Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1600 A big gamble

"Hoola hoola!" Accompanied by the fierce west wind, a large flag rolled crazily at the top of Liaoyang City.

"General, there is news from the city!" Some soldiers had already watched carefully and reported to Zhang Sanbaihui.

"Speak!" Zhang Sanbai, who was closely observing the battlefield situation, ordered directly.

"A large number of Tatars appeared in the northwest of the city. They are suspected to be the main force of the Tatars." The soldier secretly glanced at the expressionless Zhang Sanbai, swallowed nervously, and continued.

"Another group of Tatars appeared in the southeast. They are suspected to be preparing to attack my ancestor Dashou's tribe together with the Tatars!"

"Oh?" Zhang Sanbai pondered for a moment with a cold face, and then gave the order, "Send the order to the entire army to immediately launch a general attack. The entire Daishan Division must be completely wiped out before any further calculations!"

The rebels, who originally had the upper hand, reversed course the moment Duduo led the main force arrived.

Zhang Sanbai led a total of 40,000 horses, including Hou Gongji, out of the customs. Among them, Hou Gongji's 10,000 horses were replaced by Zu Dashou's Liaodong soldiers and stayed in Jinzhou. The total number remained unchanged.

However, deputy commander Yang Guozhu led three battalions to stay in Guangning, Zhang Dasheng's cavalry battalion stayed in Niuzhuang, and Bai Guangen's first battalion was stationed in Haizhou. Therefore, Zhang Sanbai now only has five battalions and Zu Dashou's troops. A total of twenty-five thousand.

Among them, more than 10,000 people from the three battalions of Zhang Sanbai, Yang Chengzu, and Li Fuming lined up in the east of Liaoyang City, and 7,000 people from Zu Dashou's tribe lined up south of Daishan.

The first battalion of Huang Degong was stationed in Liaoyang City, while the two battalions of Luo Xiangqian and Wu Sangui took the waterway to attack the Daishan Department.

Then, on the Jin side, in addition to Daishan's seven or eight thousand people who were surrounded on the west bank of the Taizi River, one main force of 40,000 people appeared on the north bank of the Taizi River, two, Shuo Tuo occupied Tokyo City on the east bank of the Taizi River, and three, a supporting army appeared. On the south side of the west bank of the Taizi River, they attacked Zu Dashou's tribe.

The total number was no less than 50,000, more than twice that of the rebels.

In a normal battle, if the training, organization, and equipment of the two sides are roughly the same, when one side exceeds the other side by 30% in number, it will have an overwhelming advantage.

At this moment, Hou Jin suddenly had more than double the numerical advantage, and the situation suddenly became extremely bad.

At this moment, there are wolves in front of him and tigers behind him. If he doesn't respond properly, Zhang Sanbai will end up with his entire army annihilated.

First of all, there is no retreat.

Now that the two sides are in a stalemate, a rash retreat will immediately trigger a collapse of the entire army.

Secondly, there is no way to defend.

Even if the rebels can retreat smoothly to Liaoyang City, Duduo's main force plus Daishan, Shuotuo and other troops will suddenly be more than twice as many as the rebels.

If he insists on holding on, Zhang Sanbai can hold on.

However, Zhao Lizi, Geng Zhongming and others were restrained in Fuzhou by Liu Zhiyuan, and Yang Guozhu and others were restrained in Guangning by the three brothers Shi Tingzhu.

As for the other reinforcements, because the rebels had newly occupied the capital and used troops frequently, they were short of food and pay. Supporting these 50,000 people in the expedition to Liaodong was already the limit, and there was no extra food and grass to support another supporting army.

In other words, at this time, there is no way to retreat and no way to defend, and the entire army is almost in a desperate situation.

what to do?

what to do!

At this critical moment, Zhang Sanbai showed the ruthlessness a street gangster should have.

Since we cannot retreat or defend, we can only fight.

Although the Later Jin Dynasty had a large number of troops, Duduo's main force of 40,000 troops was still north of the Taizi River.

We still have to march for a while and then cross the Taizi River.

Although Shuotuo's 5,000 men and horses were close, half of them were in Tokyo City on the other side of the river. Only 2,500 men posed a threat to Zu Dashou's flanks.

The remaining seven or eight thousand were already besieged by the rebels on the west bank of the Taizi River and were on the verge of collapse.

At this time, the only way to survive is by fighting.

"General, what should we do with the Tatar reinforcements?" Yang Chengzu and Li Fuming couldn't help but swallowed their saliva, reminding them with some horror.

"Wait until we defeat Daishan, then reject him!" Zhang Sanbai sneered, "There is no other way out!"

"Okay, we'll do it with you!" Yang Chengzu and Li Fuming were stunned when they heard this, were silent for a while, and finally said through gritted teeth.

