Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1574 Confucius Mansion

Just as war broke out in Houjin, the city of Tokyo, eight miles east of Liaoyang, was almost full of people.

It turns out that after the "King of Obedience" Kong Youde died in the pass, most of his men were lost.

As the administrative seat of Kong Youde's fiefdom, Tokyo City was basically all Kong Youde's subordinates, except for the Manchus who stayed behind.

Therefore, once the battle was defeated, almost every household in Tokyo wore mourning and linen. Among them, the palace of the "King of Obedience" was the most mournful and honorable.

It's dark now, the lights in Prince Gongshun's palace are bright, and several men and women in mourning clothes are kneeling in front of a row of memorial tablets.

Among them, the first tablet reads "The most holy ancestor Kong Gongba was born in Qiuqiu and the Xilian tablet", and the last tablet reads "The virtuous master Kong Gongba was born in the Xilian tablet".

The woman at the head was teaching loudly: "The most holy ancestors and teachers are born sages. Your father was respectful to the king and his ministers. He was both civil and military, loyal and courageous, and then sacrificed his life for the country. His name will be passed down through the ages."

"Today, your father was killed by a 'submissive thief'. The hatred for killing your father is irreconcilable. Your brother and sister should work together to avenge you!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, a boy and a girl responded in unison: "Work together and take revenge!"

"Okay, spit on him three times!" The woman couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and pointed to a portrait hanging next to her.

The person in the painting had a white face and no beard, and a gloomy and cunning face. If not for his square head, he looked somewhat similar to the late Mrs. Hong.

And right next to the portrait, the two characters "Shun Thief" were written neatly.

It turned out that this woman was none other than Kong Youde's princess Bai, and her next-in-command was Kong Youde's side concubine Li.

The two people who are receiving a lesson are Kong Youde's son Kong Tingxun and his daughter Kong Sizhen.

Now that Kong Youde had been defeated and died, Duduo had just ascended the throne. In order to win over people's hearts and stabilize the political situation, he was given the posthumous title "Wu Zhuang" and his son Kong Tingxun succeeded him as "King Gong Shun".

However, his son was still young and could not take charge, so Princess Bai managed and educated him on his behalf.

In the eyes of the Han people in the Central Plains, Kong Youde was certainly a great traitor and traitor, and his death was not a pity. But in the eyes of his wife, he was naturally a great hero who stood up to heaven and earth. He sacrificed his life for the country, comparable to Guan Yunchang and Yue Wumu.



When Kong Tingxun and Kong Sizhen heard this, they couldn't help but stood up and spat at the portrait.

It was just a coincidence that when it was Kong Sizhen's turn to spit, the spittle happened to hit the portrait's mouth.

Logically speaking, this is nothing. It's just that a girl has just begun to fall in love and knows a little about men and women. She just feels that her enemy has taken advantage of her, and she can't help but feel ashamed and annoyed.

"Sizhen, what are you doing here? Why don't you practice martial arts with your brother?" At this moment, Bai's voice rang out in real time.

"Oh." Upon hearing this, Kong Sizhen quickly bowed to his aunt, then took out a gun barrel and took a stance.

When Kong Tingxun saw that Kong Sizhen was ready, he couldn't help but step forward and fight.

Kong Sizhen quickly knocked hard, and the gun barrel collided with the gun barrel, making a crisp impact sound.

At the moment when the barrel of Kong Tingxun's gun was knocked away, Kong Sizhen took a step forward and assumed a posture ready to stab.

After that, the two of them each took a step back, and then started banging each other "bang bang bang", which looked extremely funny.

However, even this extremely funny action is actually full of murderous intent every move.

When one side knocks the other side's gun barrel away from the center line, the next move is the killer move.

It's just that the two of them focused on drills and didn't start anything.

"Ting Xun, if this was a battlefield, you would have died ten or eight times!" When the two of them fought for more than ten times, Bai suddenly shouted.

Originally, the two brothers and sisters had practiced together since childhood and knew each other's ins and outs.

It's just that Kong Tingxun was resentful of his father's death and couldn't help but attack every time. Instead, his sister Kong Sizhen seized the opportunity and lost seven of ten stops.

"How did your father die? He rushed into the enemy's formation and was exhausted to death by the 'shun thieves'!" Bai couldn't help but angrily scolded him.

"On the battlefield, recklessness and anger will not bring you any help except blinding your reason. If you cannot overcome these, you can only risk your life."

"Softness can overcome hardness, and weakness can control strength. When the time comes, we can only endure."

Bai Shi knew very well how Kong Youde died.

He was just too bold and took risks, and ended up ruining himself.

Now that she saw that the only seedling of the Kong family was looking more and more like his father, she couldn't help but scold him.

"I'm sorry, mother!" Although Kong Tingxun was deeply dissatisfied, he still didn't dare to contradict his mother and couldn't help but apologize quickly.

"You, you..." Bai Ming didn't know what her son was thinking, so she couldn't help but nodded her head and said with hatred.

However, before she could finish her words, there was suddenly a noise outside.

Bai couldn't help but put aside what she had just said and asked outside the door: "What's going on? What are you yelling about?"

"Madam, madam, it's not good. I heard that the 'shun thieves' from outside are coming. They are fighting at Tianyou Gate, Desheng Gate and Liaoyang Stay."

"What?" The Bai family turned pale when he heard this, and couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Didn't you say that the 'Shun Thief' is inside the pass? How come he came outside the pass?"

Since the death of Kong Youde, Mrs. Bai has been in charge of the family.

Although she is quite shrewd and capable, due to identity issues, she is unable to have much contact with the wealthy elite, which results in her knowing nothing about the situation in recent months.

According to her thoughts, the "shun thief" was still thousands of miles away, and she never expected that he would suddenly touch her home.

"Quickly, gather our 'God Blessed Soldiers' and prepare to defend against the enemy!" Fortunately, the Bai family had followed Kong Youde for many years and had quite a bit of experience. Hearing this, he quickly and decisively ordered.

"Hey, I'll do it now!" Following Bai's order, the servant outside the door quickly responded.

At this time, Bai turned around, looked at Kong Tingxun solemnly and said, "Tingxun, the time for revenge has come."

"As a woman, I cannot lead the 'God Blessed Soldiers' into battle on my behalf. Now it all depends on you."

"If you are a man of the Kong family, put on your armor and lead them to repel the 'shun thieves'!"

"If you succeed in this battle, you will not only be able to establish prestige among your father's old tribe, but you will also be treated differently by 'Your Majesty'!"

"Mother, I want to go too!" Kong Sizhen couldn't help but volunteered immediately after hearing this.

"You and your mother are in charge of the Confucius Mansion. It's enough to have a boy from the Kong family outside!" Unexpectedly, Mrs. Bai shook her head and rejected Kong Sizhen's proposal. Instead, she ordered:

"Bring your brother's armor. Mother will put it on for my son today."

"Oh." Kong Sizhen responded weakly, and then walked towards the armor.

However, she didn't go far when she saw the portrait of "Shun Thief". She couldn't help but stepped forward and spat fiercely before jumping up and down happily.

Note: According to history, Kong Tingxun and Kong Sizhen were still in their infancy. For the needs of the plot, the author advanced the ages of these two people.

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