Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1586 Floating Bridge

Liaoze is vast and the reeds are flying.

Suddenly, a group of egrets spread their wings and landed on the riverside, then stretched out their long necks to catch shrimps and crabs in the river.

There are also groups of green-headed wild ducks swimming happily in the water. Occasionally, they will dive hard. When the ducks come up, they already have a small, lively fish in their mouths.

Everything is so quiet, everything is so beautiful.

In this area where humans have never set foot, everything presents a natural beauty.

However, at this moment, several arrows suddenly flew over and killed two egrets on the spot by the river.

Other frightened egrets, wild ducks, and a large group of unknown birds couldn't help but spread their wings and fly into the sky, feeling like they were blocking out the sky and the sun.

And just as the birds were flying away, several tightly wrapped people emerged from the nearby reeds.

These people carried bows and spears, and wore light armor. Their heads and hands were all covered with cloth, leaving only two eyes outside.

"Ha, hit!" One of them couldn't help shouting excitedly when he saw two egrets dripping with blood in the water. Then he took off his straw shoes, straightened his trouser legs, and got into the water regardless of the cold water.

"Hey, what are you doing with it? This meat is fishy and woody, and it's not delicious at all!" The leader glanced at him and frowned.

"It's better to have something to eat than nothing!" The man heard this and picked up an egret, shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

It turned out that these people were Hou Jin's scouts. They had suffered the loss of not being able to prepare for the ambush. Not only did they lose their troops, but some of their food and grass were also burned.

Even as elite scouts, they can only eat seven to eight percent full now, and have to shoot some birds and beasts to make up for the lack of food.

"Is this the Liaohe River?" The leader knew his family affairs, so he stopped asking questions and instead built a pergola with his hands and looked at the other side.

"It's so wide. If it's not the Liaohe River, then which one is it?" The man who fished the egret out said while carefully removing the arrow.

"There is neither a boat nor a river on this river. Why don't we swim across it?" At this time, another person used a spear to explore the depth of the river water and said with an ugly expression.

The leader looked at it and saw that most of the gun barrel was soaked, and his face was also ugly and tight.

It was late autumn, the weather turned cold, and by night the river had begun to freeze.

If his superiors force him to wade across a river, even if he does not die, he will probably become seriously ill.

"Forget it, this is not something we should worry about. Let's report it later!" The leader hesitated and said.

When everyone heard this, they agreed and nodded, then turned around and got into the reeds.

With a rustling sound, everything returned to calm.

The originally frightened egrets, wild ducks and other birds gradually became bolder and landed one after another, continuing to look carefree and content.

But a few miles away from here, a group of humans did not have such good luck.

"Quick, pour in quickly!" With shouts, groups of Houjin elite soldiers who were like mud monkeys were pouring bags of mud onto the road ahead.

While these people were covering the soil, there were also a large number of people harvesting nearby reeds with swords, and then covering them with the soil.

It turns out that the closer we get to the Liao River, the more the swamp becomes overflowing.

The Houjin Pioneer Battalion had to load dry soil from nearby and spread it on the muddy road.

However, after it was laid, the soil would soon become soft again as the soldiers stepped on it.

These people had no choice but to harvest some more reeds and lay them on them, so that the main force of Houjin could pass through.

But a mile or two behind these vanguard battalions was Duduo and his 40,000-strong army.

Just because of the previous attack by Yang Guozhu, Duduo's canopy was lost, some of the baggage and food were burned, and some people were burned to ashes, looking quite embarrassed.

"Report, Your Majesty, the spies are here to report. A few miles ahead is the Liao River. We have arrived at the Liao River!" At this moment, a person hurried over and reported to Duduo, who was looking quite embarrassed.

Duduo was thrown into a mud pit by a war horse earlier. Although he escaped, his whole body was incapable of being seen.

Although I did a little freshening up later with the help of the guards, due to the limited conditions, there was still a lot of dirt left.

"Oh? Is there any way to cross the river?" Duduo asked quickly.

"No, the spies made a careful investigation. First, there is no bridge, and second, there are no boats. Moreover, the river is bone-chilling and the depth is not more than ten feet deep!" the man responded quickly.

"One foot?" Duduo took a breath after hearing this.

If it were this deep, even riding a horse would be impossible.

"The army is all discussing how to cross this river?" Duduo had no other choice and took the initiative to ask.

"This" everyone couldn't help but lowered their heads after hearing this, and there was no good solution for a while.

Fortunately, one person happened to see the reeds under his feet, but he remembered the scene when the soldiers stood on the tangled reed roots. He couldn't help but said quickly: "I have a solution that is not a solution, but I don't know whether it will work or not!"

"Tell me about it?" When everyone was at a loss what to do, they couldn't help but be startled when they heard the words.

