Liaoyang is Sicheng, the old capital of Liaodong. The city is divided into two cities, north and south, with a total of eight gates. It was the most important town in Liaodong in the late Ming Dynasty.

However, due to the large number of gates in the city, it is actually not conducive to defense.

According to Huang Degong's thoughts, instead of garrisoning the old city of Liaoyang, it would be better to garrison the new city of Tokyo.

However, the old city of Liaoyang is not only home to Li Yangeng and other aristocratic families, it is also the main gathering area for Han people.

As a general from Liaodong, Huang Degong could not do anything to abandon all these people to Hou Jin.

Therefore, after a battle between heaven and man, he had to abandon Tokyo and stationed in Liaoyang.

However, Liaoyang City is indeed very large, and there are many people in Liaoyang City.

Under Li Yangeng's guidance, two large families, the Cui family and the Han family, who were very dissatisfied with Hou Jin, defected to the rebel army.

Both the Cui family and the Han family were born in the former Ming Dynasty guards and served as generals for generations. Not only did they have a huge influence in Liaoyang City, but they also had a group of servants and guards in their hands.

"Cui Ming!"

"I'm Han Xuan!"

"I've seen General Huang!" Just as Hou Jinbing appeared in the north of Liaoyang City, Cui and Han sent their own talents.

Cui Ming from the Cui family is relatively strong and has a fleshy face; while Han Xuan from the Han family is a lean and elegant young man.

However, whether these two people are tough or elegant, they all have the unruly spirit of the Liaodong soldiers and civilians.

"Everyone, sit down!" Huang Degong gestured and spoke first, "I think everyone has a deep understanding of the virtues of Tatars, so I don't need to say more!"

"At this time, everyone should not hide it. Only by guarding Liaoyang City can we talk about other things."

"Although I only have one battalion under my command, reinforcements will arrive soon. As long as we hold Liaoyang City for a few days, it will be a great achievement!"

As soon as Huang Degong finished speaking, Li Yangeng hurriedly said: "General, please keep your heart in your heart. Our Li family still has 800 elite soldiers. I will donate them one by one!"

"My father mistakenly believed in the villain's words and helped the tyrants to do evil. For this reason, my father was always uneasy."

"As the saying goes: The debt of the father is repaid by the son. Now that the time has come to repay the debt, of course I, the son, will do my part!"

"Okay, what Brother Li said is good!" As soon as Li Yangeng finished speaking, Cui Ming couldn't help but answer, "The Tatars are cruel and unkind, and it's time to pay with blood!"

"Twenty-one of our Cui Jiafan died at the hands of the Tatars. Our whole family remembers it clearly!"

"Now that we have the help of King Shun's righteous soldiers, my Cui family has sent 467 soldiers, all of whom are at the command of the general!"

When Han Xuan saw that everyone had expressed their stance, he couldn't help but quickly answered: "Although our Han family is not as good as the Li and Cui families, eighteen of our direct descendants died at the hands of the Tatars."

"Our Han family has mobilized all its resources and sent 373 people to listen to the general's orders!"

"Okay, they are all good men!" Huang Degong nodded with satisfaction and then said.

"It's just that the city of Liaoyang is so big that it's difficult to cover everything. We also asked three strong men from the city to help defend the city."

"Among them, Li Zhuangshi is stationed in the north and west, Cui Zhuangshi is stationed in the east, and Han Zhuangshi is stationed in the south. I am in the middle and will lead the main force to support at any time. What do you think?"

"Just as this is the case, we are willing to listen to the general's orders!" Li Yangeng, Cui Ming and Han Xuan heard this and couldn't help but worship one after another.

The four of them had settled their calculations, and Huang Degong was about to share some information.

Unexpectedly, Han Xuan was the first to speak: "General, since ancient times when guarding a city, disasters often arise from within rather than from outside."

"Since the Tartars raised their troops, they have still been good at this method. This is the loss of Liao and Guangning."

"General, if you want to defend this city, please kill the Zhu family, Wang family, Duan family and other Tatar families in the city, and then you can defend it!"

