Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1609 Destruction

"Bastard, bastard!" Fatty Zhang stood on the bank of the turbulent river and couldn't help but cursed.

"General, why don't we find a few boats to cross over?" Zuo Zuo suggested after seeing him scolding him for a long time and his anger was almost gone.

"How? How do you think we can live?" Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Fatty Zhang became angry again.

It turned out that the rebels had finally cornered Wang Guoqi and his men, but in the end, this guy actually abandoned the ship and landed, heading towards the south bank of the Haihe River.

The fat man had a total of 3,000 soldiers and horses under his command. In addition to some garrisoned forts and Tianjin guards, he only brought 2,000 infantry and 400 cavalry to the battle.

He himself led 300 cavalry and 1,000 infantry to pursue along the north bank, while his brother Zhang Fatzi led 100 cavalry and 1,000 infantry to pursue along the south bank.

Unexpectedly, the Wang Guerrilla suddenly abandoned the ship and went to land, forming an array on the south bank of the Haihe River.

In this way, Zhang Fatty, who had fewer troops, and his men faced off against Wang Guerrilla's 1,500 remnant soldiers.

The outcome of both sides was uncertain for a while, so it was no wonder that Fatty Zhang was anxious.

No matter how eager he was, there was no bridge and no boat, so he could only look at the ocean and sigh.

Not to mention how furious Fatty Zhang was, Wang Guerji finally made it to the shore and was immediately attacked by Fatty Zhang and his men.

"Oops!" Before the two sides could exchange hands, many people fell into the mud with one kick.

It turns out that the area around Dagukou in this era was very desolate, and the shore was mostly muddy and wet, almost no different from a swamp.

Wang Youzhi and his men fell into this muddy place as soon as they landed.

At this moment, Fatty Zhang arrived with his cavalry. When he saw one or two hundred people getting off the ship, he couldn't help but said with great joy: "Kill!"

Even though he only has a hundred cavalry in hand, it is perfect for dealing with this kind of team that has not yet had time to form a formation.

"Ouch!" As a result, Fatty Zhang had just rushed forward when his horse suddenly stumbled and was immediately thrown off the horse, causing him to fall to pieces.

"You bastard, it's all mud!" After finally getting up, Fatty Zhang looked up and saw that seven or eight of his cavalry had fallen and were all stuck in the mud.

"This... this riverside is full of mud!" Some soldiers who rolled like mud monkeys reported this.

"Nonsense, I saw it!" Fatty Zhang, who was also like a clay monkey, cursed and quickly ordered: "Let the infantry come up, and the others will retreat first!"

The cavalry that lost their speed were naturally of no use and had to be placed on the periphery as surprise troops.

"Dong dong dong!" As waves of war drums sounded, the two groups of rebels formed two small formations and attacked in a pincer-like manner.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Before they could get closer, they heard a burst of cannon fire, which immediately injured seven or eight soldiers, and there was a commotion in the formation.

It turns out that the more than 100 warships of the Ming Navy are useless, but they carry a lot of artillery.

These artillery pieces are not very big. They are basically the thousand-jin furlong machine and the five-hundred-jin red barbarian cannon. Of course, there are also some thousand-jin red barbarian cannons.

When the guerrillas landed, Nawang carried a few of them with him. Others that had not had time to unload were placed on the ship for fire support.

The thin man Zhang intended to pick a soft persimmon, but unexpectedly he encountered a hard stone.

"What to do? Do you want to report to General Zhang?" Everyone saw that not only could they not attack, but if they waited for all the Ming navy to land, they might be able to counterattack, and they couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Tell him? What's the use of telling him!" Fatty Zhang was furious when he heard this.

"One can't fly here, and two can't swim here. I'm being laughed at for no reason!"

"Then... why don't we bring our cannons over? Our rebel army has never lost to anyone in a cannon fight!" Zuo Zuo quickly came up with an idea.

"Drag us here?" Fatty Zhang almost laughed, "Not to mention that our artillery is all left on the fort. Even if we drag him here, there won't be enough time."

"This won't work, and that won't work either. Why don't we wait until our fire ship burns their ship and then fight again?" Everyone on the left and right became anxious.

"Burn their ship?" Fatty Zhang was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't help but have a flash of inspiration.

"Hey, this is a good idea. Since you can use fire to attack on water, who says you can't use fire to attack on land?"

It turns out that it was early winter in October, the grass and trees were withered and yellow, and the reed flowers were flying. It's a good time to be careful with candles when the weather is dry.

