Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1587 Confrontation across the river

"General, after many searches and salvages by the soldiers, the bodies of Mrs. Li and Kong Tingxun have been fished out from the Taizi River!" A close confidant in the Liaoyang Si Yamen reported to Huang Degong.

"Oh, dead? How did he die?" Huang Degong frowned and couldn't help but ask.

Li and Kong Tingxun both grew up in Dongjiang Town. If they say they don't have water nature in them, who would believe it?

The whole river and the sea came here, and you drowned in a small ditch?

"The one who drowned, to be precise, was killed by Kong Tingxun!" the confidant replied.

"How do you say this?" As soon as these words came out, not to mention Huang Degong, even Li Yangeng was stunned.

"When we fished it out, we found that Kong Tingxun was wrapped in heavy cotton armor, and he was holding on to Mrs. Li with both hands!" the confidant sneered.

"That's it!" Huang Degong frowned and looked at Li Yangeng.

Both of them were understanding people, and they immediately understood why something happened to Kong Tingxun and Mrs. Li.

It turned out that Kong Tingxun was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he wore a thick cotton armor.

But he had no idea that he would fall into the water.

His thick cotton armor, which was used to save lives, would become the king of hell if it got wet.

It just so happened that this guy was not very good at water and was about to sink and die.

What a coincidence, Mrs. Li happened to be seen by Mrs. Li who fell into the water.

Although Mrs. Li is not his biological mother, she also knows that without a man in the family, the Kong family may be doomed.

So, she swam over and prepared to save him.

But Mrs. Li didn't know that a dying person would desperately grab the last straw to save his life.

As soon as she swam over, not only did she not have time to rescue Kong Tingxun, but Kong Tingxun and Mrs. Li originally planned to save him, but she was dragged down by him instead and drowned together.

"What should I do? Do you want to report it?" Li Yangeng frowned and asked involuntarily.

Putting aside the agreement between the two of them and Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen, if this news spreads, it will cause a commotion among the "God Blessed Soldiers" who have just surrendered.

"It's okay. No one is allowed to tell anyone about this. I'll go find Zhao Liangdong later and ask him to come by boat to take the body to the capital. Please make your decision!" Huang Degong pondered for a moment and said.

Huang Degong and Li Yangeng originally thought that Kong Yanxun and Mrs. Li had been hanging around the Dongjiang River all year round, so the water quality must be excellent.

As a result, no one expected that there would be such a coincidence in the world, one would die and two would die, and the one would die cleanly.

It's just that their death doesn't matter, but it puts Huang Degong and Li Yangeng in trouble.

If Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen had not been sacrificed to "King Shun" before, let alone these two people, even if they tortured Mrs. Bai and others to death.

At most, Zhang Shun punished them a few times, but they still couldn't take away their credit.

This is not the case now. These two women have been given to "King Shun to play with". If they fall in love for a long time and take the opportunity to blow the pillow wind, I am afraid it will ruin their lives.

"Is this okay?" Li Yangeng hesitated for a moment and reminded vaguely.

"No problem!" Although Huang Degong was very frightened in his heart, he answered righteously on the surface.

"Mrs. Li and Kong Tingxun fell into the water and died, and they had nothing to do with us. How many women has His Highness King Shun seen, how could he be confused by them?"

When Li Yangeng heard this, he thought to himself: That's right. King Shun's lustful reputation has spread all over the world. He must be fat and thin.

Although these two ladies, Mrs. Bai and Kong Sizhen, are outstanding, they cannot be fascinated by them.

Thinking of this, Li Yangeng could not help but nodded and said: "What Brother Huang said is true. The top priority should be to transport the body back to the capital and let His Highness handle the matter."

The two had settled their dispute, so they sent someone to invite Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin.

But I didn't expect that before Zhao Liangdong, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin, was invited over, another spy hurriedly broke in.

"Why are you so panicked?" Huang Degong's heart skipped a beat and he asked quickly.

"The Tatars...the Tatars are coming. There are about five to six thousand people, coming from the north. They seem to be preparing to occupy Tokyo City!" The spy reported quickly.

