Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 160 Like father, like son

Zhang Shenyan was frightened along the way, but fortunately no one was bold enough to come forward and accuse him. After finally reaching the destination, Zhang Shenyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, this is because Zhang Shenyan is thin-skinned. If it were Zhang Shun, he would be complacent and show off in the street.

When everyone arrived at a mansion, guards came to greet them and reported: "General, the entire Zhang family has been imprisoned here by the dog officer. We have rescued them all without embarrassment for them."

Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He has been an official for many years. Doesn’t he still know what virtues officers and soldiers have? When he was the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment, his desk was filled with complaints every year against officers and soldiers for killing good people and taking credit for their crimes, and for robbing the people.

Seeing Zhang Shenyan's excitement, Zhang Shun smiled understandingly and said, "'Father,' come with me in and take a look!"

Zhang Shenyan was concerned about the safety of his family and did not want to argue with Zhang Shun, so he nodded in agreement and followed Zhang Shun into the mansion.

When Zhang Shenyan entered the mansion, he saw only the Zhang family's family members, young and old, filling the hall. Looking at these familiar faces, he couldn't help but burst into tears for a while. When he glanced at his wife, concubines, children and grandchildren, he wanted to go forward and reminisce about the past.

Unexpectedly, his son Zhang Luxuan took two steps forward, grabbed Zhang Shenyan's collar, and shouted angrily: "Is this what you said about 'feeding a tiger with one's body and serving the country with loyalty'? Old man, as expected, you ignored your son after recognizing him as a thief. He killed my loyal son! What a shameless person! Can An be a parent?"

Zhang Shenyan was ashamed and ashamed after hearing this, and quickly defended: "Lu Xuan, please listen to my father's explanation."

"Don't explain it to me!" Zhang Luxuan said angrily: "When I was young, my father often taught me loyalty and righteousness, and I also taught my son loyalty and righteousness. Now you can see your son in person, but I have no face to see you. my son!"

After saying this, the shoe was about to hit the pillar and die. Fortunately, Zhang Shun had longer arms and reached out to pull him over. Although Zhang Luxuan is a standard scholar of the Ming Dynasty, he also performs some shooting salutes on weekdays and has quite a lot of strength. However, compared with someone like Zhang Shun who has specialized in martial arts, he is still far behind.

Zhang Shun originally thought that he would kill Zhang Shenyan this time, but he didn't expect such a change. If you don't handle it well, you will lose one body and two lives. Bah, bah, two lives.

He handed the shoe to Wukong beside him, and gave Zhang Shenyan a reassuring look before saying, "Brother."

"I'm not your brother!" When Zhang Luxuan heard this, he couldn't help but curse loudly, "How dare you insult me ​​like this, a cunning thief!"

Zhang Shun saw that he was very irritable, so he smiled and said: "I just thought that my brother recognized me as his younger brother. In fact, it doesn't matter even if he doesn't. After all, blood is thicker than water, and I don't care about my status, let alone appear with you. A bloody plot to snatch family property! Huh? Although it seems that our old Zhang family doesn’t have much property now!”

When Zhang Shenyan heard this, he couldn't help but become anxious. Are you here to persuade me, or are you just adding fuel to the fire? Zhang Luxuan was even more suspicious. He couldn't help but look at his old father carefully and thought: Could it be that my father is deceiving me? Did he really leave a romantic debt when he traveled abroad when he was young?

Before Zhang Shenyan had time to fight for this "fake son", he saw his real son looking at him in confusion. There is no better way to know a son than a father, how could he not know what this true son was thinking? He quickly explained: "Lu Xuan, I'll explain this to you later. Just calm down!"

It was okay if he didn't explain it. Once he explained it, his son Zhang Luxuan became more confused. Seeing this, Zhang Shun quickly answered: "Let's not talk about this matter in our family in public, otherwise we will lose face."

