Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1570 Surprise attack on Niuzhuang


The tireless waves lap against the rocks on the coast one after another, just like they did thousands of years ago.

In Er, there are three or two flat boats floating in the waves, like fish emerging from the water to take a breath.

Everything is so peaceful, everything is so natural.

This is where the Daliao River enters the sea. Due to the intersection of salty and fresh water, there are many fish.

However, since the Hou Jin Dynasty occupied Liaodong, they had killed Han people, leaving nine out of ten houses empty.

The drastic decrease in the population of Liaodong has also made this once bustling fishing ground deserted even if there is still the noise of animals.

At this moment, a huge warship suddenly broke in, completely breaking the silence here.

Several fishermen who were fishing at first heard the sound and saw that the battleship had five masts and was more than twenty feet long. It was such a huge thing.

The cannons on both sides of the warship were lined up, and the densely packed black muzzles emitted a penetrating cold light.

Following closely behind were more than 20 ships, large and small, including warships and shuttle boats transporting supplies.

"Is this a bright boat?" Some fishermen couldn't help feeling cold and whispered in a low voice.

"Whatever, tigers and wolves are fighting each other, what does it have to do with the sheep? If the tiger wins, it will eat the sheep, and if the wolf wins, it will also eat the sheep, and both will end up being eaten by men!" The knowledgeable man shook his head after hearing this, and drove the boat far away. Avoided.

It turns out that since the "Gaohuai Rebellion" in Liaodong, the Ming court has been greatly disappointed, and a large number of soldiers and civilians have fled to the Jurchens, which is why the rise of Lao Nu happened.

After the rise of Lao Nu, the cruelty became even worse, and millions of Liao people were almost killed.

Therefore, in the eyes of the remaining people in Liaodong, although the Ming Dynasty was better than the Tatars, the improvement was limited.

Seeing the "Ming Army" reappearing at the mouth of the "Taizi River", the people of Liaodong were not very happy.

However, the ship did not take the opportunity to dock at the shore, but continued northward along the "Prince River".

"Where are we going?" Seeing that the ship was finally approaching the land, the pale Bai Guangen couldn't help but ask.

He was originally from Yansui. Although he was not a landlubber, it was his first time to go to sea by boat.

Even though Bai Guangen was well-informed and could kill without blinking an eye, after two days of wandering in the mountains and seas, he would inevitably feel exhausted and uneasy.

Seasickness spread like a plague among the Yansui soldiers, and the entire cabin exuded an indescribable sour smell.

Today, Bai Guangen and his soldiers miss the land where they can be "down to earth".

He finally saw land, but the boat didn't stop yet, so he became a little anxious.

"General Bai, what are you anxious about? We haven't arrived at Niuzhuang yet!" Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin, said with a smile.

"What Niuzhuang? Didn't we agree to stop at Tianfei Temple?" When Bai Guangen heard what Zhao Liangdong said, his face became even more ugly.

"Oh, that day the Concubine Temple is eight miles north of Niuzhuang." Zhao Liangdong explained.

"Ah? Eight miles to the north? Where is Niuzhuang?" Bai Guangen was a little confused after hearing this.

"Niuzhuang, Niuzhuang is more than ten miles south of the border wall!" Zhao Liangdong said matter-of-factly.

"What?" Bai Guangen was shocked when he heard this.

It turns out that the Tianfei Temple worships Mazu, the goddess of sea protection, so most temples are built in coastal areas.

Bai Guangen heard that he was going to land at Tianfei Temple this time, and he said that the ship was docked at the coast.

Little did they know that the "Prince River" is so deep that ships can go north along the river and dock at the "Niuzhuang Wharf" in Hanoi's seaport.

Since the Tianfei Temple was built at Niuzhuang Wharf, this place is also called Tianfei Temple and Miss Temple.

This place has been an important seaport and terminal since the early Ming Dynasty when military supplies were transported to Liaodong.

It only takes more than ten days for Fujian ships to reach here from the coast of Fujian.

The full name of Niuzhuang is Niuzhuangyi, which is an important transportation area from Guangning to Haizhou.

Zhang Shun sent Bai Guang'en, Luo Xiangqian and Huang Degong, two troops and three battalions here, in order to seize this important place and completely cut off Duduo's retreat.

"Is this possible?" Bai Guangen asked worriedly as he looked at the pale-faced and vomiting soldiers on the boat.

As inland soldiers, many people will naturally get seasick if they head out to sea rashly.

Now that he has to go deep into the interior and suddenly attack the Tianfei Temple, how can Bai Guangen feel relieved?

"Did you see this?" Unexpectedly, Zhao Liangdong patted the battleship at his feet and said with a smile.

"What is this Laoshizi's Fengzhou-class sailing battleship? It carries sixty or seventy cannons."

"No matter how high the walls are, how deep the ditches are, how strong the castle is, everyone who encounters her will fall into pieces!"

"Isn't this a sea ship? Can we get in here?" Bai Guangen was shocked when he heard this, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"There is no way, who made the Taizi River so deep?" Zhao Liangdong couldn't help but laugh.

