Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1596 Death of Wakda

"The thieves are coming, hurry up, get on the loose!" Seeing the rebel cavalry galloping towards them, Houjin's gunner hurriedly loaded the shotshells into the barrel.

Not only the rebels, but any team that has learned to use artillery will use shotgun shells to bombard dense crowds, and Houjin's side is no exception.

However, the cavalry under Yang Chengzu also liked to use the tactics of intensive charge.

If you are shot intensively by the opponent with shotguns, you will definitely suffer a lot of losses.

"Attack the first sentry, prepare for the second sentry!" Yang Chengzu looked at the dark muzzle opposite and gave the order calmly.

"Drive!" Following Yang Chengzu's order, more than a hundred cavalry lined up in neat lines and slowly approached the opposite artillery position.

Although the dense shells pose a greater threat to the cavalry, the cavalry can also use batch charges to avoid the opponent's intensive firepower.

"Only one whistle came?" Houjin's gunner saw him from a distance and couldn't help but look ugly.

They only have four Hongyi cannons dismantled from Shenyang City, plus twenty or thirty small and medium-caliber artillery pieces such as generals and prisoner-killing cannons.

If the cannons were fired just for these more than a hundred cavalry, I am afraid that the "shun thieves" cavalry outside would take the opportunity to swarm them and chop them all to death on the spot.

"What should I do?" the gunner couldn't help but ask his superiors.

"Xufa!" The leader was a Tatar with small eyes. He frowned and said.

The method of using military force is to use emptiness to make it real, and use it to make it imaginary.

Since the rebels can send cavalry to trick the Tatars into firing cannons, then the Tatars can also trick the rebels into charging into battle.

There is nothing more deceptive than this.

"Boom, boom!" When the rebels got closer to 200 steps, the sound of fierce artillery resounded, and gunpowder smoke quickly enveloped Houjin's artillery position.

When I went to test the first post, there was a sudden panic.

"Commander, do you want to rush?" The sentry officer of the second sentry swallowed the saliva in his mouth and asked involuntarily.

"Attack on the second post, prepare on the third post!" Yang Chengzu calmly ordered, "Remember, this is an attack, not a charge!"

"Oh!" The second sentry officer nodded after hearing this, and then led his cavalry to slowly join the battlefield.

The artillery makes a lot of noise and produces a lot of smoke. If you rely on the sound and smoke alone, it is sometimes difficult to tell how many artillery pieces the opponent has firing at the same time.

Of course, Yang Chengzu couldn't tell the difference either, but this didn't stop him from guessing that the other side had some tricks up his sleeve.

"Zhi Niang, here we go again!" After the smoke cleared, Houjin Gunner looked forward and saw another group of cavalry appearing not far away, and he couldn't help but curse.

Although the rebels could not tell the number of Houjin artillery fires, it was also difficult for Houjin gunners to tell the number of cavalry sent by the rebels.

If you look at him as a sentry cavalry, how do you know if there are a second or third sentry behind this sentry cavalry?

"What should I do?" Houjin Gunner couldn't help but become a little anxious.

"This time it's still false, next time it's real!" The leader frowned when he heard this and couldn't help but order.

The first time you feel wary, that's normal.

The second time you plan to be more stable, that's okay.

But now that 50% to 60% of the "dead soldiers" attacking the city have come down, I don't believe you can afford it.

In fact, the artillery leader Hou Jin's judgment was correct. Now that the rebels had caught the opponent by surprise, if Daishan was allowed to gather the team back, then the raid would be considered a failure.

After the second sentry triggered Houjin's artillery, Sure enough, he quickly admonished Yang Chengzu: "As the saying goes: again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, the general has tested the opponent twice and is ready to charge!"

"No, I'm going to test it again and then make a decision!" Yang Chengzu glanced at the retreating soldiers and said calmly.

Although it is difficult to judge the reality of the opponent's artillery, it is not impossible.

After two consecutive tests, Yang Chengzu keenly discovered that the casualties of the first two sentry soldiers were not large.

Although the distance between the two shots fired from the opposite side was a bit far, the accuracy was definitely not that bad.

