Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1560 Landing at Lushunkou

"Boom, boom, boom!" Accompanied by a burst of intensive artillery fire, the last ship of the Houjin Navy was beaten to pieces and slowly sank into the ocean. Suddenly, there was a cheer on the rebel ship.

"Huh~" Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief when he saw this, and his heart was relieved.

To be honest, the rebel navy's strength is pretty good, at least it's enough to deal with broken ships like Houjin's.

However, the "sail battleship" that "King Shun suddenly imagined" was huge in size and slow to turn. Once it was approached by an enemy ship, there was a risk of being burned or defecting.

Of course, where is war without risk?

But this "Fengzhou-class sailing battleship" is obviously highly valued by His Highness King Shun.

If anything happens, as a surrendered general, he has no way to report to His Highness.

However, fortunately, the firepower of this "sail battleship" was extremely fierce, and the Houjin ship was blown to pieces before it could even get close.

Now that the threat at sea has been lifted, Zhao Liangdong was so high-spirited that he couldn't help but wave his hand and ordered: "Get to the shore and prepare to land!"

Lushunkou is located at the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, across the sea from the Denglai Peninsula. Due to the winding coastline, it has become one of the ideal hot-weather ports.

Lushunkou was originally called Shizikou because in the fourth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang sent Generals Ma Yun and Ye Wang to lead an army from Penglai to cross the sea and land here to regain Liaodong.

It happened that the sea journey went smoothly, so the place was renamed Lushunkou.

Because of its strategic significance as "the key pass of Beiyang and the gateway to Gyeonggi", it took more than ten years in the late Qing Dynasty to build a military fortress with a military port as its core.

Although the land power still dominated the sea power at that time, Zhu Yuanzhang was keenly aware of the importance of this place, so he set up the Jinzhou Guard Zuo Qianhu Station here and set up a navy.

However, Zhu's virtue declined at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and the Liaodong Peninsula changed hands several times. In the end, the Liaodong region, including Lushunkou, fell into the hands of Hou Jin.

After that, although the troops of Jin were dominant on land, they were inferior to water battles.

Although he occupied the four states of Jin Gaifu, he often faced harassment from the Ming army in Denglai and Dongjiang, making it difficult to establish a stable rule.

Until Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Shang Kexi and others came to surrender with their troops, Hong Tai took the opportunity to "enclose" them here as a barrier.

Initially, Kong Youde roughly controlled the Gaizhou and Haizhou areas, and Geng Zhongming controlled the Fuzhou and Jinzhou areas.

Later, Shang Kexi came to surrender. Hong Tai then cut Kong Youdehaizhou and brought it to Shang Kexi, and cut Geng Zhongming and Fuzhou to bring Liu Zhiyuan, a Han Chinese who had defected to Houjin very early.

In this way, it not only weakened the strength of Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, but also separated their territories to prevent them from colluding in private to rebel.

As the key point, Lushun Fort was entrusted by Hong Tai to Shi Mingxiong and Song Guofu to garrison it.

The former is in charge of Fort Lushun, which was renamed from Jinzhou Zhongzuo Qianhu, while the latter controls the Lushun Navy, which is almost better than nothing.

Now that the Houjin Navy has discovered the movements of the Rebel Navy, although almost all the combat ships have been wiped out, the news has been passed back at least.

When Song Guofu heard this, he was shocked. He quickly led his troops to resist, and at the same time sent someone to notify the Lushun Fort guard Shi Mingxiong.

By the time Song Guofu led his people to Lushun Port, there was already a killing sound in the port.

It turned out that the rebels had taken advantage of the golden opportunity of the defeat of Hou Jinshui Division to enter Lushunkou.

After mooring in the port, the Hou Jin Navy was unable to escape, and was immediately blocked by the Rebel Navy, which blocked the outlet to the sea and became a turtle in a urn.

As the saying goes: "A tiger falls flat and is bullied by dogs; a dragon enters shallow water and is tricked by shrimps." No matter how good your navy is, once you are blocked in the port, you can only be at the mercy of others.

Not to mention that the Hou Jin Shui Division is not worth mentioning and is in danger of overthrowing in an instant.

"Quick, stop them!" Song Guofu couldn't help but become anxious when he saw the current situation.

As a general of the Han Dynasty, except for his mastery of water warfare, how could he compare with others?

If he loses his foundation this time, he can only wipe his neck.