The battle to capture Lushunkou a few days ago made him completely fall in love with the feeling of "big ships and big guns".

After all, no man can resist the temptation of "Boom, Boom, Boom".

"Okay, if we get the help of this ship, we will definitely have Niuzhuang and Mazhuang!" Bai Guangen perked up after hearing this and couldn't help laughing.

He didn't know the power of "big ships and cannons", but he knew the power of Hongyi cannons.

What is the meaning of sixty or seventy Hongyi cannons?

Regardless of the difference in artillery shape, according to the organization of the rebel army, this is clearly six or seven standard battalions, which is the firepower of 20,000 troops.

If you add in the artillery of the three battalions of him, Luo Xiangqian and Huang Degong, not to mention a small cattle farm, even Duduo himself can not fall behind.

Thinking of this, Bai Guangen couldn't help but feel confident, sweeping away the previous decline.

Accompanied by waves of sea breeze, the sailing battleship Fengzhou and a group of warships and sailing boats rode the wind and waves, sailed up the "Prince River" and drove directly to the "Tianfei Temple".

As the rebel ships continued to penetrate deeper into the Daliao River, more and more ships were encountered, but most of the ships except for hurriedly evading, no one informed the Tatars.

Finally, the Niuzhuang garrison got the news and mobilized more than a hundred people to "suppress the bandits."

But when I saw the huge figure and densely packed gun muzzles of the sailing battleship Fengzhou, I was so frightened that my liver and gallbladder were split. How could I dare to step forward?

At this moment, the rebel warships had also arrived at Tianfei Temple.

Zhao Liangdong looked at the Tianfei Temple built at Niuzhuang Pier and decisively issued an order: "Fire at the Pier as a warning!"

Following Zhao Liangdong's order, the gunners on the sailing battleship Fengzhou quickly aimed at the open areas on both sides of the strait and ignited the fuse of the Hongyi cannon.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Then a deafening sound of artillery resounded through the sky, shocking the merchants, guards, soldiers and civilians who had not seen the flames of war for a long time. Their faces turned pale and they dispersed like birds and beasts.

"Landing!" Bai Guangen couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly ordered people to lower the cockpit and gangway to let the soldiers disembark as soon as possible.

How could the soldiers, who had already been shaken by the ships, restrain themselves after hearing the order? They couldn't help but jump off the ship with frivolous steps.

It's just that these people haven't set foot on land for a long time, and many of them were unable to stand steadily for a while, swaying one by one as if they were drunk.

It's just that since Niuzhuang was occupied by Hou Jin, no Ming army has arrived for a long time, so no defense arrangements have been made.

Now that he was suddenly attacked, how could he react?

By the time Bai Guangen, Luo Xiangqian, Huang Degong and others swaggered off the boat, rectified the soldiers, and rushed over, the soldiers on the dock had already dispersed.

Bai Guangen never expected that things would progress so smoothly, so he sent soldiers to maintain order and take over Niuzhuang Station, while sending Luo Xiangqian and Huang Degong to occupy the nearby fortress.

"Is this Niuzhuang?" Huang Degong looked at the building in front of him in disbelief, filled with pride for a moment.

He was originally from Kaiyuan, but because of the Houjin Rebellion, he left his hometown and was driven out of his home.

Since he joined the army, he has never thought about returning to his hometown.

However, the Ming army suffered repeated defeats, first losing Shenyang, then Liaoyang, and finally even Guangning could no longer hold.

This Niuzhuang is an important transportation route in Liaodong. After the defeat of Liaoyang, Huang Degong also stopped here.

At that time, what he thought was that he would have to fight back sooner or later.

However, he did not expect that this separation would last for fifteen years.

Dao Huang Degong was still a young boy at the beginning, but now he is in his prime.

Huang Degong, whose ambition had already been sapped by suffering, never thought that one day he would be able to fight back here and fight back here with his own hands.

"General, the art of war says: take the enemy by surprise and attack him unprepared. Now that our army has newly occupied Niuzhuang, the Tatars will definitely be defenseless. General, please lead a battalion to seize Haizhou eastward and wait for opportunities to capture Gaizhou and Liaoyang!" Huang Degong couldn't help but take the initiative to ask for help. road.

"Okay, then General Laohuang will attack Haizhou to the east, and General Luo will attack Xining Fort to the west!" Bai Guangen pondered for a moment and then ordered according to the plan.

After the Ming army lost Liaoyang, they wanted to use the Daliao River area as the first line of defense, the Liao River area as the second line of defense, and Guangning as the third line of defense. Unexpectedly, they were defeated in one battle and Guangning surrendered without a fight.

Today, Zhang Sanbai's tribe is in Guangning, and Duoduo's tribe is in the Liaohe River area.

Now that Bai Guangen has captured Niuzhuangyi, he will naturally send troops to capture nearby important areas, then defend by the river, and work with Zhang Sanbai to attack Duduo's main force from front to back.

This Niuzhuang basically announced that the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty" Duduo and his 40,000 troops were all surrounded by the rebels.

Zhang Shun planned the battle to regain Liaodong for a long time and completed the layout perfectly.

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