Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1559 The navy sets sail


Duduo threw the memorial in his hand to the ground. Not satisfied with his anger, he overturned the table in front of him. The pens, inks, paper, inkstones and other objects on the table were scattered all over the floor.

"Your Majesty, calm down, Your Majesty, calm down!" Shi Tingzhu stepped forward tremblingly and hurriedly advised.

"As soon as I got the news of the advance of the 'Shun Thieves', I personally led the army to come to the rescue. In the end, how can you be worthy of me? How can you be worthy of me!" Duduo didn't need to ask loudly.

"You don't know that Sun Degong died! You don't know that Yizhou City fell!"

"If I hadn't sent an envoy to recruit Sun Degong, I wouldn't have known that Sun Degong had been defeated and died, and Yizhou City had fallen into the hands of thieves!"

Speaking of excitement, Duduo couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked the Shi Tingzhu.

When Shi Tingzhu got up from the ground, he fell and injured his face, and his face was covered with blood for a while.

It's just that Shi Tingzhu also knew that "Your Majesty" was furious now, so he didn't dare to reach out and wipe it away. He only let the blood flow all over his face in the hope of arousing "Your Majesty's" compassion.

It's just that Duduo is young and energetic, has a bad temper, and has always committed many crimes, so how can he have any compassion?

"A slave shall be punished by death, a slave shall be punished by death!" Shi Tingzhu quickly threw himself to the ground, looking like a slave.

"Death penalty? Do you still know that you are a capital crime? It would not be a pity for a person like you to die a hundred times!" Duduo sneered for a long time, and then sneered, "When I break this 'submissive thief', I will fight again You damn slaves are so careless!"

"Come here, we can send out troops to form a formation and attack the 'Shun Thieves' camp!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, this servant requests to be the vanguard!" Shi Tingzhu was stunned when he heard this, and quickly volunteered.

This was a good opportunity to redeem himself, and he couldn't help but seize it.

"Oh, you?" Duduo looked him up and down doubtfully, and then sneered, "Okay, then I'll give you another chance. I hope you won't disappoint me."

If you dare to take my Yiju City, I will kill you!

"General, the Tatars are out!" Just as Houjin's troops and horses came out, Zhang's 310 men and others suddenly discovered the movements of Duduo and his men.

After some previous contact and testing, both sides basically figured out each other's strength.

The rebel army originally had 40,000 troops, but Yang Guozhu took away 10,000, and now it only has 30,000.

And this time Duduo brought over 40,000 troops in one go. If the 3,000 troops from Guangning City were added, the number would be almost 43,000.

With the rebel army numbering 30,000, it was certainly impossible to resist Hou Jin's 43,000 soldiers and horses.

"It doesn't matter. If you can't defeat it, defend it. If you can't defend it, leave. What else can you do!" A rare smile appeared on Zhang Sanbai's stern face. It seemed that it was not Hou Jin who was preparing to attack his camp, but Hou Jin himself. Kim's camp is average.

"General, what are you looking at?" The soldier saw Zhang Sanbai looking far into the distance, as if he was not looking at Houjin Camp and Guangning City, but farther away.

"Look at the Tatars' retreat!" Zhang Sanbai replied expressionlessly, but then he gave the order, "Tell the whole army to guard the camp for three days, and there will be results!"

"Retreat, what retreat?" When the rebel army and Duoduo's army were confronting each other in Guangning, Zhao Lizi was answering a soldier's question on the boat, "Our Marine Corps will advance and never retreat. We don't need anything." Way back!"

"Our navy has so many ships, and there are such big ships. We are the only ones who can attack the Tatars. There is absolutely no reason for the Tatars to attack us."

"It's just that when we get to land, we have to rely on ourselves for everything!"

It turns out that at this moment, Zhao Lizi's Marine Corps has begun to have combat effectiveness after more than a month of intensive training.

Now they are riding a troop transport converted from a Zengzhou ship, facing the wind and waves, heading all the way to Liaodong.

And what was in front of them was the five-masted warship that was transformed from Feng Zhou.

It's just that time is tight and the task is heavy. The initial modification of this warship has been completed, but the 108 artillery pieces are not yet available. Now it is only equipped with more than 60 artillery pieces.

However, these more than sixty artillery pieces are enough for it to run rampant in this sea area.

Accompanying it were one Fu ship, three Haicang ships, five Cangshan ships, and more than ten other auxiliary ships such as baggage ships, transport ships, exploration ships, and fire ships.

Even though there are not many ships in this fleet, it can be regarded as almost half of the rebel navy's wealth.

This time, Zhang Shun brought out so much property in one breath. Naturally, it was not for them to travel for leisure, but to complete a big strategic move.

"Coming, coming!" Just when everyone was bored, they suddenly saw the land to the north appearing on the horizon.

And not only this piece of land appeared on the horizon, but more than a dozen ships quickly approached the direction of the rebels.

"Here we come!" Zhao Lizi said secretly in his heart, but this feeling of powerlessness sitting on the boat made him feel a little uneasy.

However, just when Zhao Lizi was uneasy, one person became excited.

He is Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin and admiral of the Navy, standing on the "Fengzhou Battleship".

To be honest, after being a soldier for half his life, this was the first time he had seen such a huge battleship, let alone being able to command operations on this huge ship.

"Admiral, the Tatar navy is coming!" the adjutant quickly reported back to Zhao Liangdong.

"Let the exploration ships and sentinel ships stop them first, and let Fu Chuan, Haicang and Cangshan engage the enemy. Let's prepare for long-range bombardment!" Zhao Liangdong gave the order in an orderly manner.

"Commander, take your orders!" Following Zhao Liangdong's order, the herald quickly conveyed the military order through the flag, and the warships spread out their combat formations in an orderly manner like seabirds and schools of fish.

The water battle formations of this era originated from land battles, so they still centered on "ships" and formed a "stacked formation" of large and small ships.

As a traditional naval general, Zhao Liangdong still adopted the same old methods.

Although Zhang Shun knew the so-called "battle line tactics" and "seizing T-shaped horizontal head tactics" in his previous life, he did not know much about water warfare and was not sure whether these tactics were suitable for this era, so he did not impose them. Navy execution and training.

Although the rebel navy did not have any revolutionary changes, it was a behemoth compared to the more crude Houjin navy.

It turned out that there was no navy at sea at this time. It was not until Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming realized that they had invested money that they brought the ships of the Tianjin Navy that they had cheated.

It's just that these two people were not originally from the navy, and there were no professional management and maintenance personnel under their command, so even this little family fortune was almost destroyed by them in the past two years.

Now, the "Sanshun King" is dead and surrendered, and the navy of the "Sanshun King" line is even more unattended.

Today there are only a few dilapidated Haicang boats and Cangshan boats, and the others are small boats, fishing boats and transport ships.

Therefore, when they saw the "huge ship" of the rebels, their first reaction was to abandon the ship and flee.

However, the Jin army enforced strict laws. Once they escaped, the entire family would be punished.

Therefore, after this battle between heaven and man, the sentry officers of these ships bit the bullet and urged the soldiers to come forward.

"Who are you?" As soon as the two sides approached, the sentry couldn't bear to ask.

"Boom, boom, boom!" What greeted him was a burst of intensive artillery fire.

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