Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1605 Encountering enemies at sea

The sea breeze is hunting and the waves are rolling.

It was October in the golden autumn, and the weather was already cold, but the sea outside Dagu mouth was very lively on this day.

"Dong dong dong!" Accompanied by the rumble of war drums, two two-masted and three-alumen bird boats were like arrows flying off the string, riding the wind and waves, flying close to the sea.

"It's too fast, this ship is too fast!" The sailors and soldiers on the ship shouted into the sea breeze while busy with their work.

It turns out that these two bird boats, although still in the shape of bird boats, are quite different from ordinary bird boats.

Its entire bow is fluttering, and the top of the bow is a sharp point. The entire ship looks like a soaring seabird with a sharp beak.

And just behind these two "seabirds", left far behind were several Cangshan ships of similar sizes.

"Haha, we are faster this time!" Although they are the same type of ship, there are differences.

Among them, the boat with a big red letter A written on the sail was obviously faster than the boat with a letter B written on it, and it had already passed several positions.

"It's strange, I didn't expect this ship's nose to be really useful!" Zhang Zizhou, director of the Tianjin Shipyard, looked at the Bird Ship Road being left behind with a look of disbelief on his face.

It turns out that these two new bird boats are both new experimental boats built by Tianjin Shipyard. The only difference between the two is that one has a "ship nose" installed and the other does not.

This so-called "ship's nose" is actually what Zhang Shun called the bulbous bow in his previous life, which is installed on the underwater part of the bow like a ram.

After I first installed this thing, the effect was actually not good.

It can neither improve the speed of the ship, nor is it conducive to the docking of the ship.

However, after many adjustments, Zhang Zizhou gradually discovered that a specific shape of the "ship nose" could increase the speed to a certain extent.

As a new mature ship type in this era, bird boats sail very fast.

As a result, according to Zhang Shun's idea, after changing the bow of the ship from "inward buckling" to "outward floating", the ship's speed increased a lot.

Now coupled with the "ship's nose", the ship simply flies.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zizhou couldn't help but order: "This test is considered completed. When we go back, we will put the other six newly built bird boats on the 'ship's nose' together!"

"It's a good relationship. It's just that the bird boat has been changed so much that even its mother may not recognize it. Shouldn't it still be called a bird boat?" Everyone laughed after hearing this.

"That's true. Do you have any good ideas?" Zhang Zizhou was delighted when he heard this and couldn't help asking.

Suddenly, some people called it "Sharp-billed Bird", and some people called it "Flying Arrow". There were all kinds of names at that time.

And just when everyone was offering their suggestions, someone suddenly said: "This ship was launched by His Highness, why not ask His Highness to name it?"

Zhang Zizhou was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly realized: "How could I have forgotten this? I was stupid!"

And just as everyone was joking, the lookout at the mast road suddenly shouted: "There is a ship ahead!"

"But our navy is returning?" Zhang Zizhou asked nonchalantly.

"Nearly a hundred ships are coming!" Unexpectedly, the lookout reminded loudly again.

Zhang Zizhou was stunned when he heard this, and his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

Except for small boats, the rebels only had twenty or thirty ships in total. Where there were nearly a hundred warships available, they must be the enemy's navy.

"What should we do, factory director?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this and shouted one after another.

"The other ships will retreat for the time being, and the other six bird ships will be mobilized to meet the enemy." Zhang Zizhou hesitated and said.

"Let's lead these two bird ships to deal with them first."

"This is too risky!" Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

With only two warships, you dare to fight against more than a hundred warships. Are you sure you are not looking for death?

"Don't be afraid. This ship was built under my personal supervision. I have a plan in mind." Zhang Zizhou couldn't help but say confidently after hearing this.

"Okay then!" I saw that Zhang Zizhou was also on the boat. He dared to give such an order. He must have a reason.

Following Zhang Zizhou's order, the half-hung hard sail slowly rose up under the twisting of the sailors.

