Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 159 Entering the City

However, this charge had no effect. It turns out that although Mr. Wu is just a ranger, he is very good at running the army. Even though all of this man's men were new recruits, he was well-organized and couldn't be shaken by a small fight between Chen Changzhen and Jiang Fa.

Jiang Fa was almost exhausted due to his old age and several killings. Seeing this, Chen Changzhen and Jiang Fa quickly retreated to Xu Ziyuan and others.

Then Wu Xian saw that the enemy had few soldiers, and whether he could even defend the city depended on whether he and others could eliminate or expel these dozens of elite bandits. He quickly ordered his soldiers to form a formation to press him. Chen Changzhen rode a bay-red horse and wandered outside his formation. As a result, Wu Xian's formation remained unmoved.

However, Wu Xian also disliked Chen Changzhen. He was originally a knight-errant, who valued loyalty and despised life and death, and accomplished great feats single-handedly. But the person in front of him, who was quite similar to him in terms of popularity, was a thief who disturbed the people and even rode into battle alone, which really made Mr. Wu angry and resentful.

There is a deputy general under his command who is a sharpshooter, especially good at using the bird cannon. So, he ordered this person to snipe Chen Changzhen.

Chen Changzhen also took out his bow and arrow at this time, preparing to do some fun for the opponent. I just never thought that he was always the one sniping at others, but there were actually people preparing to snipe at him. Before he could bend his bow and shoot an arrow, he heard a single shot and Chen Changzhen was hit.

Chen Changzhen felt a pain in his chest, almost breathless, and couldn't help but become furious. He was tightening the tiger tendon bow, and his strength was at full strength, but he was almost distracted by the opponent. Fortunately, the silk armor shot by Zhang Shun had good defense, and the three-dollar musket could not penetrate Chen Changzhen's defense.

Chen Changzhen was waiting for an opportunity to rush to take revenge, but he heard Xu Ziyuan whistle. This was an agreement made by both parties in advance. Chen Changzhen took a deep look at the gunman, then clapped his horse and hurried back.

When the gunman saw Chen Changzhen leaving, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. When Chen Changzhen stared at him just now, he felt like a sharp knife was in his throat, and he felt fear in his heart. It turned out that it was too late, but not too long ago, Chen Changzhen turned around and shot an arrow into the throat of the gunman who had just breathed a sigh of relief but had not had time to take it back.

The gunman couldn't help but cover his throat, making a "gurgling" sound with difficulty, but he couldn't take in a breath anymore.

Wu Xian couldn't help being shocked when he saw this. He shouted "What a thief!" and ordered the entire army to attack.

Xu Ziyuan and others stood still. When the officers and soldiers were about ten steps closer, they quickly lifted up the oilcloth on the bullock cart, revealing a black cannon. Wu Xian never expected that the thieves on the opposite side would be so ferocious and cunning, and that at this point, they still had such a trump card hidden in their hands.

He couldn't help but shouted quickly: "Get out of here!" But was it still too late? Xu Ziyuan lit the fuse with his own hands, and the "呲呲" flames rushed into the dark artillery. Wu Xian looked at the cannon on the oxcart in despair. He could only hope that God would bless him. It was a dumb bomb.

In fact, it is better to expect that the artillery will explode than to expect that the artillery will explode. There was only one sound of gunfire, and the dense formation of officers and soldiers who could not escape were swept away alive.

Wu Xian's eyes were full of tears, and his blood couldn't help but rush forward to fight to the death. But then he heard the sound of a large group of people killing people outside the door. The sound of killing was so loud that it seemed to be in his ears. It turned out that after all this delay, Jiang He was about to arrive. As a result, he heard the sound of artillery, and even the troops in the city must have been in danger, so he quickly ordered the soldiers to shout loudly to scare the enemy.

Jiang He's bluffing method worked. The knights under Wu Xian's command quickly stopped his desperate move and said to him: "The matter is no longer feasible. Let's keep the green hills. Don't worry about running out of firewood, it's better to retreat first." wonderful."

Seeing that the situation had reached this point and that there was really nothing he could do, Mr. Wu painfully ordered a retreat. As a result, he wanted to retreat, but it was still up to Chen Changzhen to agree.

This Chen Changzhen was highly skilled in martial arts and had an arrogant nature. He had been shot and felt quite uncomfortable. Seeing that Wu Xian's men were all new soldiers, they were able to fight in formation, which was quite acceptable. Now that we were hit by shotgun shells, it was a time when morale was low.

Retreating at this time will inevitably lead to some confusion. This Chen Changzhen was more sensitive to the battle situation than Xu Ziyuan, and he immediately realized that the time had come for him to seek revenge. He shouted loudly, passed Xu Ziyuan and directly ordered: "The officers and soldiers have been defeated, follow me to kill the enemy and capture the dog officer!"

Chen Changzhen was already full of anger. This loud shout was like a thunderbolt exploding on a sunny day, frightening the officers and soldiers on the opposite side into confusion. Chen Changzhen took the opportunity to take the lead and charged into the enemy's formation. The Yanyue Sword was originally a weapon for chaotic battles. Chen Changzhen slashed back and forth like this, killing countless officers and soldiers along the way. However, wherever the horse went, blood burst out; where Changzun galloped, thousands of troops could easily be defeated!

Seeing this, Mr. Wu was very passive. In desperation, he had no choice but to personally lead the cavalry to stop Chen Changzhen. However, Changzhi didn't engage in battle with them at all, and instead rushed into the crowd and killed them.

When Wu Xian saw this, he became a little worried. When Chen Changzhen wasn't paying attention, he clapped his horse and followed him, intending to catch him off guard.

It's just that Chen Changzhen already knew what he was thinking and deliberately gave him a flaw. He pretended not to know, and waited for Wu Xian to attack with his sword. Taking advantage of the long sword and short sword, he turned around and slashed Wu Xian off his horse with his saber.

When Wu Xian's group of rangers saw that Wu Xian was missing, they wanted to come to rescue him. As a result, Xu Ziyuan and others led the infantry to pursue them, and Jiang He finally came in with his men and horses. Suddenly the officers and soldiers were defeated like a mountain. How could they resist? They had to flee in all directions.

Seeing that Jiang He had taken control of the city gate, Chen Changzhen led his men and horses to chase the defeated officers and soldiers to prevent them from being gathered by the enemy and posing a threat again. However, Chen Changzhen was overly worried. The leader of this group of officers and soldiers was Wu Xian. After Wu Xian was defeated, the team seemed to have its backbone broken and could no longer withstand anything.

By daybreak, Zhang Shun's men had taken control of the entire Runcheng, and they invited Zhang Shun to go to the city to handle matters.

So Zhang Shun openly invited Zhang Shenyan to go with him. Runcheng was not far from Tuncheng Village, and there were many people who knew Zhang Shenyan. Zhang Shun asked him to accompany him to force him to join the team. Zhang Shenyan smiled bitterly and thought to himself: I want to be a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty, but the Ming Dynasty insists on forcing me to become a rebel. What can I do?

At this point, not only did he have no way out, but the entire clan was in Zhang Shun's hands, so Zhang Shenyan had no choice but to agree.

Zhang Shenyan followed Zhang Shun as he walked on the streets of Runcheng. He felt that the people in the city who were watching him secretly were whispering and cursing at him. However, he didn't hear it clearly, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

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