Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1584 Return to Support

"What, the Tatars ran away?" When Zhang Sanbai immediately received the news that Houjin's main force had withdrawn, his first reaction was disbelief.

From Guangning to Haizhou, there is only one east-west road connecting it.

Bai Guangen refused to go forward and defended by the river.

He struck behind and formed with his back to the river.

The sea is in the south and the river is in the north. It should be foolproof, and the likes of Duduo can hardly fly without wings.

However, Zhang Sanbai and Bai Guangen never expected that the gold master would suddenly disappear after that, as if he had never appeared before. .

"Yes, based on its appearance, it can be inferred that it is heading north to Liaoze." Zu Dashou hesitated and expressed his judgment.

This three hundred is not mediocre. Since the two armies started fighting, they have been harassing and contacting them repeatedly day and night. Therefore, as soon as Duduo left, the rebels immediately discovered Hou Jin's falsehood.

After Zu Dashou led his men and horses into the Houjin camp, both the prisoners' confessions and the traces of the Houjin troops' evacuation showed that the main force of the Houjin army went north to Liaoze.

"Liaoze? Is Liaoze passable now?" Zhang Sanbai was stunned when he heard this and asked quickly.

"According to common sense, we have to wait at least half a month before Liaoze can march." Zu Dashou shook his head and explained carefully.

"This morning I found that the Tatars were missing. I specifically ordered Wu Sangui to lead people to chase them. They pursued them into Liaoze. They saw mud all over the ground and footprints of different depths. They must have jumped over the wall as a last resort."

"That's true!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

It turned out that at the same time that Duduo received the news that the rebels had captured Liaoyang, Zhang Sanbai and others also received it.

It's just that Zhang Sanbai, Bai Guangen and others thought that Duduo was going to attack by force, so they prepared intensively for the battle, but they never expected that he would run away.

"It seems that Duduo is in a hurry!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but laugh.

"It's really urgent!"

"Then where does General Zu think he is rushing to?"

"Liaoyang!" Zu Dashou was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pointed on the map.

"Okay, since the Tatars are ready to support Liaoyang, is it feasible for us to rush to Liaoyang first?" Zhang Sanbai glanced at everyone and suddenly said.

Aren’t you going to Liaoyang? Then I'll go to Liaoyang and wait for you!

"I'm afraid this is too risky!" The generals couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this.

"Guangning is still there, always threatening our army's retreat. If my army goes, I'm afraid it will cut off our food route."

It turns out that if you want to go from Guan Nei to Liaodong, except for the waterway, you can only go out of Shanhaiguan and then rush to Jinzhou along the narrow Liaoxi Corridor.

After leaving Jinzhou, the terrain gradually widened, and a vast area appeared with the three cities of Yizhou, Guangning and Jinzhou as its core.

From here, turning eastward, there is a long and narrow road that goes eastward along the road.

This long and wide road starts from the north of Guangning and ends at Dongchang Fort in Haizhou, which is 200 miles long.

Now that Guangning has not yet moved, once the rebel army goes east, it will inevitably be harassed by the three Shi brothers in Guangning and even cut off the food route.

And in addition, there is another hidden concern.

Judging from the fact that Duduo took advantage of the retreat last time and killed a carbine, he may not retreat honestly this time.

What if after entering Liaoze, he did not advance eastward, but instead turned to Guangning and defeated Yang Guozhu's troops besieging Guangning?

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but laugh and said: "What you guys said makes sense, but I can only see it, so it's not as good as this."

"First, I immediately sent someone to inform Yang Guozhu's troops to be on guard against the Tatars fighting out of Liaoze; secondly, I sent ships up the Liaohe River to explore what was going on in Liaoze."

"Third, send Bai Guang'en's troops to attack Haizhou; fourth, recruit all nearby ships to use waterways to support Liaoyang at any time!"

"Okay, okay, this is good!" Zu Dashou was stunned when he heard this, then his eyes lit up, he couldn't help but put his hands on his hands and smiled, "The general has such a thorough plan this time, the Jin Kingdom will be destroyed!"

Regardless of Zhang Sanbai's calculations, as soon as he gave the order, the rebel army became busy.

At this moment, "Prince Lilie of the Qing Dynasty" Dabeile Daishan also received his own information.

"What, Liaoyang is lost?" Dai Shan looked at the Ming army that was completely guarding the island, and couldn't help but sigh for a moment.

"Father, what does Duduo do for food!" At this moment, the eldest son Yue Tuo couldn't help but said angrily.

"Don't act out of emotion, I'm afraid the person who came here is not good this time!" Hearing this, Dai Shan reached out his hand to stop the eldest son from complaining, but said seriously.

"Father, what do you mean by this?" Yue Tuo was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but ask.

"Since the loss of troops in Hongtai Pass, one hundred thousand troops have been lost, and now there are less than one hundred thousand available troops in our country." Dai Shan sighed.

"His Majesty took 40,000 of them, and we, father and son, took over 10,000. Shengjing left 10,000 behind, and Fuzhou Liu Zhiyuan had 10,000 troops."

"Jinzhou, Yizhou, Guangning, Haizhou, Liaoyang and other places each have thousands of people, and together they only have this few people."

"Now that Liaoyang has been occupied, I'm afraid our troops are already stretched thin!"

"Then what should we do?" After hearing what Daishan said, Yue Tuo couldn't help but feel heavy in his heart, and he quickly asked.

"Let's go!" Daishan said firmly.


"Yes, once Liaoyang is lost, our army's food route will be cut off. Even if we capture Pi Island tomorrow, it will not be able to help." Dai Shan nodded.

"In this case, it is better to work together to take back Liaoyang, so that we can have a chance of survival!"

"Father!" Yue Tuo was silent for a long time after hearing this, and suddenly asked, "Even if we take back Liaoyang, what's the point?"

"Yue Tuo!" Daishan was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help shouting, "What do you mean!"

"Do you think that since you are my son, I won't dare to kill you?"

"Father, even if you want to kill your son, your son still has to say a few words!" Unexpectedly, when Yue Tuo heard this, he stiffened his neck and said.

"Since my son has been in the army, not only has he experienced hundreds of battles, he can also be regarded as a veteran on the battlefield."

"In the past, you always said, 'If there are not even ten thousand Jurchens, they will be invincible'!"

"But if these words can favor others, how can we deceive ourselves?"

"Since King Khan raised his army, we have conquered east and west. Our headquarters originally had a hundred thousand men, but now it is less than half."

"It turns out that there are millions of Han people in Liaodong. After many losses, I am afraid that the number of Han people is less than 300,000."

"In this case, the country has no soldiers and the land has no people. Even if we can win one game or ten games, what will happen?"

Daishan was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then whispered: "You are right! In fact, the situation is worse than you imagined."

"In fact, today, there are only one out of three Manchu soldiers left, and there are only more than 100,000 Han soldiers left."

"In Mongolia to the east, except for the Horqin and Chahar tribes, everyone is ready to make a move."

"If someone doesn't deal with it well, our 'Qing Kingdom' will be wiped out and the nation will be exterminated!"

"Then what should we do?" Yue Tuo was frightened when he heard this.

He originally thought that the situation in the junior high school was bad enough, but in fact the real situation was even worse than he imagined.

"There is no way, I'm afraid we can only pay for the sins committed by two generations of Khans!" Dai Shan said with a face ashen as death.

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