After being reminded by the soldiers, Zhang Fatzi couldn't help but ordered: "Quickly, lead a team of people for me, go to the east and light the fire for me!"

Although the Haihe River runs east-west at this time, it bends slightly southward at this section, roughly showing a northwest-southeast direction.

Fortunately, the sea breeze at this time of year happened to be blowing from the southeast. If the rebels lit the fire from the upwind direction, they would be able to burn the Ming army's formation.

"Okay, this is a good feeling!" The captain received the order, quickly brought flint and igniting materials, and hurried away.

After a while, he selected a piece of reed. Then he first used flint to ignite the fire breakers, then used the fire breakers to ignite the reed flowers, and finally put the burning reed flowers into the reeds.

The fire took advantage of the wind, and soon the raging flames engulfed the entire reed bush, and then quickly spread in the direction of the Ming army's formation, shocking the Ming army to death.

"What are you afraid of when there is water?" When Wang Guoqi saw it, he couldn't help but calmly said, "Quick, seal it with mud!"

After Wang Gueryi reminded him like this, some of the soldiers had already reacted.

The place is humid and low-lying, so you only need to dig out the mud on the ground to seal the path of the fire, and you will be safe.

Thinking of this, hundreds of people rushed over, gouged it out with knives, then pocketed it with their clothes, covered it with all the nearby grass, and soon built a mud wall.

Soon those blazing flames rushed over, but they could no longer move forward, and the Ming army's formation turned the corner.

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay, 'dog thief', now Guizhou donkey is at the end of his game!" Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"What should I do?" When the rebel soldiers saw it, they couldn't help but look at each other and asked quickly.

"Straight bitch!" Fatty Zhang thought he had found a way to defeat the enemy, but unexpectedly he was defeated by someone's backhand, and he was helpless for a moment.

The vegetation at this time of year is dry, and it goes away as quickly as it comes. Soon the reeds and hay were burned out, leaving only the roots soaked in muddy water, still emitting bursts of black smoke, and the fire was about to go out.


Just when Fatty Zhang was at his wits' end, he suddenly heard bursts of coughing coming from the opposite side. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he couldn't help but slap his thigh and said: "Straight bitch, you are stupid. You can avoid being burned, how can you still avoid it?" Is it because of the smoke?"

It turned out that the embers that had just been burning were emitting streams of black smoke due to moisture at the roots. The smoke caused the Ming army to cough up and down.

The skinny man got this trick and ordered people to find dry reeds and firewood, soak them until they were half dry, and then let off a lot of smoke in the upwind direction.

Good guy, it doesn't matter if you let off the smoke, black smoke suddenly billowed and soon enveloped the Ming army's position.

"Ahem, general, what should we do, general!" The Ming army was confused and shouted one after another.

"This... this thief is so vicious, he actually wants to smoke us to death..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Wang Youzhi comforted him after hearing this.

"This wind blows from the sea to the land during the day and from the land to the sea at night."

"But when it gets dark, we will retaliate with their methods and use smoke to smoke them..."

But before Wang Youyi could finish his words, the rumble of war drums resounded across the battlefield again, and Fatty Zhang came over to kill him under the cover of thick smoke.

"Hold on, hold on quickly, we can counterattack when it gets dark soon!" Wang Youyi quickly encouraged loudly.

But he also knew that the smoke was quite heavy at this time, and the gunners on the ship also lost their vision and were unable to provide support.

The victory or defeat of both sides can only be determined by the breath in their chests.

If this breath is gone, then everything is over.

However, just when the two sides were fighting inextricably, no one expected that fireboats had already flowed down the river and rushed in under the cover of the smoke. After a while, pieces of fire flashed out of the smoke.

"Oh no, the ship is on fire, the ship is on fire!" It turned out that the rebel fireship took the opportunity to burn the Ming army's warship.

Originally, these warship king guerrillas were ready to give up, and he didn't feel bad if they were burned.

But he never expected that this burning at the critical moment would burn away the last bit of spirit of his soldiers.

"Failed, defeated!" Someone shouted, and suddenly the Ming army's formation, which was desperately resisting, became chaotic.

Many people, relying on their water nature, abandoned their swords and guns and jumped into the water.

More people were like headless flies, running around and killing each other, causing chaos for a while.

"We won, we won!" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw it, and quickly ordered, "Kill me, kill me hard!"

The two sides fought fiercely until late at night. By the time Fatty Zhang finally crossed the Haihe River and arrived at the battlefield, the war was basically over.

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