"Hurry, hurry, hurry!" Duduo rode his war horse back and forth, urging the Hou Jin soldiers to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible.

However, since the Hou Jin troops crossed the Liao River, they had to do both the same thing and were already exhausted.

What was more terrifying than the exhaustion was that the wide Taizi River was like a natural chasm, lying in front of the main force of Houjin. They could only watch the fighting on the other side of the river.

"Where's the boat? Find me a boat quickly! Also, send someone to find shallow water that can be crossed!" Duduo couldn't help but ordered repeatedly.

And just when Duduo was impatient, Zhang Sanbai had already taken the lead and rushed into the Daishan camp.

"Here!" Zhang Sanbai shouted, raised his bow and shot an arrow, all in one go.

The three-hundred-jin strong bow stretched like a full moon. There was a loud "buzz" sound, and a sharp arrow shot out like a spear.

With a scream, an armored "dead soldier" on the opposite side fell on his back.

Brewed, off again!

Originally, Zhang Sanbai wanted to shoot a small boss in front of him, but he didn't expect to point east and west, but hit a "dead soldier" in the face with an arrow.

If you don't have talent, you have no talent. It's a pity that he has supernatural power, but he can't always practice this archery skill.

"Okay!" The soldiers didn't know what their commander was thinking. Seeing how brave he was, they couldn't help but cheered with high morale.

"Kill!" Zhang Sanbai smiled modestly, quickly put away the strong bow in his hand, took a twenty-pound three-pointed two-edged knife and pointed it forward.

His name is Zhang Sanbai, nicknamed "Erlang Zhenjun", he is the most brave general under King Shun, followed by Wukong, brackets, self-recognition.

However, because he was very good at commanding troops and horses, he had to succumb to the position of commander-in-chief.

As a result, there were no heroes at that time, so Wukong, Changzhen, Qinhu and others became famous.

Now that I finally have this opportunity, I must let the world know the brave name of "Erlang Zhenjun"!

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanbai's heart became more and more fiery, and he couldn't help but speed up his charge by three points.

"Fire the arrow, fire the arrow!" Seeing that Zhang Sanbai was unstoppable, Ma Zhan couldn't help but ordered loudly.

Using a long bow with heavy arrows and shooting at close range was Hou Jin's only way to snipe against the fierce generals of the Ming army, and it would naturally be used on the rebels.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Following Ma Zhan's command, dozens of heavy arrows suddenly flew towards Zhang Sanbai.

"Well done!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but shouted, and then used the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand to strike.

However, this three-pointed two-edged sword was quite heavy and could not be swung very fast. By the time he swung it over, countless heavy arrows had already nailed him.

Before Zhang Sanbai could react, he only felt his mount lift upwards and he flew out.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Zhang Sanbai, at this critical moment, quickly took his feet out of the stirrups, then took advantage of the situation to jump and roll, and jumped off the horse.

Let's talk about Zhang Sanbai rolling off his horse, and he took a few heavy arrows astray, gouging out his flesh and causing pain.

He quickly stretched out his hand and pulled, only to hear a heart-wrenching sound of metal friction, and pulled out a few arrows.

He looked carefully and saw a few scratches on both sides of the arrow, and a bright red blood stain on the tip of the arrow.

It turned out that Houjin's bow and arrow were very powerful, and he could shoot at close range, and even penetrated Zhang Sanbai's armor.

Fortunately, the arrowhead didn't penetrate deeply into the flesh, just a little skin injury.

When he turned to look at the horse, he saw seven or eight arrows stuck in the horse's body, with only half of the arrow feathers left outside.

Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but shouted, and rushed forward with a three-pointed two-edged knife.

When the dozen "elite dead soldiers" saw Zhang Sanbai rushing forward, they abandoned their bows and arrows and picked up their sabers to respond.

The swords used by the heavy armor soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty were mostly long-handed two-handed swords, generally no more than seven or eight feet in length, which was good for foot combat.

