Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1581 Persuasion to enter the confession

"It is now the beginning of good fortune. All nations admire the rule of the Reform. They are upright and upright, and the benevolence of Gengshi is promoted in all nine aspects. He leads the land back to the city, and everyone in the world celebrates it. Respectfully honor His Highness King Shun, inherit the heaven to protect the emperor, and use virtue to support the people. 1 In the wake of Yao and Shun, we passed Yutang. If we follow the revolution of heaven, Zhou and Jie will perish; if we resist the barbarians from the north, all the barbarians will surrender."

"I have established a scholar in the palace, and the cracks are slight. In the past, I have inherited the great kindness of the past generations. Now I celebrate the prosperity of the new dynasty. I boldly and respectfully invite your highness to ascend the great treasure to rectify the world. In this way, the scholars and the people are safe and the people are happy. I will be the first to go out with the help of Rui Tu. , the six universes share the divine monarch; he rises in response to his fame in the world, and the eight wildernesses sing the holy emperor. The mountains and rivers shine with the sun and the moon; the country and the emperor share the same universe and eternity."

"I would like to present my report and go forward to hear it!"

As Gao Qiqian recited in a cadence, Zhang Shun felt sleepy and almost yawned.

"What is this about?" He understood the general meaning, but he still couldn't help but confirm it.

"There are only two meanings, one is to surrender, and the other is to persuade us to advance!" Gao Qiqian couldn't help but explain clearly.

"So honest?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Zhang Shun came from a later generation and was quite impressed by the successive descendants of Yanshenggong from the Qing Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty and from the Yuan Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. He was even jokingly called "Shixiu surrendered to the Biao Shenggong Yanshenggong", but he never expected that this time The cultivation reaches its own head.

"Your Highness, whether he is honest or not, this is a good thing after all!" Gao Qiqian couldn't help but laugh.

"That's true!" Zhang Shun nodded and couldn't help but glance at Gao Qiqian.

In fact, at this point, everyone already knew that Zhang Shun was preparing to further proclaim himself emperor.

The so-called "Persuasion Form" was prepared in ten or eight copies by someone and was ready to be submitted at any time.

However, Zhang Shun actually held back when he was just about to take the final step.

His forbearance doesn't matter, but it is very frustrating for those who are ready to "make progress".

For example, although Gao Qiqian was a demoted general, once Zhang Shun came to the throne, he would be indispensable for being a ceremonial officer and eunuch.

Another example is Li Zicheng, Geng Zhongming, Ye Tinggui and others. Once Zhang Shun ascends to the great treasure, Wang Jue can also be safe.

Of course, there are people like Yan Shenggong who say a few auspicious words and ask for a lucky break, just to get rich.

Of course, Zhang Shun already knew this well.

As long as he relaxes a little, he can fill up his heart-nurturing palace tonight.

"Well, after all, we are the descendants of Confucius. We don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, and let the Confucius family continue to maintain the original treatment." Although Zhang Shun was reluctant, he finally nodded helplessly.

Some things cannot be rushed, and some things cannot be slowed down.

Now that the Liaodong War is about to begin, no matter what happens to Yan Shenggong, everything can remain as it is.

"Slave, I understand!" When Gao Qiqian saw Zhang Shun evading important matters, he talked seriously about the Confucius House, regardless of the expression, and he knew that the heat was not yet there.

While Zhang Shun was discussing government affairs with Gao Qiqian in the front hall, it didn't take much to know that his backyard was already on fire.

A large group of women, like visiting a rare object, surrounded the naked Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen.

The two women were so ashamed and angry that they had no choice but to hide on the bed and barely cover their bodies with the quilt.

"Tell me, what's going on with you two?" Seeing that Li Sanniang remained silent, Lady Hong had no choice but to stand up and act like a villain.

"As you can see, the man is dead and has no support." The two men replied with low eyebrows.

"Uh", the Zeng family, the Huang family, the big and small Zhu families, and the fourth daughter Zhang Zhoutian and Zhu who were huddled in the corner suddenly understood something in their hearts.

It’s funny to say that the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Virtues are both their lifeline and their parasol.

It is common for people to be entrusted to non-human beings and die in death in three or two years.

If a man dies and has no support, it is reasonable to let others slaughter him.

No matter how talented they are and how knowledgeable they are, they are nothing more than playthings to others.

"So, after your man is dead, you want to kill other people's men?" Li Xiang suddenly clapped his hands, stood up and interjected.

"Zi!" The girls couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this. When it comes to murder and heart-wrenching, you have to look at this "femme fatale"!

No one expected that Li Xiang, who had always been silent, would suddenly show his ruthless hand.

It turns out that Li Xiang relied on her beauty and the help of two women, Liu Rushi and Chen Yuan, and never paid attention to other women.

This is not the case with Mrs. Bai. Although she is not very beautiful, she has a pair of icy muscles and jade bones. She is as fair and greasy as Li Xiang.

As the saying goes: One white hides all ugliness. This Lady Bai was not called Lady Bai, but "Mrs. Jade", which immediately made Li Xiang feel a hint of crisis.

