Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1598 A chicken talking to a duck

"Kill, kill!" Wave after wave of golden soldiers hit the rebel army's southern defense line like a tide.

Zu Dashou, who was already in his fifties, ignored the flying arrows and rushed back and forth, loudly boosting morale. However, the Liaodong soldiers were still beaten and retreated.

"It seems that this old guy has been planning for a long time!" Zhang Sanbai stood on a high place, looking at the situation on the battlefield, and frowned.

It turned out that the two sides had been fighting for half a day, and the soldiers were exhausted. At that time, Daishan suddenly led the elite of the Baya La battalion with a red flag to attack Zu Dashou's tribe.

The Liaodong troops under Nazu Dashou's command originally numbered ten thousand, but they also divided Wu Sangui's battalion. Now there are only six thousand left, which is incomparable to Zhang's three hundred troops.

Now that he was suddenly attacked by Daishan with all his strength, he was naturally unable to resist.

Zhang's 311 men and horses were blocked by Daishan's son Ma Zhan with their strongholds. They were unable to attack for a while, but Daishan took the advantage.

"General, I am willing to lead my cavalry to help!" Seeing that Zu Dashou was at a disadvantage, Yang Chengzu couldn't help but take the initiative to ask for help.

From the western defense line to the southern defense line, only his battalion of cavalry could arrive in time.

"Rush for reinforcements? No need!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanbai shook his head and said, "There will be reinforcements soon."

"Let the gunners continue to blast away. The only way to destroy the Tatar camp as soon as possible is serious!"

"This" Yang Chengzu suddenly thought of the "Navy Master" whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart.

In fact, just as Yang Chengzu guessed, at the time of the fierce battle between the two sides, Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui were escorted by the navy, going upstream and rushing straight to the rear of Houjin.

"We didn't catch up in the last battle. If we can't catch up this time, I'm afraid the Liaodong War will be over!" Luo Xiangqian, who was standing on the bow of the ship facing the wind, said to Wu Sangui with a smile.

Luo Xiangqian was from Sichuan, and Wu Sangui frowned when he heard the southwestern Mandarin.

Fortunately, Southwest Mandarin is also Mandarin, so it is easier to understand than southern dialects.

Wu Sangui even guessed and understood most of it, and couldn't help laughing and said: "What General Luo Bing said is true. This time when we fight out from the waterway, we will definitely kill the Tatar by surprise!"

Although Luo Xiangqian didn't speak very well in Mandarin, he had no problem listening.

When Wu Sangui opened his mouth, Luo Xiangqian could tell that this guy didn't understand what he said. It was like a chicken talking to a duck.

He could only shake his head and said nothing.

The navy went upstream and soon appeared near Liaoyang City.

As soon as the ship bypassed Liaoyang City, everyone heard the roar of artillery and the sound of killing.

When Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui looked south, they saw the rebels fighting around the Houjin camp. The situation was excellent.

"Okay, we've won!" Luo Xiangqian couldn't help but smile while holding his palms.

"Indeed, the Tatars are tough and can't be separated from each other for a moment!" Wu Sangui nodded and agreed with a serious face.

Uh. Luo Xiangqian suddenly looked constipated.

You don’t have to listen if you don’t understand. Don’t keep pretending that you understand!

And just when the two of them were at odds with each other, they were obviously spotted in Liaoyang City, and they couldn't help but wave the command flag violently.

"Rescue the southern troops?" Both of them understood now and couldn't help being surprised.

Since the navy came from north to south after turning around, the first thing they saw was the fight between Zhang Sanbai's tribe and Hou Jin's tribe, but they never saw the fighting situation of Zu Dashou's tribe.

The two of them thought they were the icing on the cake, but they didn't expect that they were a help in times of need.

"The whole army speeds up, the Navy prepares fire support!" Luo Xiangqian couldn't help but ordered quickly.

Following Luo Xiangqian's order, the rebel navy bypassed the Houjin camp like a long dragon and appeared on the left wing of the Baya La camp with a red flag.

Sure enough, Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui saw that the Baya La camp was killing Zu Dashou's tribe and was in danger.

"Fire, fire!" Wu Sangui couldn't help being shocked and quickly ordered.

In addition to dozens of transport ships of various sizes, the rebel navy was also escorted by seven or eight Cangshan ships.

Although these ships are not very large, they are also equipped with two 500-jin red barbarian cannons and eight thousand-jin franc machine guns.

Although the power of these artillery is not very great, it is better than the dense firepower.

Following Wu Sangui's order, the artillery on the rebel ship suddenly rang out.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Countless shells poured from the flanks into Hou Jin's formation.

"Ah, ah!" The Houjin soldiers who had really stormed Zu Dashou's defense line were suddenly attacked, accompanied by a burst of screams, and then panicked.

"Hurry up and charge with me, wait until the thieves land and call me!" As soon as Nadaishan saw the rebel navy arriving, his heart suddenly went cold.

He had calculated everything, but he never expected that the rebels would launch an attack by water.

It's just that now the arrow has to be fired. Since the matter has come to this, he can only bite the bullet and go all the way to the end.

It's a pity that although he wanted to imitate Cao Cao, Zu Dashou didn't want to imitate Chunyu Qiong.

"The reinforcements have arrived, please follow me and fight to the death!" When Zu Dashou saw the rebel reinforcements appearing on the water, he was immediately overjoyed and couldn't help shouting.

Although this Liaodong soldier has many "problems", such as he likes to betray his teammates and is afraid of Hou Jin like a tiger, but if he really fights for his life, he is still an elite unit that can destroy Hou Jin's big teeth.

Now that the rebel reinforcements have arrived and the victory of this battle has been determined, how can we not sacrifice our lives?

Following Zu Dashou's order, the Liaodong soldiers who were originally unable to hold back suddenly gained momentum. They not only withstood the impact of Baya La camp with a red flag, but even counterattacked to a certain extent.

Just as the two sides were fighting inextricably, Luo Xiangqian's "white pole soldiers" also began to land under the cover of rebel artillery.

Landing operations on inland waters are inferior to those at sea.

Naluo Xiangqian first sent more than ten small boats to transport dozens of people to let them establish preliminary positions, and then let the big ships approach and put down the springboards and gangways.

The soldiers on the ship filed out along the gangplank and gangway, and soon formed small conical arrays, and then these conical arrays formed a larger conical array.

And all of this was completed in a very short period of time.

Wu Sangui was originally a general in Liaodong, and his troops were also elite in Liaodong. He never expected that there would be such people in the world who could use their arms and fingers as well as they could.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Commander Luo, you have good people under your command!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiangqian shook his head and said with a smile: "What's it worth? It's just more than a month of hard training!"

It turns out that the reason why Zhang Sanbai asked Luo Xiang's cadres to march by water was because they had trained in landing operations in advance.

Landing on inland water is more complicated than on the sea, so after a little training, you can go into combat.

"What, are all the men and horses under King Shun like this?" Wu Sangui was stunned when he heard this, and a great sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his whole body.

Their Liaodong soldiers have always been known to be elite, but now they are not as good as any of King Shun's troops. What can we do?

No, I have to tell my uncle this, otherwise Liaodong will be in danger!

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