are you going to buy and how much is it worth?"

"The official was joking. Yangcheng's plow mirrors and plowshares are world-famous; Dayang's steel needles and nails; Nancun's pots, tripods, and iron kettles are all top-notch goods. We took the risk and traveled hundreds of miles, It’s for things like this that I came here.”

"As for prices, they all vary. In Yangcheng, 'iron is as cheap as mud', but it only costs a few pennies to dozens of pennies. Even good goods only cost more than a hundred pennies. We have been in the 'black business' for many years, and we are already familiar with it." It’s rotten in my heart, please don’t make things difficult for me and others anymore.”

"I won't be able to rest in the middle of the night, and my journey will be accelerated during the day. Most of them are tired and are eager to go to the city to rest. If you want some personnel, I will not treat you badly when I enter the city!"

The words of the talker below the city made the night watchman on the city quite moved. Fortunately, he was guarding the city for his hometown. The night watchman was quite cautious and shouted: "In this case, you move the torch closer to your face and let us see who it is to prevent thieves from pretending to be fake."

The people in the city laughed when they heard the sound and said, "The thieves are powerful and the officials should be cautious. This is how it should be!"

After speaking, the man turned back and after some words, he brought two people and a torch. The person who answered first illuminated himself with a torch. When the people in the city looked up, they saw that this person had a big red face and a long beard. He looked like he was upright, and he was definitely not comparable to the cruel and cunning bandits. , I became even more convinced.

Then he shined the torch on the man next to him, and it turned out to be an old man. The old man bowed his hands towards the city and shouted: "I am the master's steward and I have met all the military masters!"

When everyone in the city saw it, they believed it again. I have never heard of old men becoming bandits when they were born and grew up. I saw what this man said was true.

Finally, the red-faced man took a torch and shined a light on the man in the middle. He saw that the man was very popular and somewhat elegant. He seemed to be a "Confucian businessman." Sure enough, the man bowed his hands to the city and said: "Excuse me, brothers, I will give you some money to buy drinks later, so everyone can warm up!"

When the night watchman in the city heard the words and demeanor, but they were not like bandits, he sent a few people down to open the city gate and let people into the city. The latch was large and heavy, and very difficult to get. In addition, the latch of Runcheng gate was specially reinforced with iron parts, so it took seven or eight people from the city to open the gate for a long time.

Everyone rushed down to do this "business" for the reward of this member. At least the leader of this group had some prestige, so he appointed about ten people and took them down together to open the city gate.

The city gate opened, and when the red-faced guard and the leader came in, the leader came forward with a shy face, thinking of asking for some reward money. Unexpectedly, the old man in front of the officer stretched out his hand and shook him, almost causing him to stagger.

The leader had not yet regained his footing and was about to get angry, but he didn't expect the old man to hit him behind the ear with his palm. He felt his body go limp, his ears buzzed, and he lost consciousness. Seeing that their leader had been knocked down, everyone was confused for a moment. They didn't understand what was going on, but they saw the red-faced man get on his horse, pull out the Green Dragon Sword, and chop down three or four strong men with one charge.

At this time, everyone just woke up from a dream, and couldn't help shouting loudly and miserably: "The enemy is attacking! Ah..."

Mr. Wu of Runcheng had been feeling uneasy these past few days and had not slept well. The city guard shouted, but Wu Xian, who was not far from the city gate, heard him.

Mr. Wu was very vigilant and had no doubt that he had heard the wrong sound. He quickly called the few rangers he had made to get up. Except for one person who arranged to gather the soldiers, the others followed him and put on their armor, picked up their weapons and hurried to the city gate in the direction of the call.

When Wu Xian arrived, Chen Changzhen and Jiang Fa had already led their soldiers to kill the city gate guards. Even though Jiang Fa and Chen Changzhen seemed to be incompatible with each other, in fact they were both from Wen County and had exchanged martial arts experiences before. Jiang Fa could be regarded as half of Chen Changzhen's master.

Although this old man is quite old, when he picks up the gun, he is really like a dragon entering the sea and a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests. He picked up the big gun, flicking it and stabbing it, which was enough to kill a person. His steps were extremely fast, thrusting forward, retreating, attacking, and defending. In an instant, four or five more people died in his hands.

Chen Changzhen was even more youthful and vigorous. His maroon horse galloped forward. He was injured when hit by his big knife, and died when he was scratched. He charged forward and cut down all the people in his path.

When Wu Xian saw this, he couldn't help being furious, and quickly rushed over. Jiang Fa had just lost a few lives, and was holding his gun and panting. When he saw the enemy's killer approaching, he quickly jumped onto his horse, and together with Chen Changzhen and Wu Xian and others rushed over.

The two horses crossed each other, and Wu Xian and Chen Changzhen were right at each other. Wu Xian's long sword was not as heavy as the broadsword, so he couldn't help but suffer a secret loss. Fortunately, his body was not injured. However, the rangers who charged with him were not so lucky. They were defeated by Chen Changzhen and Jiang Fa respectively.

Fortunately, Wu Xian's men were all cavalry. After rushing past these two men, they took the opportunity to attack the infantry beside Xu Ziyuan and cut down several soldiers.

It turns out that although Xu Ziyuan is a scribe, he also has some martial arts skills. Chen Changzhen has been an escort for many years and is suitable for dealing with various cuts. Jiang Fa is older and suitable for lowering the enemy's vigilance. Only the caravan leader is not Good choice.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun remembered that Xu Ziyuan looked good and dressed up, so he was suitable for being a foreign minister. Unfortunately, when Xu Ziyuan joined the group, he didn't have time to make any achievements, so he started charging into the battle like a military general.

However, fortunately, Chen Changzhen and Jiang Fa were both good at martial arts. They turned around and fought over again, driving back Wu Xian's cavalry. Wu Xian and others couldn't resist, so they had to harass them from the outside.

At this time, Xu Ziyuan had already taken the opportunity to command the team and drove the ox cart in. Everyone carried the ox cart to resist Wu Xian's cavalry. Now Wu Xian could not even continue the harassment.

Wu Xian was anxious and did not dare to show any emotion. He stared at Xu Ziyuan and others from a distance while waiting for the arrival of the soldiers in the city. Just when Wu Xian felt that the soldiers could not wait any longer, the ranger he sent hurried over with two to three hundred people.

Wu Xian was waiting for someone, but Xu Ziyuan was also waiting for someone. There is still hope for a dozen of them to cheat the city, but if they are expected to win this kind of city, it is obviously impossible to succeed. Zhang Shun had already arranged for Jiang He to lead his vanguard battalion to ambush outside the city. After Xu Ziyuan and others falsely opened the city gate, they rushed into the city.

But at that time, in order to prevent the guards on the city from discovering their movements, the ambush was a little far away, and they didn't have time to arrive for a while. Zhang Shun's reinforcements have not arrived yet, but the reinforcements from the city have arrived in time. Xu Ziyuan had never personally directed a war, so he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, so he quickly gathered the team together and tried to hold on for a while.

Chen Changzhen took a look and felt that this person's response method was quite satisfactory, so he stopped talking and just rode with Jiang Fa and launched another charge against Wu Xian's team.

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