Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1585 Battle of Liaoze

The words were divided into two parts, and Zhang Sanbai's plan was decided, so he sent scouts to inform Yang Guozhu.

After Yang Guozhu got the news, he was surprised at first, and then couldn't help being overjoyed.

It turned out that after Zhang Sanbai led the main force to pursue Duoduo, Yang Guozhu, as deputy commander, led three battalions to guard Yizhou and besiege Guangning respectively.

Originally, the Guangning garrison only had a few thousand people. Without reinforcements, they would be trapped to death sooner or later.

However, due to the tight front line of the rebel army, Yang Guozhu has been trying to lure the three Shi brothers out to fight.

As a result, Shi Tingzhu and his men couldn't hold on after suffering heavy losses, which made Yang Guozhu disgraced.

Therefore, when Yang Guozhu learned that Duduo could lead the main force to attack him through Liaoze, he was shocked at first, and then became happy.


It turned out that Guangning had been completely trapped by him digging a trench around the city, and it was impossible for any news to get in.

In this case, he could take advantage of the poor communication inside and outside the city to catch Duduo off guard.

Yang Guozhu was determined, so he secretly mobilized three to four thousand elites, secretly crossed the border wall, and ambush in the reeds outside.

Because the roads in Liaoze were muddy and difficult to navigate, even if Duduo led the main force to leave first, he was still one step behind the rebels.

Sure enough, after Yang Guozhu had been lying in wait for two or three hours, Hou Jinbing staggered in front of him.

Yang Guozhu first ordered the soldiers to stay still, and waited until the Houjin Pioneer Battalion passed and the Chinese army arrived before taking action. As expected, Sha Duoduo was caught off guard.

"Straight bitch, where did this barbarian come from? Quick, stop me!" Duduo couldn't help being shocked and shouted loudly.

It turned out that after marching for three consecutive days in Liaoze, Hou Jin's soldiers were already exhausted. They were suddenly attacked and could not even put on their armor.

"Kill, kill, under the canopy, it must be Duduo!" Seeing the success of the battle, Yang Guozhu couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly pointed at Duduo with his sword.

"Whoever can capture Duduo alive will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins; whoever can kill him will be rewarded with eight hundred!"

Following Yang Guozhu's order, his men immediately rushed toward Duduo like wolves and tigers.

"How dare you, Shuzi!" Duduo had a bad temper. Seeing that Yang Guozhu didn't take him seriously, he couldn't help but get angry.

He quickly ordered his surroundings to help him put on his armor, and stepped forward to challenge Yang Guozhu.

Unexpectedly, the road in Liaoze was muddy. He had just put on his golden armor and stepped onto the black and white horse. He had just taken two steps when the horse suddenly lifted up and with a splash, he fell into a mud pit.

"Woo~ Gu Gu." As soon as Na Duduo opened his mouth to call for help, he was filled with a smelly mud.

"Your Majesty!" The guards on the left and right were shocked when they saw this, and they went to rescue him.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yang Guozhu led his bodyguards to roar past, and a huge head flew into the sky.

"Where is Duduo? Come and die!" Yang Guozhu couldn't find him and couldn't help shouting.

However, he knew that the personal guard Duduo was with had been killed by him. For a while, people were in chaos and could not be found.

At this moment, Bagala camp rushed to rescue him.

Seeing that there were few people around him, Yang Guozhu was afraid of being entangled, so he had to retreat temporarily.

"Where is your majesty? Where is your majesty?" The general from Bagala camp rushed over and asked loudly.

"Look, that's His Majesty's white horse. Your Majesty must be nearby!" Fortunately, someone recognized Dodo's white horse and quickly reminded him.

"Hurry up and find your Majesty quickly. If you can't find your Majesty, I'll kill you!" The general couldn't help being shocked and ordered sternly.

"Your Majesty is here, Your Majesty is here, found it, found it!" Not long after, someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone heard the sound and went away, only to see the man helping out a mud monkey-like figure from the mud pit. His body was covered with mud and water, and his face was unclear for a while.

"Your Majesty?" The general took two steps forward and asked tentatively.