"Let me talk to my brother, okay, okay, let me call you eldest brother! Let me talk to Brother Zhang about this matter of loyalty! As far as Brother Zhang is concerned, what is loyalty and what is righteousness?"

"Loyalty is the only way to serve the emperor, and it is the right to be true to your words when making friends! Shu Zi did not read the books of the sages, and did not accept the teachings of the sages. He often engaged in stealing and exploiting. Now I will teach you!" Zhang Luxuan said with a smile.

Zhang Shun was not angry when he heard this, but smiled and said: "In that case, as a merchant minister, King Wu attacked King Zhou, which is unfaithful and unjust. Do you think he is a traitor and a traitor?"

Zhang Luxuan heard this and sarcastically said: "Those who thieve benevolence are called thieves, those who thieve righteousness are called cripples, and those who cripple thieves are called husbands. I have heard that Zhou killed a husband, but I have never heard of regicide."

This statement came from Mencius. When Mencius met King Xuan of Qi, King Xuan of Qi once asked him: "Shang Tang exiled Xia Jie, and King Wu of Zhou attacked Shang Zhou. Is this happening?" Mencius answered honestly: "have!"

At that time, King Xuan of Qi asked strangely: "Is it okay for a minister to kill the monarch?" Mencius replied: "Those who destroy benevolence are called thieves, and those who destroy righteousness are called cripples. Those who destroy benevolence are called cripples. The remnant thief of righteousness is called "Dufu". I only heard that Dufu Zhou was executed, but I didn't hear that the monarch was killed by his subordinates."

After listening to Zhang Luxuan's words, Zhang Shun couldn't help but put his hands together and said with a smile: "What Brother Zhang said is true. Now that one man is in power, he should help me to fight for it with all his strength!"

Zhang Luxuan heard this and said angrily: "Now that the emperor is a sage and wise king, inspiring the world, killing the eunuch Wei Zhongxian internally, suppressing the mountain and Shaanxi bandits, pacifying the chaos in Yungui, She'an, and resisting the Tatars Hongtai and his like, how can we use Xia Jie to do business?" Shame on him!"

Zhang Shun was surprised and said: "Brother Zhang, why are you deaf and blind like this! It's a political matter. Natural disasters hit the mountains and Shaanxi. The weather is cold and the land is dry, and there is no harvest. This is a natural warning! Famine started in Shaanxi, and the people were in chaos. They started in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong and other places, and the rebels started in Yunnan, Guizhou and Liaodong. This is a police force! The river is surging, invading both sides of the bank, locust plagues are everywhere, and the people are in dire straits. This is a local police force! The three parties of heaven, earth and people are police, but they still don’t think about it. Is it possible to repent?"

"As a monarch, he cannot manage disasters and provide relief to the people internally; he cannot resist bandits and protect his family and country externally. The disaster in Shaanxi was not the result of one year, and the invasion of the pass by the Later Jin Dynasty was not the fault of Yuan Chonghuan alone. What kind of face does he claim to have?" Emperor?"

"I heard that Xia Jie and Shang Zhou were nothing more than arrogant, extravagant and cruel. They did not cultivate their private virtues and only injured dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people. And Chongzhen was incompetent. How many people in Shaanxi and the capital were there? What about people dying innocently?”

How can Zhang Luxuan argue better than Zhang Shun? Hearing this, his momentum dropped by three points, but he felt that it was different from his own intuitive conclusion, so he murmured to himself: "How could it have reached this point? Not long after the emperor ascended the throne, Ming was seriously ill. How could he suddenly recover? I heard The Holy Emperor will work hard to calm down the chaos at night, and if he can give it time, he will surely revive our Ming Dynasty!"

After Zhang Shun heard this, he smiled and said: "If the destiny is mine, I will take over the world! If the destiny is other people, they will destroy us! Why should Brother Zhang be in such a hurry to die in a moment?"

Thanks to fan "Po Shui" for the large reward, thank you to fan "Book Friends 130222184122634" and fan "Yuan, Lai" for the reward! Thanks!

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