Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1614 Papery Dengzhou

"General, this is the east gate!" Just as Penglai Water City was in chaos, Fatty Zhang had already arrived near the east gate of Dengzhou Mansion under the leadership of Huang Sunmao's cronies.

"Chunsheng Gate?" Fatty Zhang looked into the distance and saw three big characters written on the city gate.

"Yes, go west into the city from here. To the south is the Haoyun Road Station, and to the north are the Penglai County Government Office and the Denglai Governor Station." The confidant said with a smile.

"Going further to the west, we will reach the Dengzhou Prefectural Government Office. The General Military Office is in the water city!"

"Oh?" Fatty Zhang was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask, "You mean, maybe there is no one in charge of government affairs in this city?"

"That's not certain!" Huang Sunmao's confidant smiled and explained, "Due to frequent wars, the governor of Denglai has been vacant for a long time. Zhu Dadian was temporarily appointed concurrently. Originally, the defense of Dengzhou was divided between our deputy envoy and the coastal governor. Commander-in-Chief Chen Hongfan is in charge."

"It's just that Chen Hongfan may be in Dengzhou or Shuicheng. It's hard to guess."

"Oh? Why is this?" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but wonder.

"The general doesn't know something. This Dengzhou city is located on the sea front and has always been prosperous. It is the most important town in Shandong." The confidant explained.

"It's just that since the Denglai Rebellion five years ago, they have been brutally massacred, the people have been displaced, and most of the city has been damaged, so it has been unable to recover!"

"Nowadays, even Dengzhou City has become unsafe. Therefore, we frequently change our location to prevent others from taking advantage of us."

"Oh? Is Penglai Water City not safe enough?" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but be surprised.

"If you look at Penglai Water City from the water, it looks like a Jincheng Tangchi. If you look at it from the land, it looks like a smooth road!" The confidant smiled.

"Oh?" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but feel moved, and asked quickly, "I don't know what you call your Excellency, but I don't expect you to be so attentive?"

"I don't dare. I am Bo Li Mingzhong, the lord of Changyi County, and he is not worthy of the general's inquiry!" the man said, cupping his hands.

"If we win this battle, you should take the lead!" Fatty Zhang couldn't help but chuckle, and then ordered, "The first division is preparing to attack the city, and the others will follow!"

Following Fatty Zhang's order, the 500 elite members of the First Division, who had already been neatly dressed, left their hiding place and rushed towards the Chunsheng Gate.

Since everyone came by boat and did not bring war horses, they could only walk.

As soon as the rebels appeared here, they were spotted by passers-by.

However, the costumes of the two sides were almost the same, and the rebels did not have the word "rebel" written on their foreheads. The pedestrians on the road did not realize what was going on.

However, due to the lessons learned from the Denglai Rebellion, everyone hurriedly stayed away for fear of being involved.

At this moment, the sentry at Chunsheng Gate also discovered the rebels' belongings and quickly blew the horn.


"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Bai Dengyong, the deputy general in the city, was drinking wine in a brothel and was shocked when he heard the sound.

"What's the matter, Master Jun? Come and have another drink!" "Xiao Taohong", the brothel's number one drinker, hurriedly persuaded the drinker.

"Eat your ass, and your brain will be gone if you eat it again!" After all, Bai Dengyong had experienced a battle, and he suddenly felt excited. He quickly grabbed his clothes and ran out.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw people around me who were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"What's going on? Where did the enemy come from?" Bai Dengyong asked as he dressed randomly.

"General, look!" Left and Right couldn't help but point their fingers.

"Oh? Is it the east gate?" Bai Dengyong's expression suddenly changed.


It turns out that in the fifth year of Chongzhen, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and others launched the Denglai Rebellion and occupied this city.

Later, after many battles by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, they were finally forced into a desperate situation.

At that time, before Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming ran away, they not only massacred more than ten thousand people in Dengzhou, but also wreaked havoc on the original defense facilities of Dengzhou City.

Among them, Chunshengmen suffered the most damage. Not only were the city walls and gates destroyed, but the trenches and moats were also filled in.

Although this matter has been going on for several years and has been repaired several times, there are still some imperfections.

