"Kill, kill!"

The dark night was illuminated by lights as if it were daytime.

Huang Degong held an iron whip and led the way from Tianyou Gate to Tokyo City.

Just as Huang Degong expected, the Houjin hinterland deep in Tokyo city had not seen military action for a long time and the defense was lax, so the rebels took advantage of it.

Tianyou Gate and Desheng Gate are located in the south of Tokyo City, with the Taizi River as the moat.

How could anyone in the city know that this disaster came from the water?

Unexpectedly, the two gates of Tianyou and Desheng were captured by the rebels.

"Tianyoumen, Deshengmen?" Huang Degong couldn't help but muttered, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Thieves, give me back the city gate!" Just as Huang Degong breathed a sigh of relief, unexpectedly, a group of men and horses suddenly came out of the city.

It turns out that this person is none other than Liaoyang Liubei.

This city of Tokyo was originally the "capital" of Hou Jin Dynasty. Although the capital was later moved to Shenyang, it was also of great significance to Hou Jin Dynasty.

Therefore, after the old slaves moved north, they still sent Manchu cronies to stay behind.

At this time, the two gates of Tianyou and Desheng were lost, and the city of Tokyo was in danger. The left-behind man knew that he could not escape the relationship, so he mobilized the Tatars in the city to fight to the death to seize the gate.

"Fire!" Huang Degong couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and then quickly ordered.

It turned out that Huang Degong's artillery was all on the ship and there was no time to transport it up.

However, as the important gates of Tokyo City, Tianyou Gate and Desheng Gate are naturally equipped with artillery.

Although these artillery pieces are far inferior to the rebel artillery pieces, they are worse than nothing.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Accompanied by bursts of roaring artillery, the real Tatars who had originally recaptured the city gate couldn't help but fall to the ground.

"Spread out, spread out!" The Tatar left behind couldn't help shouting loudly, while leading the heavily armored elites to continue to charge forward.

"Fire gunner, shoot!" Huang Degong frowned and ordered again.

He originally thought that after seizing the city gate, the defenders in the city would disperse in a hurry. He never expected that even if they were hit by artillery, the defenders in the city would be able to launch a counterattack.

"Bang bang bang!" After a fierce sound of firecrackers, when the smoke dissipated, a neat row of heavy armored soldiers appeared under the city gate.

It turns out that although Huang Degong's troops fought bravely, their equipment still used the old Ming army system and was not equipped with the new muskets of the rebels.

Therefore, it is quite powerless against Houjin's heavy armor.

"The straight bitch, it looks like he's going to fight for his life!" Huang Degong couldn't help but cursed, but he asked Xuan Feng to put on his double armor and prepare to fight with Liaoyang Liubei in hand-to-hand combat.

Huang Degong and his subordinate Xianfeng were already wearing fine armor, but now they were covered with a layer of iron armor, which made them faster.

Not long after, Huang Degong and his men were wrapped like rice dumplings and stood at the stairs of the city gate, waiting for the Tatars to stay behind and attack.

The Tatar lived up to expectations and climbed up soon after, and the two sides fought fiercely.

While the two sides were fighting together, Kong Youde's son Kong Tingxun also walked out of the "warm nest" and went to summon Kong Youde's old troops.

"Fire and artillery!" Just when Kong Tingxun walked out of the house, a dull sound of artillery suddenly came from the south gate, which frightened him.

No matter how impassioned a person is, once it comes to involving his or her wealth and life, he will inevitably feel frightened.

"Young prince, don't be afraid. For our 'God Blessed Soldiers', we have been through mountains of swords and seas of fire, so why are we afraid of a few frogs and thieves?" The Kong family servant couldn't help but comforted him quickly.

"I think back then, although the Holy Master was a scholar, he was also a warrior who could lift the 'national gate'."

"Not to mention the old prince, he is a human spirit killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

"If we talk about it carefully, the men of our old Kong family are not cowardly. The young prince has the blood of the Kong family, and he will definitely live up to the name of the Kong family."

Kong Tingxun was so inspired by his servants that he straightened up and continued to summon the "God Blessed Soldiers".