It turns out that Lushunkou is located in a harbor on the east side of the southern end of the Liaodong Peninsula. It faces south from the north, with Golden Mountain to the east, Laotieshan to the southwest, and a peninsula extending from Laotieshan to the south, called "Tiger Tail". ".

There is only one road on land to the north, and on the sea there is only a narrow waterway between the "Tiger Tail" and the Golden Mountain on the east side.

Now that the waterway is exclusive to the rebels, the "tiger's tail" has also been lost. The rebels are storming the port at the foot of Golden Mountain, and the situation is precarious for a while.

Song Guofu was not a mediocre person, and he could see the key at a glance.

He couldn't help but shouted: "If the port is trapped, we will be killed according to military law. If you want to survive, follow me to recapture the port and ships."

Then they followed the coast and headed towards the foot of Golden Mountain.

"Song Guofu, where are you going?" When Song Guofu and his group had just arrived near the port, they heard a loud shout and saw a group of men and horses coming out of the diagonal stab.

Then Song Guofu looked up and saw that it was "King Huaishun" Geng Zhongming, and his heart sank: "Is it you?"

"That's right, it's me. I, Geng Zhongming, am back to kill me again!" Geng Zhongming said with a cold smile. "Jinzhou and Fuzhou are mine, they are mine!"

After Song Guofu heard what Geng Zhongming said, his liver and gallbladder were immediately split.


It turned out that Song Guofu and Shi Mingxiong were placed in Lushun Fort by Mrs. Hong just to supervise Geng Zhongming, so they used to give this man eye drops.

While waiting for Geng Zhongming's "rebellion", the two men took the opportunity to "take care of" his female relatives.

Now that Geng Zhongming's killer general is back, how can they enjoy their good fruits?

Of course, this is not the scariest thing.

The most terrifying thing is that Geng Zhongming once operated in Jinzhou for several years. Under Jinzhou's rule, most of the soldiers and civilians were brought across the sea by him.

He simply couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if these people heard that Geng Zhongming was coming back.

The consequences of Hou Jin's disastrous defeat in the pass have emerged. In addition to the rapid reduction of capable soldiers and the outbreak of domestic conflicts, the destruction of the "Sanshun King" has also created a void from Jinzhou to Haizhou.

Originally, Duduo and Daishan had the opportunity to readjust their deployment and solve this problem.

However, they were too eager to improve the entire Liaodong defense sector, but they underestimated Zhang Shun's strategic vision and the mobilization ability of the rebels. As a result, Zhang Shun was keen to find this loophole in the defense.

Therefore, Zhang Shun's previous dispatch of Zhang Sanbai to attack the Guangning area with great fanfare was actually to mobilize his last mobile force at the critical moment when Hou Jin launched a fierce attack on Dongjiang Town.

Once Duduo and his men are restrained by Zhang Sanbai, the line from Jinzhou to Fuzhou, from Fuzhou to Gaizhou, and from Gaizhou to Haizhou will be easily broken through by the rebels.

Once Haizhou falls, the rebels can flank the main force of Duduo to the east and threaten Liaoyang to the north.

Song Guofu would not have such a profound understanding, but based on his general understanding of the entire Liaodong Peninsula of Hou Jin, it was inevitable that he would have bad thoughts in his heart.

"Brothers, kill me, reinforcements will be here soon!" Although Song Guofu was quite uneasy, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

As long as he can withstand the attack on the port by the "shun thieves" and wait until Shi Mingxiong brings the troops from Lushun Fort to bypass Laotieshan and recapture the "Tiger Tail", there is still much to be done.

This "tiger tail" is like Lao Tieshan's tail, stretching across the entire Lushun entrance.

If it falls into the hands of the rebels, it will naturally be easy to control the entire harbor;

But once it was taken back by Hou Jin, the retreat of the soldiers attacking the port would be threatened, and they would naturally have no choice but to return without success.

Song Guofu understood this clearly, but he didn't know that once the rebel army failed to attack Lushun, Zhang Shun's strategic plan to capture Liaodong this time would suffer a heavy setback.

This is something that neither Tianjin General Zhao Liangdong, "King Huai" Geng Zhongming, or Zhang Shun's confidant Zhao Lizi can accept.

Therefore, facing Song Guofu's trapped beast, Geng Zhongming also personally went into battle, and a fierce battle was about to break out.

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