Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 161 Ranger Wu Xian

Zhang Shun continued: "You, father and son, were arrested by the imperial court today, and you will definitely be unable to defend yourself! Why don't you stay useful and stay with me. I neither ask you to give me advice nor do I ask you to do it for me." Charge into battle. As long as we give it time, we will know who the destiny is!"

"I don't know if you are willing to help Zhou to do evil, or if you are willing to assist King Wu. I will let you choose. What do you think?"

Zhang Luxuan was speechless when he heard this. Although Zhang Shenyan had some connections with the government these days, he is now wanted by the government. Unless he wanted to seek death and had to rely on Zhang Shun, how could he dare to say no?

Hearing this, Zhang Shenyan had no choice but to smile in embarrassment and persuaded Zhang Shun: "The general is very righteous, but the dog is reckless. I accidentally bumped into the general. I hope you will forgive me! Now, thanks to the general's kindness and righteousness, he came to rescue my whole family." Everyone, young and old, I can't thank you enough! Now we are all family members who are unable to return home. We do what is called 'helping people to the end and sending Buddha to the West'. I hope the general will take my family in."

Seeing this, Zhang Luxuan had no choice but to bow his hands unconvinced and thank Zhang Shun for his life-saving grace.

Zhang Shun didn't mind very much, smiled, and was about to order the Zhang clan members to be taken away together. Unexpectedly, a weak voice came out from inside: "What a clever mouth, you can even tell the dead to live!"

Zhang Shun gave Chen Changzhen a strange look when he heard this. Chen Changzhen quickly stepped forward and said: "This person is the guard officer of Runcheng. It was this person who led the troops to capture the Zhang family. When I fought with him last time, I chopped off his horse. Come on, when I was cleaning the battlefield later, I found that this man’s armor had withstood some of the damage and he was not dead, so I ordered people to arrest him.”

"Later, after occupying this city, I heard that this man was strict in running the army and loved the people. I felt that it was inconvenient to deal with this man, so I placed him here. Firstly, it was convenient to take care of the Zhang clan, and secondly, it was also convenient to take care of this person. People. Just now everyone was talking to themselves, but they forgot to tell the Lord!"

It was the first time that Zhang Shun saw an officer who was strict in running the army and caring for the people. He couldn't help but love talents, so he went into the house to take a look in person. I saw only one person, who was in his twenties or thirties, with a strong build and thick bones, but there was a long and hideous wound on his chest. The wound directly broke through the iron piece and penetrated deep into the skin. It was not known whether the bones were damaged or not.

The man was very weak, lying flat on the bed and unable to get up. When he saw Zhang Shun coming in, he just shouted: "Kill me quickly, but please kill me!"

Zhang Shun laughed when he heard this and said: "What joy is there in life, and what is there in fear of death! A general should be in such a hurry to die when Mount Tai collapses in front of him but his face remains unchanged, and when an elk rises to the left but his eyesight does not blink."

The man knew that Zhang Shun was very eloquent and did not dare to talk to him. He just smiled bitterly and said: "How can a defeated general speak bravely? It was always life and death in the battle, but now Wu is not good at learning and using troops well. As the saying goes, 'a general is incompetent. Thousands of troops will die from exhaustion, so they should die!"

Zhang Shun saw that he kept the word "death" in his words and knew that he would die, so he smiled bitterly and said: "Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs. Young hero, you can start over! Can't you really be accommodating?"

"I already know what you mean. Since ancient times, there have been generals with beheaded heads, but no generals who surrendered!" Wu Xian took a breath and responded weakly.

Zhang Shun shook his head and thought: Forget it, there are so many heroes in the world! How can I accept them all? I just want to do my best and obey fate.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun said to Chen Changzhen: "Brother Chen, this is a righteous man, but he is unwilling to follow us to uphold the righteousness of the world, fight against the unjust and foolish king, and restore peace to the world!"

"You can leave his body intact and give him a proper burial. In this way, firstly, you can warn me of the fate of Optimus Prime who stubbornly resists me, and secondly, you can give this righteous man the respect he deserves!"

Chen Changzhen was a man who valued affection and righteousness. Seeing Zhang Shun's decision, he quickly persuaded him: "Let me persuade him again. After all, he is a strong man!"

Zhang Shun definitely wanted to sell Chen Changzhen's face, so he nodded in agreement. Chen Changzhen walked up to Wu Xian and persuaded the man in a low voice. However, after a long time of persuasion, Chen Changzhen also became angry. He was so angry that he was ready to kill the man.

At this time, after talking with his family, Zhang Shenyan also followed. As soon as he saw the atmosphere, he knew that Mr. Wu might be in trouble.

Although this person arrested his family and clan members, after talking to his family just now, Zhang Shenyan knew that this person had never made things difficult for his family members, and he immediately felt good about him. As for Wu Xian's arrest of members of his own family, he was just following orders.

So, Zhang Shenyan patted the angry Chen Changzhen, bent down and said to Wu Xian: "General Wu, I am the Zhang Shenyan you want to arrest! Thank you for not embarrassing my family."

Wu Xian was already very weak, but after a verbal exchange with Zhang Shun and Chen Changzhen, he was already very weak and didn't want to pay attention to him at all. Zhang Shenyan did not take it seriously and continued: "Everyone thought that I had surrendered to the bandits, but that was not the case. I was held hostage by others and could not escape. Although it has been a long time, I have not made any plans for him or done anything for him. How unjust I am to still be wanted by the court!"

