Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1561 Fire Attack

"What, the 'Shun Thieves' made a surprise attack on Lushunkou?" Jiala'e Zhenshi Mingxiong, who was listening to music in Lushun Fort, was shocked when he heard this.

"Yes, this is the letter my master ordered me to send!" The servant who came to deliver the letter quickly handed over a letter.

Shi Mingxiong ordered the slave next to him to take it and take a look. He saw a line of words scrawled on it: "Brother Shi, it is very urgent that the 'shun thieves' raid our port. I have led troops to the Golden Mountain to resist."

"I also hope that brother will not go to Lao Tieshan, attack the 'Tiger Tail', and cut off his retreat. I will pay my respects to my brother Guofu again."

"Okay, immediately order the three armies to assemble at the school grounds and prepare to attack!" Shi Mingxiong pondered for a moment, feeling that there was nothing wrong with Song Guofu's arrangement, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Shi Mingxiong and Song Guofu did not have many people under their command, only fifteen hundred people.

Song Guofu's land and water forces totaled 700, and Shi Mingxiong only had 800 troops under his command.

After he made up his mind at Lushun Fort, he first sent an envoy to inform the Jinzhou garrison, then reserved 200 people to garrison Lushun, and finally led 500 people to set off.

It turns out that although this Lushun Fort has only one name, it is actually divided into two cities, north and south, both in Zhoulixu, with two gates in the north and south.

Although these two cities have few small gates, they are the most difficult to attack.

When the Liaodong Peninsula in Dongjiang Town fell, Lushun Fort was guarding the isolated city, but it also resisted tenaciously under the leadership of General Huang Long, killing Xin Fei Yingdong's son Nahai, the counselor Yue Leshun, the military commander Ede, and the cavalry captain Tanaka. et al.

When all the gunpowder and arrows were exhausted, the commander-in-chief Huang Long, the generals Li Weiluan, Shang Keyi, Xiang Zuolin, Fan Hualong and others were killed and martyred for their country.

Therefore, after the Hou Jin Dynasty captured the two northern and southern cities, they appointed Shi Mingxiong to station in the northern city and Song Guofu to station in the southern city to resist the intrusion of the Ming navy.

Among the two cities, the southern city was close to the port and was the foundation of the Jin Navy after Song Guofu took charge. Therefore, when he heard that Port Arthur was lost, Song Guofu desperately tried to save it.

Although Beicheng was safe for the time being, there was still the risk of being attacked by the rebels in a detour, so Shi Mingxiong had no choice but to divide his troops.

Shi Mingxiong led five hundred armored soldiers, left Beicheng, and marched westward along the coast.

After only walking for an hour, a soldier suddenly pointed in the direction of the port and said: "Master, look!"

When Shi Mingxiong heard this, he turned around and saw thick smoke billowing from the harbor and flames soaring into the sky. He didn't know who set the fire or what was burned.

"Quick, hurry up!" Shi Mingxiong was stunned when he saw this, with a vague premonition in his heart, and he quickly urged loudly.

It turns out that although Song Guofu was no match for Geng Zhongming on land, he had a naval force in his hands.

When Song Guofu was in danger of being beaten by Geng Zhongming, some boats of the navy, which had been in chaos, came closer.

These surviving small boats were naturally helpless against the rebel navy, but shooting at Geng Zhongming's troops on the shore from the sea made Geng Zhongming lose his temper.

"Zhi Niang, what to do with these 'water ghosts'? Let the commander-in-chief think of a solution!" Even Geng Zhongming, who is known for his resourcefulness, has no choice but to huddle at the foot of the mountain far away from the shore and wait for the rebel navy. Reinforcements.

However, just as Geng Zhongming was complaining, Zhao Liangdong, Tianjin's commander-in-chief and navy admiral, got off the "Fengzhou Sail Battleship" with a tense look on his face and stepped onto the land on the side of the Golden Mountain at the exit of Lushun.

"What's going on? Why haven't the Tatar ships been cleared yet?" When he saw his subordinates coming to greet him, he couldn't help but reprimanded them.

"General, it is easier to kill the enemy than to capture it. Although our navy has the advantage, the water in the mouth is shallow and narrow. Big ships dare not go deep, and small ships can hardly tell the winner for a while." The general quickly defended after hearing this.

It turns out that Lushun Port is a natural harbor, but if there is a water battle in it, it will be to the advantage of small boats and disadvantageous to big ships.

Although there are many large ships of the rebel army, if they enter this place, they will most likely be attacked by the "fire ships" of the Hou Jin Navy.

This "fire ship" was loaded with sulfur, oil and hay, and iron cones and iron spears were attached to the bow.

Once they get close to the big ship, they will use the power of the ship's body to nail into the hull of the big ship, and then ignite the sulfur and oil on it to burn the warship.

In the past, Zhou Yu burned Red Cliff and Zhu Yuanzhang used this technique in his battle with Chen Youliang.

Although Zhao Liangdong is not a famous general, he is still a veteran general. How could he not know?

However, for the subsequent transportation of personnel and materials, the rebels' plan was to preserve the port and ships as much as possible.

It's just that now the two sides are in a deadlock, and there is a risk of reversal at any time, and Zhao Liangdong has no choice but to have it both ways.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Give me the order. Since you can't force the Tatar Navy to surrender, use fire to attack them and burn them all!"

"Hey, okay, I'll do it right away!" The general was overjoyed when he heard this and said goodbye quickly.

Following Zhao Liangdong's order, not long after, the general gathered thirty or fifty fireships, loaded with sulfur, oil, hay and other materials, and ordered dead men who were proficient in water-based driving to rush towards the port of Lushun.

Unlike the performance in Zhang Shun's previous movies and TV series, the fire ship was not lit at the beginning, but just like an ordinary sentinel ship or exploration ship.

After that, when Jin Shuishi saw the rebel ships, he thought they were small boats that came to clean up the ships. They immediately dispersed and hid in the nearby harbor to avoid the sharp edge.

But no one expected that these ships would not go anywhere, but would just head straight towards Port Arthur.

Whenever they encountered wooden piers, fences, ships or other objects, they would crash into them, and the iron awls and iron spears on the bows of the ships would be driven into them.

After the ship was nailed, the dead soldiers on the ship lit the fire with fire sticks, ignited the tinder on the ship, and then jumped into the water and escaped.

"Fire, fire, fire!"

It didn't matter as soon as the fire ship hit the ground, it suddenly burst into flames and soon ignited the entire port and the large ships moored in the port.

At this time, both Song Guofu and the boat hiding elsewhere were dumbfounded.

It is not that these small boats cannot survive away from the port, but this port is their stronghold.

No matter where the ships dispersed, they would eventually return here to receive military orders and supplies.

Now that the port is burned, not only are these people at a loss what to do, even if they are allowed to use fire boats to burn rebel warships, they have nowhere to find sulfur and oil.

"Lost, Daqingguo has lost." As the flames of Lushun Port burst into the sky, someone shouted, and many people immediately reacted.

Defeated, Da Qingguo was indeed defeated!

In this case, why are you still staying here?

Suddenly, a group of water soldiers seemed to be waking up from a dream, and suddenly they dispersed like birds and beasts.

"Come back, come back quickly!" Under the light of the sky-high fire, seeing the navy who was shooting at Geng Zhongming's men on the sea slowly retreating, Song Guofu couldn't help but feel anxious.

But no matter how many times he called, he couldn't get a single response.

At this moment, Geng Zhongming finally showed his ferocious fangs and sneered: "What are you shouting for? Song Guofu, you dare to go against me five times, three times, three times, five times."

"You're dead this time. I can't save you even if I'm here!"

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