Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1604 Maritime Threat

"Boom, boom!" As a rumbling sound of cannons came in the distance, Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, frowned.

"Junmen, General Chen is here!" At this moment, a servant suddenly broke in and said.

"Oh? Please come quickly, no, I will go to meet him personally!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and said quickly.

Ever since the "two thieves Li Hong" "invaded the country", although he tried his best to resist, he was still inferior to others and lost consecutive battles.

Now that he has lost Jinan and other places, he has no choice but to retreat to Qingzhou Prefecture.

It turns out that the terrain of Shandong is different from other places. It has the Taiyi Mountains as its core and the surrounding plains and hills as its periphery.

The entire Shandong Province is roughly bounded by Mount Tai and Mount Lu, and is roughly divided into two parts: Qidi and Lu.

Among them, the vast plains of Qi are open to the north in the shape of a trumpet. This is the main reason why the "Five Kingdoms Conquered Qi" during the Warring States Period almost destroyed the entire Qi State.

Now the rebel army is coming north, just like the story of "Five Kingdoms Conquering Qi".

Jinan, located to the north of the Taiyi Mountains, has fallen into the hands of the rebels. Once Qingzhou, located to the east of the Taiyi Mountains, is captured by the rebels, I am afraid that Zhu Dadian will have no choice but to escape to Denglai Prefecture.

Therefore, Zhu Dadian quickly sent for Chen Hongfan, the coastal military officer in charge of Denglai troops and horses, to come and "discuss the plan together."

This Chen Hong model is from Hongluoshan, Liaodong, and has a "similar friendship" with Wu Sangui, but he debuted much earlier than Wu Sangui.

As early as the Imjin Japanese Rebellion, he had participated in transporting grain and grass by sea.

Later, he successively served in Liaodong, Gansu, Zhejiang, and Changping. It can be said that he has the most senior qualifications and rich experience.

However, there is an old saying that "wisdom does not lie in your age, but without wisdom you will live a hundred years in vain." Obviously, this Chen Hongfan is the latter.

Although he is senior and has a rich resume, he has suffered repeated defeats and has not made any significant achievements, so he cannot make a statement.

What a coincidence, just as the rebel army was marching eastward and Hou Jin was marching south, this Chen Hongfan once handed a document to the central government, "negotiating peace in Liao (East) and Guang (Ning), and plowing the court with the sea." That is, from Jin after sea attack.

Therefore, Chongzhen appointed him as the chief military officer along the coast, with the seal of General Pinglu, and joined the Prince's Young Master's Division. He mobilized naval divisions from various towns to prepare for the attack on Houjin. He happened to escape the previous battle and stayed in Denglai.

"Marshal Chen, now that the 'submissive thieves' are raging and the world is not peaceful, I don't know how to teach me?" The two parties decided to sit down and after a brief greeting, Zhu Dadian couldn't help but say.

"The army is joking, the world is so big, how can the general be short-sighted, how can he dare to say something extravagant?" Chen Hongfan heard the words and smiled bitterly, "But if you ask about Shandong, the general has a plan, I don't know whether it will work or not. !”

"Marshal, please speak!" Zhu Dadian couldn't help but perked up after hearing this, and said quickly.

"Land warfare is the best skill of thieves; naval warfare is what I am good at!" Chen Hongfan couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Nowadays, the 'thieves' are very persecuted, why don't I use a strategy to draw out the firepower!"

"Take the salary from the bottom of the cauldron?" Zhu Dadian guessed three points after listening to his words, "I wonder which salary from the bottom of the cauldron Marshal Chen is going to take?"

"Of course it's here!" Wen Yan pointed to the map.


"Tianjin!" Chen Hongfan nodded and explained with a smile, "Now I have 7,000 naval forces and more than 400 warships. They are originally designed to rescue North Korea and assist the Dongjiang River."

"Unexpectedly, thieves surrendered on the Dongjiang River and captives surrendered on North Korea, so the navy had no place to use it. Now it is suitable for use!"

"I intend to avoid the real and attack the weak, and attack Tianjin. If they are unprepared, I will seize it. If they are prepared, I will disturb them and prevent them from going south!"

"Okay, okay, what a good plan!" Zhu Dadian was stunned when he heard this, and was immediately overjoyed.

It turned out that since Yang Sichang went south, many more soldiers were sent away, and Zhu Dadian only had 5,000 soldiers left who dared to fight.

Although many more were recruited later, in the end they were all new recruits who had not been trained and were unable to take on big responsibilities, so they were defeated steadily by Li Zicheng and Hong Chengchou.

