Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1608 Water War Fire Attack

"Boat, boat, boat!" Just as the Ming army had just burned the first iron rope of the rebel army, someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked up and saw countless boats suddenly appearing in the upper reaches of the Haihe River.

These boats are not very big, they are just ordinary fishing boats, shuttle boats and other small boats. There is nothing scary. What is scary is just the things loaded on these small boats.

Although the Ming army could not see clearly due to the distance, their intuition told them that it was loaded with sulfur, fodder and other flammable materials.

Once approached by these fire ships, these war ships will be completely destroyed.

"What's it worth? There are iron ropes blocking the left and right sides. If you want to burn it, you have to burn his own iron rope first. What does it have to do with me!" Wang Youji was stunned when he saw it, and he couldn't help but reprimanded him quickly.

If both iron ropes were burned by himself, he would be worried.

Now only one of the two is broken. No matter how ferocious the rebel fireships are, what can they do?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh at the rebel army's stupidity: "This 'thief' attacked and destroyed himself, so I'll take credit for this great achievement!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a crashing sound, and saw two teams of people appearing on both sides of the Haihe River. They worked hard to turn the winches and loosened the iron ropes on the river, and then the boats crossed over easily.

"This is alive!" Wang Youyi was shocked and couldn't help but lose his mind.

On such a large river, there was a sudden fire attack. One could imagine what would happen to the hundreds of ships of his own.

"Quick, get out, get out!" Wang Youyi quickly ordered, "Get on top of the small boat and make sure it doesn't get close to the big ship."

The larger the boat in this era, the more difficult it was to start and turn.

Once someone takes advantage of you, no matter how good you are, it will be burned to the ground.

Following Wang Guoqi's order, dozens of exploration ships, cruise ships, and sand ships had already blocked the way.

The warships such as the Fu Ship, Haicang Ship, Cangshan Ship, and Bird Ship slowly turned, trying to escape from this land of death.

"Ha!" At this moment, the fire ship in front of the rebels took the lead and hit the exploration ship that came to block it.

The sharp collision angle of the ship's bow and the iron cone pierced hard into the Ming army's ship exploring the ship.

Without waiting for the actions of the spies on the Ming army's ship, the rebel sailors lit the burning objects on the ship and plunged into the water.

The blazing flames quickly made it impossible for anyone to stand on the exploration ship.

The spies had no choice but to abandon the boat and plunge into the Haihe River.

It didn't matter that they abandoned the ship. The original exploration ship and the rebel fire ship turned into a ball of flame and then burned downstream along the current.

At this moment, the Ming army's navy was already in chaos.

Either I'm blocking you, or you're blocking me.

Some grumpy people saw the fireship approaching and couldn't help but shoot it with a blunderbuss.

"Straight bitch, what are you doing? I am one of my own!"

"If you are one of our own, don't block my way. A good dog won't block my way!"

"Stop talking nonsense to him, and let me see the real deal!"

"Bang bang, boom!"

"Nima, you dare to use cannons! You think I can't live without cannons!"

"Boom boom boom!"

His shot didn't matter, it was like a signal gun. Immediately everyone followed suit and picked up the weapons in their hands to kill each other. Some even more vicious ones even ignited the generals and Franjis to attack each other. stand up.

Wang Youyi was so frightened that he shouted loudly: "Stop it, stop it!"

"General, leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late!" Zuo Zuo reminded him quickly.

Now the Ming Navy's navy was in a state like exploding a camp. How could he stop it?

Wang Youzhi's voice was almost hoarse from shouting, but it had no effect at all.

By chance, his boat had turned around at this time, and he quickly filled up the sailboat, gathering enough wind to escape to the lower reaches of the Haihe River.

While Wang Guerrilla was fleeing from Baotou, there were also many large ships that ignored the small boats and knocked them away, all the way eastward.

"Let's go, it's our turn!" Fatty Zhang, who stood on the fort and admired the "fireworks" for a long time, finally said.

"Here!" Standing behind him was a group of neatly dressed rebel soldiers, including three hundred cavalry and more than a thousand infantry.

As Fatty Zhang got on his horse, the more than a thousand cavalrymen got off the fort and headed downstream along the north bank of Haihe River.

"General, don't we care about this?" At this moment, the soldiers under Fatty Zhang couldn't help but point at the burning Ming army warships on the river.

"Those are all small fish. If we want to catch them, let's catch big fish!" Fatty Zhang laughed.

At the same time, there was a similar troop of soldiers and horses on the south bank of the Haihe River. Like a mirror image, they were led by Fatty Zhang's brother Fatty Zhang and were heading downstream along the river bank.

"How can we catch up with this?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this and couldn't help but wonder.

If the cavalry alone is used to pursue them, there is still a slight chance.

Now that Fatty Zhang does not have so many cavalry, how can he catch up with the Ming army's warships?

"Don't worry, he can't escape!" Fatty Zhang said confidently.

From the desert of northern Shaanxi to the coast of Beijing and Tianjin, not only Zhang Shun, but Fatty Zhang has also grown a lot.


"What's going on? Why don't you leave?" Just as Fatty Zhang said these words, there was only a loud noise over there, and the big blessing boat stopped in the middle of the river and stopped motionless.

"Iron rope, it's an iron rope!" Before Wang Youzhi could check it out, someone shouted.

Upon hearing this, Wang Youzhi quickly held on to the guardrail of the boat and looked down, only to see an iron rope floating from pine wood blocking the front of his boat.

"Can it be burned out?" Wang Youyi couldn't help but asked subconsciously.

"It can't be done, it's too late!" The soldier pointed at the sea of ​​fire behind him.

The fire ships of the rebel army were obviously not just a few or two. They were basically all fishing boats requisitioned from the civilian population. It could be said that there were as many as needed. At least these war ships were enough to burn the Ming army's war ships.

"Then what should we do?" Wang Youyi hesitated for a moment, and finally ordered helplessly, "Go ashore first and destroy the iron rope first!"

He had seen the rebel's winch upstream before, and felt that there must be a winch that could be controlled downstream.

As long as they use a winch to loosen the iron rope enough to allow the ship to pass through, they can escape.

The words awakened the dreamer, and as Wang Youyi gave an order, a large ship immediately lowered several small boats, and then carried more than ten soldiers to both sides of the bank.

As soon as the boat docked, these people filed out and began to search for the winch of the iron cable.

"There!" Someone with sharp eyes soon discovered the place where the iron rope was connected, and couldn't help but shout out.

"Quick, go over and loosen the iron rope!" Everyone shouted and rushed towards the winch.

However, at this moment, a sudden sound of rapid horse hooves came over.

Everyone turned around and saw a group of cavalry galloping towards them.

"No, it's the 'thief''s cavalry!" Everyone was shocked and were about to leave.

A group of cavalry had already caught up with him, slashing and slashing him, and he was instantly killed on the spot.

The same thing happened on the other side of the river almost at the same time.

"How dare you, thief!" When Wang Guoji saw him from a distance, his whole body became cold.

He quickly turned around and looked back, only to see that one after another the fire ships had also broken through the obstruction of the Ming army's boats and appeared on the river behind.

It's over, it's over, a thought flashed in his mind.

Two hundred warships and two thousand elite soldiers were burned to pieces without even seeing the enemy?

No, I don't accept this result!

Wang Youyi couldn't help but use up all his strength and shouted with all his strength: "Quick, land on the shore, I want to fight this 'thief' to the death!"

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