"Your Majesty, although this reed is light, Patriarch Bodhidharma could cross the river with just one reed in the past. Although we don't have Patriarch Bodhidharma's ability now, if we can tie the grass into a boat and connect the boats into a bridge, we can still cross the river!" He couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, let's do it!" Duduo couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this.

In this Liao Ze, although there are few trees and it is difficult to build a boat, if you use reeds, you can get them as much as you need.

Not to mention Duduo's calculations, let's talk about Zhang's three hundred orders. Some naval forces went up the Liao River to repeatedly explore the movements on both sides.

On this day, two Cangshan boats and several fishing boats went upstream again and penetrated deep into Liaoze.

"Sergeant, why are we inspecting this place every day? How can anyone come to this place where birds don't poop?" After patrolling for three or five days in a row, the soldiers on the ship were tired of it and couldn't help complaining.

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it if you are asked to do so. Isn't this much better than fighting someone desperately?" The sentry officer couldn't help scolding him.

Although he said this, the sentry officer actually felt that this was "Zhang Shuai is torturing people blindly."

"Sergeant, look!" Just when everyone on the ship was getting impatient, someone suddenly pointed out his hand.

Everyone heard the sound and went away, only to see at some point a clump of reeds stretched across the river and blocked the front.

"What is this?" the sentry couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Could it be that the water here is shallow and the reeds are growing along it?" someone couldn't help but guess.

"Nonsense, have you seen any reeds that can grow across the river?" the sentry couldn't help scolding him.

"Give me the order and send two small boats to get closer and take a look. Be careful not to be discovered. Others follow the order and quickly drive the boats into the reeds and hide first!"

Following the sentinel's order, everyone couldn't help but take action. Most of the boats hid in the reeds on the river bank, while the other two small boats moved forward under the cover of the reeds.

"Eh? I think I saw a few boats just now?" At this moment, a spy from the Hou Jin Dynasty rubbed his eyes and looked towards the south on the river.

"What kind of ship? How can there be a ship in this desolate and inhabited place?" After hearing this, his boss built a shelter with his hands and took a look, and couldn't help but cursed, "Don't talk nonsense, watch your head carefully!"

"Hmm!" The man shrank his head when he heard this, saying that he was dazzled and didn't take it seriously.

At this moment, Hou Jin's army moved in, stepped on this floating reed bridge, and walked towards the other side of the river.

"Not bad, it's quite stable!" Na Duduo also came to the bridge, stepped on the bridge for a try, and nodded with satisfaction.

As the man said, first weave a large number of reeds into a boat and then connect them together. Although it is worse than a pontoon connected by boats, it can at least be used to ferry people.

"Your Majesty, please move!" Not long after, seeing that the Pioneer Battalion had crossed the Liao River, someone quickly said to please them.

"Okay, let's all cross the river with me!" Duduo nodded with satisfaction and couldn't help but invite him as well.

Although Liaoze was formed by the flooding of the Liaohe River, the Liaohe River does not divide Liaoze into two halves evenly.

In fact, after crossing the Liaohe River, it takes another thirty to fifty miles to leave Liaoze and reach Zhangyi Station.

Zhangyi Station, also known as Zhangyi Station, was originally a post station in the Yuan Dynasty. It is sixty miles away from Shenyang and eighty miles away from Liaoyang.

Once the Hou Jin soldiers arrived here, they could reach Liaoyang City in just one day and one night, so Duduo's mood improved.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly shouted in panic: "Fire, fire, fire!"

"That's nonsense. It's not even lunch time today, where's the fire?" Duduo was furious when he heard this, looking for someone to disturb the morale of the army.

"Your Highness, look!" At this moment, the left and right people could not help but point to the south of the river in panic.

Na Duduo turned his head subconsciously and saw two small boats coming from nowhere. They were emitting thick smoke and rushed towards the middle of the pontoon.

"Quick, stop him!" Duduo quickly ordered.

But where is the time?

But after the soldiers of Jin fired two rounds of arrows, they only heard a few plops. The "dead soldiers" on the boat jumped into the water and disappeared after being stabbed.

The two fire boats just caught fire and hit the pontoon.

The soldiers on the bridge quickly used their spears to push, but where could they push it away?

When a reed meets fire, it is instantly ignited.

The raging flames spread immediately, frightening the soldiers on the pontoon to turn around and run away.

How can you run on a narrow pontoon?

Suddenly some people were squeezed out of the river, while others jumped into the water on their own initiative, creating a mess for a while.

Duduo was stunned, but he reacted quickly and quickly lifted him off the bridge.

After finally getting out of danger and settling down, Na Duduo looked up and saw that the floating bridge had already turned into a bridge of fire. How could he cross it?

"Zhang Sanbai, labor and capital are at odds with you!" Duduo couldn't help shouting in grief and anger. For a moment, he was so angry that he fell to the ground.

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