Now, Chen Hongfan, the commander-in-chief of the coastal army, was not only willing to obey his orders, but also offered to attack Tianjin to relieve the pressure on Shandong. How could Zhu Dadian not like this?

And at this moment, Zhu Dadian thought of something else.

Now the troops of the King of Lu, headed by Yang Sichang, are in a hurry to attack the King of Fu. If they can get help from this person, they will definitely be invincible.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but promise: "If this matter comes to pass, I will report it to His Majesty and Mr. Yang Ge, and I can expect to be crowned a knight by then!"

"In this case, I would like to thank you in advance for your good wishes from the army!" Chen Hongfan was overjoyed when he heard this and couldn't help but bow quickly.

When the dispute between the two was settled, Chen Hongfan said goodbye to Zhu Dadian and headed to Denglai.

Denglai is the abbreviation of Dengzhou and Laizhou. It is located in the hilly area of ​​eastern Shandong, roughly located in the later Shandong Peninsula area, facing the Liaodong Peninsula across the sea.

Due to the rise of the Later Jin Dynasty in Liaodong, the Ming court set up a navy here to contain Liaodong.

When Chen Hongfan arrived in Dengzhou, he summoned deputy envoy Huang Sunmao, deputy commander-in-chief Jin Riguan, and Bai Dengyong, and told them his plan in detail.

Everyone pondered for a moment, and Huang Sunmao was the first to speak: "Just in the past few days, we have just received news that the 'Shun Bandits' sent troops to Liaodong, and it was all thanks to the navy to transport food and grass."

"How about we take the opportunity to cut off its waterway and let its 100,000-strong army sit and wait for death, making it unable to move south!"

"Deputy Commander Huang's words are wrong!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Huang Sunmao finished speaking, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Bai Dengyong retorted.

"What does it have to do with me if the 'Shun Thief' fights with Donglu? Even if you try your best, it will be a thankless task."

"In this case, why don't we threaten Beijing and Tianjin, making them uneasy and afraid to look south?"

"Oh? I wonder what Deputy General Jin thinks?" Chen Hongfan saw the deputy military commander Huang Sunmao and Bai Dengyong arguing, and couldn't help asking Deputy Commander Jin Riguan.

"Everything, everything is decided by the commander-in-chief alone!" Jin Riguan hesitated for a moment, guessed, and then said.

"Although Deputy Ambassador Huang's plan is good, water far away cannot quench the thirst of the people nearby!" Chen Hongfan said when he saw that Jin Riguan had no objection.

"Now Qingzhou City is in danger, and the court is in chaos. Even if the 'Shun Bandits' defeat Liaodong, what does it have to do with me?"

Chen Hongfan's idea is very simple, which is to remove the fuel from the bottom of the cauldron and attack what must be saved.

The Gyeonggi area has a huge impact. Once its navy appears on the nearby sea, the rebels have no choice but to recall their troops.

As long as Zhang Shun recalls his troops, the siege of Qingzhou can be solved and his goal will be achieved.

"This...that's true!" Huang Sunmao, deputy military commander, pondered for a moment after hearing the words and had to admit.

If he follows his method and cuts off the rebels' sea transportation lines, it will certainly deal a heavy blow to the rebels' Liaodong strategy.

But after all, it is a matter of making a wedding dress for others, and there is no need to do anything extra.

When Chen Hongfan saw that Deputy Military Envoy Huang Sunmao agreed with his opinion, he said happily: "In that case, Deputy Envoy Lao Huang will supervise the navy and go to fight against the thieves."

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders!" Huang Sunmao frowned when he heard this, but finally stood up and accepted the order.

He is the deputy commander of military preparations and can command guerrilla and general operations under the deputy commander-in-chief.

"Okay, then you will lead the battalion of Wang Guoji, Vice General Bai, Vice General Liu and General Wu Shen to attack!" Chen Hongfan couldn't help but continue to order.

"You have two hundred ships, big and small. We must defeat the Tianjin navy, and then burn them to death. It will cause panic in the people of Gyeonggi. It will be a great achievement!"

Although Chen Hongfan sent out many generals, in fact, except for Wang Youqi's two thousand soldiers, the other generals and deputy generals only led a few hundred people each.

With these three thousand soldiers, if they want to capture Tianjin and threaten the capital, it is naturally no more than a dream.

However, if they can take advantage of the empty defenses of the rebels and burn and kill in Tianjin, it will definitely frighten the capital, severely damage Zhang Shun's prestige politically, and trigger some careerists who are ready to take action.

At that time, whether Zhang Shun is willing or not, he must mobilize a large army to neutralize the threat posed by the Denglai Navy, and then Shandong, which is in danger, can take a breather.

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