Wakda died, and Daishan's fourth son Wakda died in the battle in Liaoyang City.

Although most of his siege "dead soldiers" withdrew, Yang Chengzu still cut off their retreat, resulting in heavy casualties.

Prince Lilie Daishan brought a total of more than 10,000 people this time. This time he was directly defeated and disabled a camp, and he could only huddle in the camp on the west bank of the Taizi River.

"How is the situation?" After fighting for most of the night, both sides finally stopped and returned to camp. Daishan quickly asked someone to count the number of people.

"The situation is not good. Only 30% of the elite 'Dead Soldiers' returned, and the other two battalions were also damaged!" His son Ma Zhan reported quickly.

"Approximately how many soldiers are there in the 'Shun Thief'?" Daishan frowned and asked involuntarily.

"There are four thousand cavalry and at least ten thousand infantry on the battlefield!" Ma Zhan reported with a solemn face.

Although he was at odds with Wakda and wished he would die, he never imagined that this guy would actually die.

When Wakda died, his most elite "dead soldiers" also suffered heavy losses. This was not the result he wanted.

"Ten thousand people? I can't beat him!" Daishan couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

It is not that you are good at improving others' ambitions and destroying your own prestige, but when there is not a big gap in strength between the two sides, the number of people is the decisive factor in victory or defeat.

Now the rebel army has 14,000 troops, but he only has 7,000 or 8,000. No matter how capable Daishan is, he will be unable to withstand them.

"That's not right. How come there are so many people? Where did Your Majesty go?" Ma Zhan frowned and asked in confusion.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty also has your Majesty's difficulties, right?" Dai Shan sighed, "We can only have a chance of survival now if we hold on until His Majesty arrives!"

Of course, despite Daishan's words, he was actually complaining in his heart.

I brought more than 10,000 troops to deal with Dongjiang, and you brought 40,000 troops to rescue Guangning.

As a result, before I could knock down Dongjiang, you let the "Shun thieves" in. What do you mean?

However, although he was full of resentment in his heart, he also knew that now was not the time for internal strife.

If the 40,000 troops under Duduo's command were gone and the Qing Kingdom was gone, how could Prince Lilie have a good ending?

Not to mention how Daishan tossed and turned all night, let's talk about Zhang Sanbai repelling Daishan, beheading Wakda, forming an array outside the city, and recruiting Huang to come to meet him.

"General!" Until Huang Degong saw Zhang Sanbai with his own eyes, tears filled his eyes for a while.

"How is the situation?" Zhang Sanbai did not take the opportunity to get involved with him, but instead asked businesslikely.

Since ancient times, generals have been the most susceptible to the suspicion of monarchs.

Now Zhang Sanbai's sister Ma Yingniang is deeply favored by Zhang Shun, and she is a leading general, so she naturally knows that she needs to avoid suspicion.

Huang Degong didn't know what Zhang Sanbai was thinking. Seeing Zhang Sanbai not answering his questions, he couldn't help but feel less grateful.

"With the help of the three powerful families of Li, Han and Cui, the city can be defended!" Huang Degong reported with some pride.

"The reinforcements from the Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui battalions originally arrived, just to kill the generals at the critical moment."

"I just didn't expect that the other party would suddenly step up their offensive. I almost couldn't resist it. I have invited them to come and attack from a flank."

"What?" Before Huang Degong finished speaking, Zhang Sanbai couldn't help being shocked.

He originally thought that the two battalions had joined the battlefield, but he never expected that they had not arrived yet.

"Report, Commander Luo and General Wu are asking for a meeting!" At this moment, the soldiers' report rang out from outside.

"Let them in!" Zhang Sanbai was surprised and happy, and couldn't help but ordered quickly.

"General, General Huang!" Not long after, Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui came in hand in hand, and met Zhang Sanbai and Huang Degong respectively.

"What's going on with you? If the general hadn't led the main force here this time, I, Old Huang, would be in trouble!" Huang Degong couldn't help but said as soon as the four of them finished their polite greetings.

"Hey, don't mention it!" Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui couldn't help but explain quickly after hearing this, "We traveled all the way by boat and actually forgot about the distance."

"After receiving your letter, it will be too late to count the troops and come overland!"