"'It's the father's fault if a son doesn't teach'!" Wu Xian said sarcastically, "If your son rebels, what can you do to blame him?"

Zhang Shenyan was choked by Wu Xian, so he had to cough awkwardly, and said with a smile: "It's not trustworthy to catch wind and shadow! General Wu is highly skilled in martial arts, and he is not as old and frail. Why not keep his body and make a decision?"

"Now the imperial court is employing people, and people who are stupid and have nothing to do with their bodies have been in their positions for a long time. The general is just trying to gain fame and reputation, and when he dies, who can inherit the general's legacy? If the rogue bandits become bigger because of this, not only will the people of the world suffer, but we will also I’m afraid the general won’t even be able to keep his fame and fortune! When the time comes, if the name of helping the tyrants is attached to the general, the general will not be able to live in peace even if he dies, right?”

Zhang Shenyan spent a long time with Zhang Shun and learned a lot about his sharp teeth. In addition, he had been in the officialdom for a long time and had a good understanding of the thoughts of his subordinate officials, so he left Wu Xian speechless in just a few words.

Wu Xian was silent for a moment, then looked up to the sky and sighed: "Wu Xian is a knight-errant, how can he dare to shoulder only the moral justice of the world? However, I admire the old gentleman who dares to say this to me like a thief!"

"What I admire even more is this leader of thieves. What's his name? He has such a big heart that he can talk about right and wrong in front of others as if there is no one around him!"

Zhang Shun was a little moved when he saw this person, and he couldn't help but look at Zhang Shenyan in surprise, and said with a smile: "It's just a cheap name, it's not worth mentioning. My surname is Zhang Mingshun, and the Chinese characters are reversed. People in the world give me the nickname 'Optimus Prime'" ! Now the commander of the rebel army, Heju, leads a battalion to fight for the world!"

When Wu Xian heard this, he couldn't help but look at Zhang Shenyan strangely and thought: Didn't you agree that you have a father-son relationship? These surnames are all the same!

However, Wu Xian saw that Zhang Shenyan said that he should look at his eyes and nose and look at his heart. He must have a sutra that is difficult to recite in every family, so he stopped asking. He just smiled and said: "The toad yawned - such a loud tone! How dare a little bandit talk about fighting for the world?"

"This little beggar, didn't he have founded the country for more than two hundred years?" Zhang Shun asked in return.

"How dare you!" Wu Xian was furious. This "little beggar" was none other than Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. He said: "Taizu expelled the Tartars and restored China, how can you, a clown, compare to this?"

"Qin lost its deer, and the whole world chased it away. Haven't you ever heard that Zhu Yuanzhang was only allowed to take away the deer that was lost by others, but he was not allowed to take away the deer that was lost by his own family? How can this be true in the world?"

"You are so brave!" Wu Xian gritted his teeth.

"Generals are the courage of soldiers, and soldiers are the power of generals!" Zhang Shunruo replied meaningfully, "Only with my courage, my soldiers can survive in water and fire!"

Wu Xian was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then sighed: "The defeated general cannot be said to be brave. In fact, the army is weak and the general's prestige has been ruined! If you can tolerate me, and if my life is not worthy of death, then I will follow you. Give it a try!"

The two of them seemed to be incompatible with each other, but they were actually talking about the same thing. Zhang Shun told Wu Xian that it was precisely because of my boldness that my soldiers dared to rebel with me; as long as my soldiers were strong in combat, I would be able to dominate the world and dominate the world.

Wu Xian told him that if he lost the battle, he would have no prestige, let alone want to dominate the world. But now that I have been seriously injured, if I can really survive, I am willing to imitate Zhang Shenyan and do nothing to see if he is the right man or a bandit.

Zhang Shenyan was a good person in the officialdom, so he naturally understood what the two of them were talking about. Suddenly, he couldn't help but glance at Wu Xian. He thought to himself: That Zhang Shun had no idea of ​​his origins, but he was shrewd and cunning, so he should have said what he said. It's just that Mr. Wu is just a ranger, but he has such a level?

In fact, this was because Zhang Shenyan looked down upon Mr. Wu. He traveled around Zezhou with a sword and made friends with Zezhou scholars. He had the style of an ancient gentleman and was beyond the comparison of ordinary warriors who were competitive and ruthless. That's why I was able to have a confrontation with Zhang Shun in this fog.

Zhang Shun saw that since this man was willing to follow him, he would not be short of food anyway, so he quickly called Chen Changzhen to go to the city to find the doctor, fearing that if he delayed for too long, he would drag Wu Xian to death on the spot, which would become an eternal joke.

After coming over for a while, Chen Changzhen hurriedly brought the doctor over. The doctor checked him and then breathed a sigh of relief and said to them: "This strong man just lost too much blood. There is nothing serious. All he needs to do is to bandage the wound." , rest and nourish for a period of time, and you will be cured.”

So Zhang Shun specially arranged for someone to boil some bandages in boiling water, clean Wu Xian's wounds, and then he felt relieved after bandaging them.

After everything was done, Zhang Shun had no intention of waiting for Runcheng for long. What's more, Zhang Shun's reputation as "Thief Qingtian" is also very loud here, and he has no idea of ​​​​plundering. It's just that he originally wanted to meet his "Propaganda Minister" Cheng Yu, the leader of the class, but he hasn't found him yet.

Zhang Shun didn't care much about it, just being idle, so he ordered the withdrawal of troops and left Runcheng Town.

I'm not in the mood, two updates today

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