"You are like duckweed, you can't help yourself!" Mrs. Bai was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then uttered a sentence.

We are also forced to have no choice but what can we do?

"Ha, you mean you two were snatched back by His Highness?" Ma Yingniang suddenly half-closed her eyes and asked with a half-smile.

As we all know, our Highness never robs a woman. If he is robbed, it must be your fault!

"No, is it rare that you are willing?" Mrs. Bai couldn't believe it.

Women who steal men are naturally snatched away. Otherwise, which woman would marry him?

"Yes, we all volunteered!" The girls suddenly burst into laughter.

It was hard to say whether he was willing or not at first, but now that he has been with Zhang Shun for a while, all the girls are absolutely willing.

In one case, there were no scoldings from the parents-in-law, in the second case, there was no fistfighting between Zhang Shun and Zhang Shun, and in the third case, the couple lived a happy life.

Don't underestimate these three things, but the first and second things are not uncommon in this era. How many daughters of princes and officials were tortured to death by their mothers-in-law and died for several years.

Even if Princess Zeng of the Tang Dynasty plays with the strange woman in the hands of the Tang Prince Zhu Yu, she still has to greet her parents-in-law sooner or later and serve around her. If she is slightly unsatisfied, she will be beaten or scolded, but there is nothing she can do about it.

Even if a husband and wife are harmonious like Queen Zhou, it is still inevitable that she will be pushed to the ground and become so angry that she will not eat for several days.

But after the girls followed Zhang Shun, they discovered that apart from being lecherous, there were almost no strict rules, and there would be no fistfights.

As for lust, isn't it a great thing for a woman who often stays alone in her purdah?

Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen were originally arrogant people. First they were humiliated by Zhang Shun, and now they were surrounded by all the women. They had already reached the end of their tolerance.

When the girls laughed, they only thought they were mocking themselves. They couldn't help but feel angry and said in anger: "The men in my family are useless, what is the ability to bully our orphans and widowed mothers?"

"The three palaces and six courtyards of Hongtai are all stunningly beautiful. If His Royal Highness Lao Shizi is really capable, why not marry two of them, then... we, mother and daughter, will recognize him!"

"Um, you two are looking for me?" "Da Yu'er" and Hai Lanzhu knew that they had no status here, so they hid in a corner. They didn't expect that they could be shot even while lying down.

"Concubine Zhuang? Concubine Chen?" Madam Bai and Kong Sizhen were immediately dumbfounded.

It turned out that as Kong Youde's princess, she had visited these two people with Kong Sizhen as a family member in the past, so she knew them well.

However, after Kong Youde's death, Madam Bai lost her source of information in the aristocratic circle, but she did not know that these two women had already been "given to the Lishun thieves".

"Okay, this is a coincidence, isn't it?" The red lady couldn't help but look at "Concubine Zhuang" and "Concubine Chen" with a half-smile, then looked at Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen, and then said with a smile.

"But if you want to stay, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"We made an agreement with His Highness at the beginning that no one can enter this courtyard easily."

"Although it's all a joke, we girls take it seriously, don't you think?"

As soon as the red lady said these words, Madam Bai and Kong Sizhen's faces immediately changed.

Good guy, I made so much determination and endured so much humiliation that I finally got through this hurdle in my heart.

Tell me now, I'm sorry, you were fooled, can you go home now?

Home, where do they still have home now?

That home in Liaoyang would have been burned to the ground long ago.

That family in Gaizhou has now lost its servants and servants. If the two weak women go back, wouldn't it be like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth, and the end will be a hundred times more miserable than now?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Bai ignored the humiliation and hurriedly pulled Kong Sizhen and worshiped: "Princess, Queen, please take us in, we have been homeless for a long time!"

As it turned out, her request was inappropriate, and the red lady's expression suddenly changed. She pointed at a "peasant woman" next to her and said, "You got the wrong person!"

"Uh." Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen were so embarrassed that they almost wanted to crawl into the ground, and quickly bowed to Li Sanniang, "My queen, my queen, please take us in. We are willing to work as cows and horses to take care of you!"

"These are pitiful people. Logically speaking, I have no reason to refuse!" Li Sanniang looked embarrassed when she heard this and explained.

"It's just that the sisters discussed it at the beginning. If a new person comes in, everyone needs to agree."

"Ah?" Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen were immediately dumbfounded.

How many women are there here? How can I get them to unanimously approve it?

"That...that" Mrs. Bai hesitated for a long time before she said, "Our Kong family is a descendant of a saint, and our little girl Sizhen is also a descendant of a saint."

"On weekdays, I have three obediences and four virtues. I am virtuous and courteous. Before I followed His Highness, I was also perfect."

"Being able to follow His Highness around is not an insult to His Highness' status."

"If you sisters are willing to take us in, we would like to persuade His Highness to ascend the Great Treasure and advance to the ninth five!"

"Hey!" The girls couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air when they heard the words, and their expressions were different for a while.

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