"Hurry, go to the east gate now!" Bai Dengyong finally got dressed and didn't bother to go home to get his armor and weapons, so he hurried to Chunsheng Gate.

However, before Bai Dengyong arrived, a fight broke out outside Chunsheng Gate.

"Crash, break it away quickly!" Dozens of soldiers carried a log as thick as a bowl and slammed into the Chunsheng Gate.

Different from the impression of later generations, most city towers are equipped with thousand-pound gates. It is difficult to damage the city gates by means of collision like this.

But Chunshengmen is different. Its original thousand-jin gate has been damaged.

Today's city gates are just like those in later film and television works. They are purely bolted gates.

This kind of city gate looks normal, but in fact it doesn't need to be hit at all.

The rebel soldiers banged hard several times, only to hear a click and the door latch broke.

Everyone quickly abandoned the logs, pushed open the city gate, and swarmed in.

And the Ming army guards behind the city gate were not elite soldiers. Most of them were even wearing uniforms and no armor. How could they resist the wolf-like and tiger-like rebel army?

The three or five people who had just been chopped down suddenly dispersed in a rush, and the rebels immediately occupied Chunshengmen.

At this moment, Fatty Zhang also rushed in and quickly commanded: "Li Zhubo, you lead a group of people to Haiyun Road to recruit old friends. The others will follow me to the county government office, the governor's office, and the government office!"

Fatty Zhang's thinking is very clear. Since the battle situation in Penglai Water City is unknown, he needs to occupy Dengzhou City as soon as possible.

Only by occupying Dengzhou City and gaining a foothold can we have the opportunity to assist Deputy Envoy Huang Sunmao.

The fastest way to capture Dengzhou City is to first control the core of Dengzhou City.

Not long after, with Fatty Zhang running all the way, he quickly arrived at the Penglai County Government Office.

The Penglai County government office was quite dilapidated. When the rebels arrived, there were only a dozen government servants and servants in the government office.

When they saw the rebels charging towards them, they were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were split apart. They immediately ran away and fell down.

Fatty Zhang grabbed a man who looked like a master and asked him, and then he realized that the county magistrate had heard the noise and had abandoned his family and ran away.

So, he left a team of troops to control the place and continued to rush towards the governor's Yamen.

The governor's office is not far from here. After passing the bell tower, you can see the gate.

But just as the rebels arrived, they heard a cannon fire, and three or five people were injured immediately.

Fatty Zhang was startled. He looked up and saw that the door of the governor's office suddenly opened wide and a group of people came out.

It turns out that the governor's yamen was originally the command office of the Dengzhou Guard. Later, it was occupied by Jiu, the governor of Denglai, and it was changed to the governor's yamen.

Only in recent years has the vacancy of Denglai governor been occupied by Deputy Commander-in-Chief Bai Dengyong.

Bai Dengyong originally planned to go to Chunsheng Gate to command the defense, but unexpectedly the city gate fell before anyone could reach it. So he returned to the governor's office, gathered three to five hundred people, put on iron armor, took weapons, and fought back.

It didn't matter what he killed, he immediately defeated the rebels who were really out of line.

"Retreat, retreat to the bell tower first!" For Fatty Zhang, this level of chaos was all too familiar to him.

The rebel army's rear team became the front team, and the front team became the rear team. They retreated to the bell tower in an orderly manner amidst the chaos.

When he retreated, he saw Bai Dengyong and his men chasing after him, so he arranged the gunners and artillerymen on the bell tower.

For the convenience of the march, the relatively heavy prisoner-killing artillery, general artillery and field artillery were all left outside the city, and a lot of Dubaizi blunderbuss and Franchise machine guns were brought with them.

When the Ming army arrived, they fired cannons and artillery, killing and wounding dozens of people on the spot. The enemy's offensive could not help but stagnate.

Fatty Zhang then reorganized his troops, and then sent the Fourth Division to fight back.

In this way, the two sides fought for a while. Bai Yongdeng saw that the rebels were getting more and more numerous, and it was becoming more and more difficult to resist. He couldn't help but ordered: "Keep the green mountains here, don't worry about not having firewood. I will go to Shuicheng to find General Chen." , and then argue with him!"

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