It turns out that the Ming Dynasty once set up four guards in Liaoyang City: the Dingliao central guard, the Dingliao left guard, the Dingliao avant-garde, and the Dingliao rearguard.

The generals who came from these four guards were the main source of powerful families in Liaoyang.

For example, the Han family was born in the Dingliao Zhongwei, while the Cui family was born in the Dingliao Youwei in Phoenix City. The Zhu family, who had surrendered to the old slaves, was from the Dingliao avant-garde, and the Wang family, Duan family and other families were from the Dingliao left guard. and Dingliao defender.

"How strong are these families?" Huang Degong couldn't help but look embarrassed when he heard this.

This is not because he does not want to take action against Zhu, Wang, Duan and other influential figures, but because he is worried that their strength will be too strong and it will be self-defeating.

But look at the Cui and Han families, each with three to five hundred soldiers. If the Zhu, Wang, Duan and other families are the same, these three families may not have more than a thousand soldiers.

Although for Huang Degong, the three to five thousand men under his command had an overwhelming advantage over the more than a thousand soldiers.

However, how to cleanly deal with these people under the military threat of the Shuo Tuo troops outside the city is the most troublesome problem.

"Among the Zhu, Wang, and Duan families, the Zhu family is the strongest, with a total of three to four hundred elites in its hands." Li Yangeng said quickly after hearing this.

"Fortunately, I have surrendered to Tartar with Zhu Shichang, and now I am not in the city. The other Wang, Duan and other families only have hundreds or dozens of people, which is insignificant!"

"Why are these families so weak?" Huang Degong was stunned when he heard this. It was beyond his expectation and he couldn't help but ask.

"This" Cui Ming and Han Xuan couldn't help but look at each other, hesitated for a moment, and then explained with a bit of embarrassment.

"The general is originally from the Liaodong Guards Station. How could he not know that this system has long been corrupted?"

“Their farms have been reduced to the private property of officials at all levels, and their sergeants have been reduced to servants of the generals.”

"If you still have some energy, you will support three to five hundred servants; if you want to enjoy wealth and wealth, you will have already put your swords and guns in the warehouse and released them on Manan Mountain..."

When Huang Degong heard this, he immediately reacted.

The guard station and farmland system carefully designed by Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty is now almost completely ruined. The sergeants and farmland under the guard station have long been divided up.

From a purely economic perspective, raising troops and soldiers is a loss-making business.

Large tracts of fertile land must be allocated to large numbers of soldiers, and each strong labor force must undergo training and perform military tasks every day, resulting in "serious waste."

Therefore, the officials of the Ming Dynasty soon discovered the "business opportunities" and began to invade and enslave farmland and enslave soldiers.

Farming and soldiers are the foundation of the guard system. Once the guard system collapses, it is natural that the Ming army's combat effectiveness will decline.

Therefore, under this situation, the developed Liaodong clan also differentiated.

People like the Li family, the Han family, the Zhu family, and the Cui family eventually evolved into military landlords by embezzling farmland and supporting their servants.

Families like the Wang family and the Duan family, which had almost completely given up on military achievements, evolved into economic landlords.

From a purely economic perspective, economic landlords are indeed more productive than military landlords, but from a war perspective, the opposite is true.

"Okay, let's do this!" Huang Degong couldn't help but suggest after knowing that the Zhu, Wang, Duan and other families were in fact.

"You will hand me an invitation in a moment. Please invite the heads of Zhu, Wang, Duan and other families to come to discuss matters. I will serve them a pot!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Li Yangeng, Cui Ming, Han Xuan and others looked at each other and said with great joy.

It turns out that apart from official business, there are also quite a few personal grievances between these families.

These powerful families live in the same city, so it is inevitable that there will always be some discord. In addition, when they competed with each other for soldiers and farmland, they even fought fiercely.

Now not only has the great revenge been avenged, but we can also take the opportunity to annex its population and land. It is really a double blessing to kill two birds with one stone!

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