Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1558 Capturing Yiju

"Dong dong dong!" As waves of earth-shaking war drums sounded, under the guidance of generals, elite Eight Banners troops held their flags high and circled back and forth.

The rebels did not show any weakness. Under the urging of war drums, they also opened the camp gate and lined up to wait.

"How is the enemy's situation now?" Duduo looked at the neat formation of the rebels from a distance, and couldn't help but turned to Shi Tingzhu and asked.

"There are about 40,000 thieves besieging Guangning. General Sun Degong and Sun Shen from the direction of Yizhou have contacted Kalaqin, Tumote and other tribes to attack Jinzhou unexpectedly, but I don't know the outcome now!" Shi Tingzhu said quickly.

"Sun Degong, Karaqin, and Tumut?" Duduo frowned upon hearing this, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Private contact between generals is taboo for the king.

It's just that now is the critical moment, and he knows it's not the time to mention this matter, so he suppresses his thoughts and doesn't mention it for the time being.

"Looking at the 'Shun Thief's' military formation, there is no sign of panic. I'm afraid Sun Degong and others can only return without success!" Duduo shook his head and couldn't help but judge.

Equivalent to Shi Tingzhu, Sun Degong and others who are more optimistic, Duduo, who has personally fought against the rebels, will certainly not underestimate his opponents.

However, neither Shi Tingzhu, nor Duoduo, nor even Sun Degong himself expected that they would suffer a huge defeat and lose their fortune and life when they were equal in strength to the opponent.

However, such a tiny mistake was caught by Zhang Sanbai.

Now that the opportunity to break Hou Jin's plan is right in front of him, how can Zhang Sanbai resist taking risks?

Therefore, while taking advantage of the information gap, Zhang Sanbai swaggered to contain Duduo, while allowing Yang Guozhu to capture Yizhou as soon as possible.

When Duduo and his army arrived, Shi Tingzhu and his men were trapped in the city. For a while, they couldn't figure out the movements of the rebels. They could only set up camp while launching a tentative attack on the rebels.

Not to mention the calculations between the two sides, let's say that after Yang Guozhu received the order, he doubled his route and headed westward to Yizhou City.

From Guangning to Yizhou Baili, there were originally quite prosperous villages, towns and castles along the way. After the looting of the Hou Jin Dynasty, now only the ruins and ruins are left.

Although this had a negative impact on the supplies of the rebels, it also reduced Houjin's early warning capability.

Yang Guozhu knew that Sun Degong, the leader of Yizhou, had died in battle, so he traveled day and night and arrived outside Yizhou city at noon the next day.

As soon as the rebels arrived outside Yizhou City, the scouts had already caught several "tongues" and tied them up.

Yang Guozhu asked briefly and immediately understood the situation in Yizhou.

It turned out that just as he and Zhang Sanbai expected, Sun Degong died unexpectedly in battle, causing great chaos to Yizhou City and his men.

Some people cut off their braids on the spot and joined the rebels.

Some were like frightened birds, scattering and running away.

More people followed the dispersing crowd and fled all the way to Yizhou City.

The two groups of Karaqin and Tumut with four wings fled to the border pastures.

In this way, Yizhou City, which has lost its backbone, is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to resist.

"Zhang Damou, how about you pick a few dozen people, pretend to be in retreat and sneak into the city, and we can cooperate with each other from the inside out?" Yang Guozhu pondered for a moment and couldn't help but say.

Except for Zhang Da's subordinates who were photographed by Zhang Sanbai, most of his subordinates were infantry. After traveling day and night, they were relatively tired. Only the cavalry maintained good physical strength.

"This... there is a big difference between our department and Sun Degong's department who came from the Ming Army. I'm afraid... I'm afraid it will cause trouble!" Zhang Damou was quite experienced in this and quickly reminded him.

"That's true!" Yang Guozhu thought carefully and then remembered that Zhang Dashou was from the Shaanxi Rebel Army. Their language, clothing and habits were very different from those of the Liaodong soldiers, so it was indeed easy to reveal their secrets.

"Then...that will only bother you, Xian Guoan!" Yang Guozhu glanced around, and finally his eyes rested on a relatively unfamiliar face.

"The final general will definitely live up to his mission!" It turns out that this line of national security was originally a general of Kong Youde, and later led his old troops to join the rebel army after Kong Youde's death.

Most of the people under his command were from Liaodong, so it was not easy for them to reveal their secrets.

After arriving at the front line, Guoan selected dozens of people and pretended to be defeated and entered Yizhou City. Yang Guozhu then looked at Zhang Damou and said, "In this case, we will trouble you to seize the city gate!"

"General, take the order!" Zhang Damou quickly took the order after hearing this.

It turned out that despite Yang Guozhu's polite words, he had an extraordinary status because he helped the rebels persuade Zhu Xieyuan to surrender.

Although Zhang Da Shou was born in the rebel army, he was still a little less interesting after all, so he could only succumb to him.

After the two sides had settled on a plan, Zhang Damou quickly led his cavalry out and headed straight for the east gate of Yizhou.

"Enemy attack!" Soon the defenders on the city discovered the movement of Zhang Dashou's troops and couldn't help but shout in panic.

"Quick, close the city gate!" Seeing the rebels coming, the defenders quickly pushed away the defeated soldiers and people who were entering the city, and were about to close the city gate.

"Straight bitch, do you want us to die? Brothers, rush in quickly, or we will be dead!" At this moment, someone shouted, and everyone was furious.

These defeated soldiers no longer had the courage to fight the enemy bravely, but they were quite courageous to raise the butcher knife against their own people.

After being provoked like this, everyone immediately picked up their weapons and attacked the soldiers who were about to close the city gate.

This killing didn't matter, there was chaos inside and outside the city gate.

At this moment, there was a general who looked like an officer, leading a group of people into the city in a swaggering manner.

"Stop, who are you?" Just as this group of people climbed onto the tower, they were stopped by several soldiers.

"You are so brave. Even I dare to stop you. Kill me!" The general glared and ordered involuntarily.

"You...what are you doing...ah!" Just when everyone was confused, they suddenly shot and killed them randomly, killing these soldiers immediately.

"Kill, fight in, seize the suspension bridge and the thousand-pound gate!" It turns out that this group of people is none other than Xian Guoan and others.

Since Sun Degong died, there was no one in Yizhou City to organize defense, so he was able to fish in troubled waters and kill him on the tower in one fell swoop.

And while there was chaos on and off the city, Zhang Damou also took the opportunity to kill him.

Soon the two sides cooperated internally and externally, and captured the east gate of Yiju City.

Yang Guozhu never expected that the war would go so smoothly, so he quickly ordered the entire army to attack Yizhou.

Seeing that the situation was over, the defenders of Yizhou immediately fled, surrendered, and dispersed.

The only grandson got merit and his descendant Youguang led his family and relatives to defend the Sun Mansion and could not attack it for a long time.

Huang Degong ordered people to bring in cannons to blast the walls of the mansion, and then swarmed in.

Sun Youguang couldn't resist, and he was worried that his family would be humiliated, so he personally set fire to the mansion, which was already filled with oil and sulfur. The whole family set themselves on fire and died, and Yizhou fell.

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