Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1571 Hun Yang suddenly dies

"Boom, boom, boom!" Accompanied by a deafening burst of Hongyi cannons, Houjin's heavy armored soldiers once again charged towards the rebel camp under the cover of thick shield vehicles.

Not long after, the two sides fought hand to hand again.

Duduo, the "Emperor of the Qing Dynasty", was sitting on the high platform, coldly looking at the fighting in front of him, and his face suddenly showed joy.

"Why is Your Majesty laughing?" At this moment, bachelor Bao Chengxian saw it and couldn't help but ask.

It turns out that Bao Chengxian was the deputy general of Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty, and he was destined to join the Hou Jin Dynasty in eight years.

Because of the severe shortage of Chinese counselors in the Later Jin Dynasty, he abandoned military service and became a civil servant. His status was only lower than that of the great traitor Fan Wencheng.

After Hong Tai became emperor, Bao Chengxian, Xifu and Fan Wencheng were all bachelors and participated in the military.

When Fan Wencheng and Ning Wanwo followed Hong Tai into the Pass, they "martyrdomed themselves" one after another. Bao Chengxian, who was left behind, received Duduo's importance and stayed with him, taking Fan Wencheng's place.

"Without him, I can only laugh at the great reputation of the ancestor's longevity. He deserves to die here." Duduo couldn't help but laugh.

"How do you say this?" Bao Chengxian couldn't help but asked after hearing the words.

"The only thing the Han people rely on is artillery." Duduo couldn't help but pointed out, "Previously, when I was a 'dead soldier' ​​on the battlefield, Zu Dashou often used artillery to resist me."

"When I approach the battle today, I see no artillery, only bows, arrows, swords and guns. I think the gunpowder must have been exhausted."

"Zu Dashou, who has lost his gunpowder, is like a tiger without teeth. How long can he continue to be arrogant?"

It turned out that after Zuzu Dashou was besieged at Snake Mountain, although Zhang organized rescue operations more than 300 times, due to the constraints of Shi Tingzhu and others in Guangning, he was unable to go all out and was unable to break Hou Jin's siege.

However, Nazu Dashou was good at cavalry. After losing the second battalion of Jiangyi, he could only "fortify the stronghold and fight stupidly", and found it difficult to break out on his own.

In this way, the battle situation has reached a stalemate.

Zhang Sanbai was afraid of missing important events, so he sent an envoy to report the battle situation to Zhang Shun, and at the same time urgently mobilized the people of Liaodong Town to rescue Zu Dashou's tribe as soon as possible.

It's just that the ancestor Dashou underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, carrying only ten days' worth of food. How could he wait?

Now that ten days have passed, there is a risk of food shortage in the camp at any time, which makes Zu Dashou feel extremely heavy.

"How are we going? How many days can we hold on?" Zu Dashou looked at the fighting outside the camp expressionlessly and asked the ration officer calmly.

"According to the general's order, starting from the day of the siege, the entire army was equipped with only half of the troops except for the fighting troops. Now it can last for three to five days." The military food officer replied tremblingly.

Although the old man in front of him has gray hair, he is actually a man-eating tiger.

Literally "eating people", this person was besieged in Dalinghe City during the Battle of Dalinghe.

When military supplies were cut off, Zu Dashou relied on killing horses and cannibalism, and held on for another forty days.

So even if he was surrounded again, Zu Dashou showed no fear.

The worst case scenario is "cooking bones and analyzing bones" and continuing to eat people. What can you, Duduo, do to me?

The two sides fought fiercely for who knows how long. When the red sun set, Houjin's "dead soldiers" were still unable to break through Zu Dashou's camp and had to retreat.

However, just as Hou Jin's soldiers receded like the tide, a man came to the camp alone and shouted loudly: "Father, I am safe, I am Zu Zerun."

"After I defected to the Qing Dynasty, I was awarded Angbang Zhangjing and lived a good life."

"Your Majesty also treats the Zu family well, and please father to make plans in advance!"

"What a silly boy!" Unexpectedly, Zu Dashou shook his head when he heard this and muttered in a low voice.

However, just as Zu Dashou turned a blind eye to this, there was one person who couldn't stand it.

He couldn't help but take the initiative to ask: "Brother, is it rare that we have to persist to that point?"

"Even if you don't think about yourself, why can't you think about your family?"

"When the moon is full, it will be full, and when the water is full, it will overflow. My ancestor's family has reached the level of military ministers. If we don't make plans early, Han Yue will learn from his mistakes!"

It turns out that this person is none other than Zu Dashou's cousin Zu Dalue.