The three-pointed, two-edged sword used by Zhang Sanbai was lengthened to nine feet and two inches for the purpose of riding on horseback, so it was longer than these war knives.

As the saying goes: An inch long, an inch strong.

Since the weapon in Sanbai's hand is longer than others, he can naturally attack the opponent first.

I heard him shout loudly and stabbed him with a knife.

"Qiang!" When the armored soldier in front of him saw Zhang Sanbai stabbing him, he quickly knocked it with the sword in his hand.

Who would have thought that when a strong force came, the armored soldier felt pain from the tiger's mouth and could hardly hold the weapon in his hand.

"Kill!" Before he could react, he heard Zhang Sanbai shout and stab him with a knife.

The originally thick and sturdy breast shield was pierced through by Zhang Sanbai like a piece of paper. He only felt a pain in his heart, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Dang, Dang!" At the same time that Zhang Sanbai stabbed this armored soldier, two armored soldiers had already attacked Zhang Sanbai from the left and right, and slashed Zhang Sanbai with one knife.

However, Zhang Sanbai was also wearing double armor, but he couldn't cut through it and could only bend a few pieces of armor.

Zhang Sanbai, who had already been killed, didn't care about the pain on his body. He stepped forward and kicked the stabbed person away. He drew out the three-pointed two-edged knife, swung it to the left, and used the side tip of the three-pointed two-edged knife to hit the target. Nailed on the helmet of the armor soldier on the left.

"Ah!" Only a scream was heard, and the side tip of Zhang Sanbai's three-pointed two-edged knife was nailed into the helmet, and a stream of thick blood flowed out along the seam of the helmet.

"Ah?" The soldier on the right, who was still trying to attack, was about to take the opportunity to attack, but when he saw Zhang Sanbai glared over, his liver and gallbladder were split, and he took several steps back in fright.

"Hmph!" Zhang Sanbai sneered, shook the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and shook the dead armor soldier away, leaving him rolling on the ground and wailing.

Then, he very arrogantly brought the three-pointed two-edged knife in front of his eyes, dipped his index finger in some blood, pressed it on his forehead and touched it.

The originally stern face suddenly became extremely charming.

"Three-three-eyed thief!" When the man saw Zhang Sanbai touching his forehead, it was as if he had opened his heavenly eyes. He couldn't help but trembled in his heart and cried out.

"Straight bitch, open your dog eyes and see who I am!" Zhang Sanbai originally just wanted to pretend, but he never expected that this guy would say such a thing.

He suddenly became angry and stepped forward to kill the guy with a knife.

But as soon as these words came out, they had already been heard clearly, and it would be useless for the Grandmaster to kill him.

Sure enough, when other people saw Zhang Sanbai being so cruel, they couldn't help but get out of the way: "What a 'three-eyed thief', hurry up, avoid his sharp edge!"

Nima, Zhang Sanbai was very angry after hearing this.

Why can Wukong be known as the "Monkey King" while I can only be a "three-eyed thief"!

"General!" At this moment, the guards on the left and right rushed over and quickly protected the left and right. "The general is the leader of the three armies, how can you do this?"

"Follow me and kill!" Zhang Sanbai didn't bother to answer, just left an order and rushed forward again.

Looking to the left and right, he saw how ferocious his general was, and his morale immediately surged, and he quickly chased after him.

"Kill, kill, kill!" This Three Hundred was indeed worthy of the "Seven Killing Stars" appointed by Zhang Shun. Once he started to fight for his life, he was so powerful that he quickly entered the Houjin camp.

"Master, this barbarian is desperate for his life, and all the slaves can't stop him!" Just when Houjin's elite were being beaten and retreating, someone had already cried to Mazhan.

This Mazhan is the sixth son of Daishan. Although he is considered heroic, how can he compare with Zhang Sanbai's "mean life" despite being well-dressed and well-fed?

Zhang Sanbai could risk his life regardless of his own safety, but Tamarzan could not.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally ordered: "Where is Zhu Shichang?" Order him to bring the Han people to support Ben Beile, otherwise he will come to see him with his head raised! "

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