"This... let the navy cut off both sides of the bank, spread out scouts, and continue to investigate for me!" Huang Degong pondered for a moment and couldn't help but order.

The old and new cities of Liaoyang are separated on both sides of the Taizi River.

It is the old city of Liaoyang that is located on the west bank, so it is also the city of Liaoyang in the Ming Dynasty.

Located on the east bank is Liaoyang New City, which is also the post-Jin Tokyo City.

The two were eight miles apart, and Huang Degong could not garrison them all with a battalion of troops.

In desperation, Huang Degong and Li Yangeng had to choose one of the two, choosing the old city of Liaoyang and burning down the city of Tokyo.

It is said that it was burned down, but in fact, most of the buildings in this era were rammed earth structures, and naturally they could not be razed to the ground in a short time.

In today's Tokyo City, the Jurchen soldiers and Tianyou soldiers stationed in the city died. Only some women and children were either forced to move into the old city of Liaoyang, or were "physically eliminated", leaving only some ruins and broken walls standing in the wind.

"What a ruthless traitor!" When Beile Shuotuo led his troops to Tokyo City and saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but cursed.

In fact, the city captured by Hou Jin's soldiers was ten times worse than this one.

But it didn't fall on him. He had never felt this kind of pain.

"Come on, go in, I want to see how ferocious this 'shun thief' is!" Shuo Tuo couldn't help but said coldly.

"Cha!" After hearing this, all the slaves looked at each other and responded quickly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Shuo Tuo entered the city of Tokyo, he was greeted by a dark scene.

It turns out that when Huang Degong abandoned the defense of Tokyo City, he took measures to strengthen the walls and clear the country.

That is to say, all the men and women, household items, clothing, food, grass, fruits and vegetables were moved away. Those who could not be transported were all burned, leaving only an empty city for Shuo Tuo.

"Bastard, can't you find a single person in such a huge city?" Shuo Tuo couldn't help but said angrily.

"Looking, I found a few,'s just a bit unsightly..." Zuo Zuo couldn't help but muttered.

"What's indecent? It's indecent. Come quickly, I want to ask Lord Beile!" Shuo Tuo couldn't help but ordered quickly.

As a result, a few soldiers escorted two beggars in before long.

"Why did you sneak into Tokyo City?" The only people living in Tokyo City are Tianyou soldiers and Jurchen soldiers. There should be no outsiders sneaking in at all.

"Reply to the master, we...we are the soldiers in this city!" The two beggars knelt down quickly and said.

"What a compliant thief, he actually neglected my people, burned my houses, and caused my state-building warriors to end up on the streets, begging for a living..." Shuo Tuo couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this.

"Uh...that master, actually...actually this is not a thief's business." He was sincere in taking two beggars, and he waved his hand quickly after hearing this.

"We were originally a family of seven. My father went on an expedition with King Khan and disappeared in Liaoyang; my eldest brother followed the late emperor into the Pass, and there were no bones left."

"My mother was so distraught that she would have died; my sister-in-law took the children and remarried someone else."

"Only two of us brothers are left, trying to support us. Unexpectedly, the late emperor sent out troops and conscripted them."

"When we two brothers came back, we missed the farming season and lost our slaves, so we had to make a living by begging."

It turns out that Houjin had a sparse population, suffered natural and man-made disasters, and had poor harvests. In addition, Hong Tai frequently used troops and conducted many conquests, and the people of Liaodong were exhausted.

Even the Jurchen tribes are often in dire straits and find it difficult to maintain their families.

"This..." The two beggars said something, and Shuo Tuo fell silent.

After years of fighting, Houjin was on the verge of bankruptcy.

After another great defeat in the pass, hundreds of thousands of troops were lost, which directly wiped out the last breath of energy in Houjin Kingdom.

Now that he has been killed in the hinterland again, even in Baylor's eyes, he is still the "Qing Dynasty pill"!

"Your Highness, what should we do with them?" When they saw that they dared to slander the "invincible" Jurchen warriors, they couldn't help but asked with great dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, let's defend Tokyo City first!" At this moment, Shuo Tuo replied casually, as if his bones had been extracted.

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