And Zu Zerun, who shouted to him outside the camp, was originally his disciple, but now he has adopted him as his heir.

Na Zu Dashou looked outside, then looked in front of him, and couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile and said: "I originally thought that Zerun was young and could be a bit stupid. Sooner or later he would grow up."

"I didn't expect that you are already living like a dog."

"Not to mention the bitter cold in Liaodong, even the princes and nobles' food, clothing and housing are no more than that of a wealthy household in the pass."

"Even if you are promoted to a higher rank and favored, what will happen?"

"Since he can give it to you, he can naturally take it all away from you. Wealth and honor are determined by people, and life and death are only determined by one's thoughts."

"They are treating you so kindly now just because my old bones are still of some use."

"Once I have no use for this, I will have to be skinned and cramped. I will spit out as much as I eat!"

"That's not possible. I think people like Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, Shi Tingzhu, and Liu Zhiyuan are so happy to be crowned kings and generals!" Zu Dalue couldn't help but argue after hearing this.

"Oh? Then what will happen to these people now?" Zu Dashou couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Kong Youde is glad to have died. Shi Tingzhu is now huddled in Guangning City and trembling. I heard that Liu Zhiyuan is also besieged by the rebels and is in danger."

"Wealth and honor are good, but have you ever had the chance to enjoy them?"

"This" Zu Dale fell silent immediately after hearing this.

Now that the rebels are strong and Hou Jin is weak, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hou Jin is obviously in trouble.

If King Shun is really determined to destroy Hou Jin, I am afraid that none of those who surrendered before will have a good end.

Thinking of this, Zu Dale couldn't help but get excited and slapped himself quickly and said: "What my brother said is true. It's my foolish brother Lard who has deceived his heart."

"This time, even if we eat all the corpses, my ancestral family will persevere to the end."

"Okay, that's a good thing!" Zu Dashou laughed loudly when he heard this, and couldn't help shouting to Zu Zerun: "Tell your Nao Shizi 'Emperor' that my ancestor Dashou cut off the cooking channel in Daling River City. He held on for forty full days."

"If he really treats me, why not besiege me for forty days?"

"When the time comes, I will leave the camp and ask for surrender without you asking!"

As soon as Zu Dashou said these words, Duduo, who was standing outside the city to check the movements of the rebels, suddenly looked so gloomy that he could cry.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, don't listen to this guy's nonsense," Bao Chengxian quickly spoke to comfort him.

Are you kidding? If I really asked you to hold on for forty days, I'm afraid the entire Qing Dynasty would be gone.

"But he really managed to hold on for forty days when the food supply was cut off!" Duduo said coldly, interrupting Bao Chengxian's words.

"This" Bao Chengxian didn't know this. He was dumbfounded after hearing Duduo's words.

Originally, this trick of "drag the knife" was dedicated to Duduo.

But he never expected that the originally smooth plan would get stuck at a critical moment.

Although the rebels can't attack now, Houjin can't take down Zu Dashou either.

His only thought was to wait until Zu Dashou ran out of ammunition and food before raising his camp and surrendering.

If Zu Dashou could really persist for forty days, I am afraid that Liu Zhiyuan of Fuzhou would have been defeated and died.

At that time, what they were thinking about was not how to swallow Zu Dashou, but how to escape intact.

"Report~emergency military information!" Just when Duduo and Bao Chengxian looked solemn and at their wits' end, a messenger suddenly came galloping on a fast horse.

"Submit it!" Duduo couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart, and said that something had happened in the Fuzhou war.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the letter and read it, his expression suddenly changed.

"What, Xining Fort fell?" When Bao Chengxian saw Duduo's expression, he quickly raised his head to take a look and was shocked.

"How is this possible? Unless. Unless the 'shun thief' goes upstream along the 'Prince River'"

"That's right, this time it was the 'Shun Thieves' who went up the Taizi River and captured Niuzhuang, Xining and other places." Duduo suddenly widened his eyes and glared at Bao Chengxian.

"A drag-out tactic, what a drag-out tactic. I'm afraid this is not a drag-out tactic, but a delaying tactic!"

"Originally, we planned to make dumplings for the 'Shun Thief', but now the 'Shun Thief' made dumplings."

"I heard that there is a delicacy in Han Dynasty called 'Hun Yang Mianhu', which is to stuff polished rice into the belly of a goose, and then stuff the goose into the belly of the sheep and roast it."

"Do you think that Zu Dashou now looks like a bowl of polished rice, and do I look like that stupid goose?"

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