The Art of War says: Put yourself in a dead place and then survive; trap yourself in a dead place and then survive.

Since there is no way to retreat and no way to defend, the only option is to fight to the death!

Thinking of this, Yang Chengzu and Li Fuming couldn't help but take the initiative to ask for help: "General, please let me lead the soldiers to lead the battle!"

"Leader? There is no lead, or everyone is the lead!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanbai laughed and said, "I will eat the seven or eight thousand people of Daishan in front of the main force of Duduo!"

"This time, our entire army will attack fiercely, and everyone will go into battle until death!"

"The whole army attacks fiercely, everyone goes into battle, until death!" As Zhang Sanbai gave the order, the soldiers of the army suddenly shouted loudly.

And just when Zhang Sanbai and others decided to make a desperate move, Zu Dashou was also discussing with his generals what to do.

"It won't work. The 'Shun Thief' is going to be defeated. Let's leave quickly!" The Liaodong soldiers really showed their fine tradition of long legs and good running, and their first reaction was to run away.

"Run? If you want to run, you have to eat this Tatar first! Otherwise, how can we explain to the 'shun thieves'?" Someone quickly suggested.

"This" Zu Dashou also hesitated after hearing this.

To be honest, when he learned that Duduo's main force was coming, his first reaction was to run for his life.

However, when he saw the shaky Dai Shanjun again, he couldn't help but want to "get a handful" before leaving.

As others have said, today's "shun thieves" are not as good as the previous Ming court.

In addition to these 40,000 horses, "he" also has hundreds of thousands of troops.

If you really offend him, I'm afraid the only way is to surrender to the Tatars.

However, Zu Dashou did not want to surrender to the Tatars at all, especially when there was no negotiated price.

But if he didn't leave, he wouldn't be willing to be buried with that pretty boy named Sanbai.

And just when Zu Dashou was hesitating, a cry like a mountain roaring and a tsunami suddenly came from the northwest: "The whole army attacks fiercely, everyone goes into battle, until death!"

Although the words were brief, they were impactful and made people's blood boil for a while.

"What's going on?" Zu Dashou was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but ask.

"It seems. It seems that the Chinese army has launched a general offensive!" Zuo Zuo couldn't help but guess after hearing the words.

"Go up and have a look!" After hearing this, Zu Dashou quickly climbed to a high place and looked to the northwest. He saw three big flags of "Zhang", "Yang" and "Li" standing at the head of the formation, guiding the three formations fiercely. Rush towards the Daishan camp.

"What a boy, what courage!" Zu Dashou couldn't help but praise.

"General, what do you mean?" Zuo Zuo was stunned when he heard the words and asked tentatively.

"Fight, let's fight too, and make a desperate move!" Zu Dashou couldn't help but order.

"Our Liaodong soldiers will suffer great losses if this happens!" Zuo Zuo quickly signaled to the Houjin reinforcements who were coming from the south along the river.

The main force of Hou Jin is far away, and the supporting army is close. If they follow Zhang Sanbai, if something goes wrong, the Liaodong soldiers will be the first to face the danger of being attacked from both front and rear.

"I am already fifty this year, how can I not be as good as a yellow-haired boy?" But Zu Dashou sneered, "Pass my military order, if the enemy comes within ten steps of our army, call me!"

"Otherwise, this is the only way to go!"

Following Zu Dashou's order, the originally hesitant Liaodong soldiers suddenly seemed to have a backbone and marched towards Daishan camp like wolves and tigers.

At the same time, Luo Xiang's cadres who had completely landed, and Wu Sangui's troops who had just landed in general, saw Zhang Sanbai's Chinese army battalion rushing towards the Daishan camp regardless of the situation, and they also launched a fierce attack from behind with momentum like a rainbow.

"Hold on, hold on. Our reinforcements have arrived. If we hold on for another hour or three, we will be saved!" As the rebels attacked from three directions, the men and horses with red flags finally couldn't resist it and were beaten. Lao Daishan couldn't help but become anxious as he was retreating steadily.

At the same time, Duduo also urged his men desperately: "Hurry, rush over to me quickly, saving Xianghongqi is a great achievement, everyone will be rewarded with ten taels of silver!"

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

At this moment, both sides finally showed all their trump cards.

All the clever calculations and plots are of no use at this moment.

Zhang Sanbai bet his 25,000 soldiers. The bet was to completely devour the Daishan Department before Duduo's main force arrived, and then confront Duoduo on the banks of the Taizi River with the power of victory.

Zu Dashou knew this, Duduo knew it, and Daishan also knew it.

However, knowing that it is useless, both sides are fighting with this mentality!

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