Not long after, when the "God Blessed Soldiers" were summoned, they all gathered around Kong Tingxun, wearing armor and holding sharp weapons.

Kong Tingxun couldn't help but feel heroic and encouraged the soldiers: "The clown first hurt my father and then weakened my city. This hatred is irreconcilable."

"Now I am willing to work with you all to defeat the thief in one fell swoop."

"Reward, reward." When the servant saw the young prince talking non-stop, he couldn't help but remind him in a low voice.

Are you kidding me? That sworn hatred is between your Kong family and the "Shun Thief". What does it have to do with us?

It is only natural to serve as a soldier and eat food. If you don’t have money, who is willing to work for you?

"Well, if you can behead a first-level person, you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver!" The "little prince" had no way of knowing the "market price" without touching the spring water with his fingers, so he had to hesitate for a moment and murmured.

"Harmful!" When the servant heard this, he couldn't help but become very stubborn.


It turns out that in normal combat, the first-level reward for beheading is more than this.

This Kong Tingxun did not think carefully at all and spoke nonsense.

"The young prince said that if he is beheaded to the first level, he will be rewarded with another ten taels, and another ten taels!" The servant quickly added, and everyone felt at ease.

Just after such a fuss, the breath that was originally accumulated in the chest was released.

What was originally a fight for "morality" has now become a "business".

Since it is a transaction, you get what you pay for.

Regardless of what these people were thinking, the "little prince" gathered his troops and hurried towards the south of the city.

When they arrived at the south of the city, they saw a group of real Tatars being beaten back by Huang Degong's tribe. They were about to be unable to withstand it.

Kong Tingxun couldn't help but be shocked. He quickly sent someone to stop him and asked him the reason.

"Little prince, you are here!" When the Tatar saw Kong Tingxun, he couldn't help but cry, "Liubei. Liubei was beaten to death by them!"

It turned out that the two sides were fighting inseparably, so Liaoyang Liubei faced Huang Degong.

Both of them are wearing heavy armor and move clumsily. Basically, you give me a shot, I give you a shot, and no one can break the defense.

Seeing that Huang Degong couldn't hold him down, he couldn't help but become anxious.

At this moment, he took two steps back, then lit the iron whip in his hand on the fire in the city, and then moved it towards the gate of the guard.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the left-behind man fell down on his back.

It turns out that the iron whip used by Huang Degong is called "Thunder Fire Whip". You look at it as an iron whip, but in fact it is an iron whip.

But this iron whip is hollow and filled with fuse, gunpowder and projectiles.

Once it is ignited, it is not an iron whip but a firecracker.

It was a pity that the Liaoyang stayer was skilled in martial arts, but his lifelong reputation was calculated by Huang Degong's "evil trick", and he died. This caused Hou Jin's side to fall into a disadvantage.

"Straight bitch, what a ruthless method, please follow me to defeat the enemy!" The "little prince" Kong Tingxun couldn't help gritting his teeth after hearing this, and couldn't help shouting loudly.

Huang Degong's method reminded him of his father Kong Youde.

A hero like my father would probably die on the battlefield due to the tricks of such villains!

The addition of Kong Tingxun and Kong Youde's old "God Blessing Soldiers" restored the balance of victory that had originally tilted towards the rebels.

"Straight bitch, these Tatars are so tough!" This time it was Huang Degong's turn to scold her.

It turned out that Huang Degong was proud of his bravery and considered himself to be on par with the elites of Hou Jin Dynasty.

It was only when he faced Liaoyang Liushou and Kong Youde's "God Blessed Soldiers" alone that he realized that the skinny camel was bigger than the horse.

Even the real Tatars and the "God Blessed Soldiers" who had been scattered were not something that a "young master soldier" like him from the "Beijing Camp" could humiliate. For a while, the two sides reached a deadlock.

For the rebels who are deep in enemy territory, stalemate means failure.

How to do how to do?

Huang Degong, who was already tired and out of breath, couldn't help but look towards the Taizi River and thought to himself: "Do we have to wait until dawn so that the rebel navy can bombard us without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy?"

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