Eliminating all impossibilities, there can only be one result, and that is that the Houjin artillery was not actually fired at all.

He looked at the Houjin dead soldiers who were almost about to take down the city wall, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to try it again.

Following his order, the third sentry cavalry came out again, while Yang Chengzu silently grabbed his spear and ordered the fourth, fifth, and sixth sentries to follow, and the others were ready to launch a general attack at any time.

As soon as he gave the military order, the others immediately understood that it was time for the final charge.

No matter whether they win or not this time, all they have waiting for them is to rush forward.

"Boom!" Along with the sound of intensive horse hoofbeats, the third sentry approached the Houjin artillery position again.

"Fire, fire!" The leader of Houjin's artillery looked at the dead siege soldiers who had almost all withdrawn, and finally gave the order to fire all.

"Boom, boom, boom!" All the cannons that had been loaded spit out tongues of flame, and densely packed pellets flew out visible to the naked eye.

Accompanied by a burst of people neighing and their horses neighing, the cavalrymen of the third guard post of the rebel army fell in pieces.

Although Jinjin's Hongyi cannon is not as optimized as the Rebels, and its longer diameter is more suitable for firing solid shells, its power is still considerable.

In particular, a larger diameter is not conducive to the spread of shotguns, but it is conducive to the damage of shotguns in a specific direction.

The dense shotguns were like raindrops, immediately beating the rebel soldiers and horses like sieves, and blood flew everywhere.

It was tragic, it was really tragic. Many people and horses were among them and were beaten to pieces.

However, at this moment, Yang Chengzu finally gave the order to charge.

"Kill!" The fourth, fifth, and sixth sentries, a total of three cavalry sentries, stepped on the bones of the rebels in front and rushed forward without hesitation.

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed!

"No, I've fallen into a trap. Open fire and release arrows quickly!" It wasn't until the rebels' horse hooves came from far and near that they galloped in. The leader of Houjin's artillery finally realized that he had made a mistake in his judgment.

On the battlefield, mistakes must be paid for!

The artillery positions with most of the artillery empty now can only rely on small-caliber French guns, muskets, and even bows and arrows to defeat the rebels' charge.

However, how can it be resisted?

I saw the rebel cavalry roaring in, slashing down with the sword raised high in their hands, and the braided heads flew up.

And at the moment when Yang Chengzu's troops suddenly rushed into Houjin's artillery position, Wakda, who was fighting fiercely on the city, couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and a thought came to his mind: It's over, it's all over!

If others only had a clear judgment on this, for Wakda, who was standing at a high place, he could clearly see the rebel cavalry and cut off his connection with the Houjin Formation.

However, when Wakda was stunned, he suddenly heard a gunshot, then a strong force, then his shoulder hurt, and a stream of warm liquid gurgled out.

He looked up and took a closer look, only to see Huang Degong pointing the iron whip at him. The front part of the iron whip was a black muzzle.

"Thunder Fire Whip?" Navakda was stunned when he saw this, and immediately reacted.

"When you were fighting with me, you dared to lose your focus. Should I praise you for your bravery, or should I admire you for not being afraid of death?" Huang Degong smiled and couldn't help but press forward again.

Wakda couldn't help but retreat, but it happened to retreat to the edge of the city wall.

"Master, come down quickly, we will pick you up!" Under the city, several slaves were shouting loudly.

"Go down?" Wakda looked at the "dead soldiers" who were being killed by Zu Dashou's cavalry, then looked at the retreat blocked by Yang Chengzu, and couldn't help but smile miserably.

"Those who have achieved great things since ancient times have always made progress but never retreated!"

"If I die now, I should die on the city, why should I die below the city?"

After saying that, he actually led the remaining fifty or so "dead soldiers" to launch a desperate charge towards Huang Degong's location.

"Kill, kill!" Accompanied by bursts of loud shouts, the two sides fought together again, and Huang Degong and his men were even defeated at one point.

And while Wakda was fighting bravely on the city, he finally completed the retreat of most of the troops. Looking at the fighting figure in the distance, he couldn't help but burst into tears: "My son should die here!"

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