Then adjust the direction of the sail according to the wind direction.

The sails were filled with wind and began to push the ship forward strongly.

This bird ship was originally configured with a light front and a heavy back. After receiving this push, it suddenly started to lift up like a speedboat in later generations.

The seawater blocking the bow of the ship also began to flow backward along the sides of the ship's hull, forming two waves that looked like white dragons.

The bow of the original bird boat is a typical forward-inclined bow, and more seawater is diverted to the lower part of the hull.

The new bird boat, which was improved upon Zhang Shun's suggestion, uses a bulbous bow.

This kind of bow adopts a special streamlined shape, which not only can separate more sea water, but also is more conducive to the stability of the hull.

Therefore, when other conditions remain unchanged, the new bird ship has faster speed and more flexible maneuverability. This is also the source of Zhang Zizhou's confidence.

"Look, there are two boats in front!" Just as the two bird boats of the rebel army were approaching quickly, Denglai Navy's exploration ship also discovered the movement of the rebel army.

"Oh? It must be the 'thief's' exploration ship that was sunk by me!" Huang Sunmao, the deputy military commander, couldn't help but ordered after hearing this.

In this attack, he led a total of 200 warships and 3,000 naval forces, bullying a dilapidated Tianjin navy, and he was still able to capture it.

Following Huang Sunmao's order, Vice Admiral Bai brought seven or eight boats to greet them.

Among them were one Haicang ship, two Cangshan ships, two bird ships and three sand ships collected from the people. They carried a total of 200 to 300 people, 56 cannons and 20 to 30 bird ships.

In terms of quantity alone, the two "strange ships" are enough to crush the "shun thieves".

"Well done!" Zhang Zizhou couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and quickly ordered his soldiers to bring the horizontal boat over and fire at the opponent.

In this era, the naval combat formation of the Ming Dynasty was still transplanted from the land formation, with the flagship as the core, and then surrounded by the combat formation of ships, battleships, fire ships, and exploration ships.

In fact, it is a combat formation adapted to using ships as soldiers and using close combat tactics such as burning and gang jumping.

Although this formation is quite satisfactory, it has not been further developed in view of the fact that there is currently not enough threat at sea.

However, the navy of the rebel army was different. Zhang Shun's memory allowed him to take the lead in proposing the "T-shaped tactics".

The so-called "T-shaped tactics" can also be called horizontal team tactics.

That is, when warships are fighting at sea, they use the side of the fleet to face the enemy and pour as much ammunition as possible onto the opponent's ship.

In the original history, this method of warfare continued until aircraft carriers were used in large-scale naval battles, and then gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

Of course, Zhang Shun didn't know anything about "T-tactics", but based on his experience in playing the game "Voyage" in his previous life, he believed that this way of fighting could best take advantage of the ship's artillery.

"Boom, boom!" Seeing Vice Admiral Bai rushing over with seven or eight boats, the rebels took the lead in starting the bombardment.

Originally, the rebel bird ships were each equipped with four artillery pieces.

Among them, there is a 500-jin red barbarian cannon at the front and stern, and two thousand-jin furlong guns are installed in the ship.

When the two bird ships came over from one side, there were four red cannons and two French guns that could be used at the same time.

"Bang bang bang!" With the sound of water, iron bullets splashed water columns on the sea.

"This 'thief' thief's artillery is so powerful!" Although he didn't hit anything, it still shocked Deputy General Bai.

He still adopted the traditional water battle formation, and his warships could only point their bows at the rebels.

That is to say, although he has five warships, which carry two 500-jin red barbarian cannons and eight thousand-jin furlong guns, in fact, each warship only has one cannon on the bow.

"Boom, boom!" Following Vice Admiral Bai's order, the Ming army's warships were shaken and spit out five iron bullets.

However, due to the poor hit rate of Franji, it was obviously unable to hit the rebel bird ship.

For a while, both sides were going back and forth, and a fierce artillery battle began with just these few ships.

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