It turns out that Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui set up camp a little far away to prevent being detected by Dai Shandao's scouts.

Originally, they planned to come by water once the police arrived.

It's just that this time, if we want to break the siege of Liaoyang City, we can only take the land route, which is slower.

By the time they arrived at the battlefield, the outcome of the rebel army and Houjin soldiers had been decided, so there was no need for them.

It was easy for the two of them to explain. Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he explained: "You came just in time. Now our army is divided into two parts, and we are surrounding the Tatars from the west and the south."

"If you can attack them by water, you will definitely be able to defeat them in one battle!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and immediately couldn't help but praise: "This is a wonderful plan!"

The four of them had decided on a plan, and early the next morning before dawn, they made pots of rice and went out to camp to form an array.

The formation of the rebel army was very simple. At one point, Zhang Sanbai led the formation behind the city and faced the Hou Jin Army to the east.

One was led by Zu Dashou, threatening the Houjin Army from the south.

Knowing that he was outmatched, Dai Shan formed a "formation with his back against the water but the moon" with his back to the fortress.

After the two sides formed their formations, it was already dark. With a wave of the three hundred flags, he gave the order with one word: "Fight!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" The rebel artillery was the first to fire.

Since Zhang Shun established the "big artillery doctrine", the rebels have relied on artillery in all wars.

This time Zhang Sanbai brought troops from three battalions: Biaoying, Yang Chengzu and Li Fuming, with a total of more than 30 artillery pieces of various types.

The Zu Dashou Department located in the south is still the old establishment of the Ming Army, with only 18 general cannons.

Although this firepower is not powerful, it is enough to suppress the Houjin soldiers.

"Father, the thieves have sharp artillery. This battle cannot be fought!" As soon as the two sides fought, the men and horses with red flags who had never fought against the rebels could not withstand it.

I have seen people using cannons, but I have never seen people using cannons like this.

The shells came in turns as if they were free of charge, and the Hou Jin soldiers were very passive.

"Return to the camp and defend!" Daishan pondered for a long time, but he had no good solution, so he ordered.

"Aren't we just like turtles?" Ma Zhan couldn't help complaining after hearing this.

"Can you? If you don't want to be a coward, go and kill them for me!" Daishan almost got angry and couldn't help but pointed at the army of rebels outside.

"." When Ma Zhan heard this, his face turned red with anger, but he really didn't dare to rush out, so he had to retreat.

It didn't matter that Daishan retreated. Most of the rebel artillery shells hit the Houjin camp, and their power was greatly reduced.

"What should we do, general!" Li Fuming saw that he was at a deadlock again and couldn't help but ask for instructions.

"Pull out the Tatar's Hongyi cannon and fire it soon!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but order.

Houjin's four Hongyi cannons weighed two to three thousand kilograms and had a caliber of at least twenty-five.

As field artillery, these artillery pieces were difficult to load and difficult to transport, although they were inferior to the rebel field artillery and golden artillery.

If used as a siege gun, the advantages of this long gun with high accuracy and high power will become apparent.

"Ah? Didn't I nail the fire doors of these cannons?" Yang Chengzu was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"I have already ordered the craftsmen to drill it out overnight, it is just for this purpose!" Zhang Sanbai made a small profit.

It turned out that Yang Chengzu led the cavalry to capture the Houjin artillery position, but could not take it away for a while, so he ordered people to weld the fire gate to death.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanbai was prepared, and these fire doors were opened again.

"Boom!" Following Zhang Sanbai's order, the gunner soon pushed up the Hongyi cannon and fired at Hou Jin's camp.

Although the firing frequency of these Hongyi cannons was relatively low, they had long barrels and fast bullets, which caused great damage to the simple walls set up in the Houjin camp.

"No, this is not the way to go!" Without Ma Zhan's reminder, Daishan also discovered the problem.

The current situation, in the military terminology of this era, is called "change of position between host and object, being controlled by others", and in the words of later generations, it is called "losing the initiative."

Losing the initiative and letting the other side do whatever they want is a taboo in the art of war.

"Give me the order, and when the 'Submissive Thief''s energy weakens, follow me to break out of the encirclement to the south!" Seeing that nothing could be done, Daishan decisively gave the order to break out.

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