"Ugh!" The man opened his mouth when he heard the words, and suddenly vomited out a puddle of mud, and then he said, "It's me!"

"Hey, Your Majesty, are you okay? Who pushed you into the puddle?" The general then confirmed Duduo's identity and quickly apologized.

"My rescue came late, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"Yang Guozhu, I'm not done with you!" Unexpectedly, Duduoli ignored him and instead cursed angrily in the direction of Yang Guozhu.

Who can withstand this mud horse? The hero failed to succeed, but instead succeeded in becoming a bear!

However, despite the criticism, because the roads in Liaoze were muddy and full of puddles and swamps, there were 40,000 troops in Houjinkong. They were killed by Yang Guozhu and others, and they were unable to resist.

At this time, someone had already suggested: "The roads in Liaoze are muddy and it is difficult to form a line."

"Only the ground is full of reeds, which are intertwined with roots and can be used for standing. I would like to ask Your Majesty to order the soldiers to disperse and stand on the reeds to defend against the enemy."

It turns out that this reed does grow in the water, but due to its well-developed and crisscrossed root system, it can form a thick rhizome layer on the water surface, which can carry people and animals to walk on it.

This is also the main reason why Yang Guozhu and others were able to ambush in the reeds.

"Okay, here's the order for the whole army to stand in the reeds for the time being, and wait until the situation is determined before killing the enemy!" Duduo followed his good advice and quickly ordered.

Duduo's order didn't matter. Immediately many of Houjin's troops hid on nearby reeds. For a time, it was difficult for Yang Guozhu and his men to disrupt their formation.

"Deputy Commander, what should I do?" Jiang Xiang frowned upon seeing this.

The Hou Jin army has more soldiers and the rebels have fewer soldiers. If they are allowed to reorganize their troops and launch a counterattack, they will be in big trouble.

When Yang Guozhu heard this, he also had a headache. Unexpectedly, he heard a soldier muttering: "It would be nice if we set a fire and burn all the reeds!"

Yang Guozhu was stunned at first, and then said with great joy: "The whole army listens to my order and burn it with rockets!"

It turned out that it was late autumn, and the reed flowers were like snow, blowing in the wind, and the reeds were 70% to 80% dry and would catch fire.

As for Yang Guozhu, Yang Guozhu was originally a surrendered general of the Ming Army, and his troops also adopted the Ming Army's organization, equipment, and tactics.

Among them, rockets, a weapon that was almost eliminated by the rebel army and the post-Jin army, are still equipped in large quantities.

Rockets, also called magical arrows, are similar in shape to the "Sky Monkey" fireworks of later generations. They are basically an arrow with a cartridge tied to it, which is propelled by the reaction of gunpowder to kill the enemy.

Since the cartridges are often rolled up from paper and are easy to burn, they become good fire starters.

Following Yang Guozhu's order, more than a dozen people immediately took out their "magic arrows" and aimed at a reed bush where many soldiers were standing.

"Be oil~be oil~be be oil~" As bursts of New Year fireworks sounded, countless rockets dragged their tail flames and plunged into the reeds.

Due to the limited accuracy of this thing, it didn't actually kill many people. It just shocked the Houjin soldiers on the opposite side.

When they discovered that most of the rockets had missed the target, they couldn't help but laughed: "That's it. Just scratching Grandpa's itch is not enough."

"Fire, fire, fire!" However, before the mocking words could be finished, a stream of wolf smoke was seen flying away, and then the flames emerged, and then quickly spread to the entire reed bush.

"Run away, run away, there's a fire here!" The Hou Jin soldiers standing here couldn't stay any longer. Some of them fell into the mud, and some jumped into the water, and they were in chaos for a while.

"Okay, okay, keep burning, keep burning!" Yang Guozhu said with great joy when he saw that this "magic arrow" was working.

For a moment, the entire Liaoze was filled with smoke and flames, burning Houjin soldiers to the point of crying for their fathers and crying for their mothers, and making their buttocks urinate.

Seeing that Na Duduo could not resist, he had to order: "Retreat quickly, retreat quickly, retreat to the old road of Liao and Jin Dynasty!"

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